Am I too heavy to start c25k?



  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member

    Last year at well over 350lbs I did:

    Sprint triathlon x2
    Olympic Triathlon x1
    5k x10?
    10k x2
  • SirBonerFart
    SirBonerFart Posts: 1,185 Member

    Last year at well over 350lbs I did:

    Sprint triathlon x2
    Olympic Triathlon x1
    5k x10?
    10k x2
    Are you 7 feet tall?
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member

    Last year at well over 350lbs I did:

    Sprint triathlon x2
    Olympic Triathlon x1
    5k x10?
    10k x2
    Are you 7 feet tall?

    Just really fat.
  • Lunarbeanie
    Lunarbeanie Posts: 107 Member
    No, def not too heavy. I weigh 290 and I'm doing the Running Room Learn to Run programme (similar to C2k5) and I can do it. You build very slowly. It is great. take your walk breaks. Stretch every time or you will get shin splints.
    Good luck! and have fun.
  • Tim249
    Tim249 Posts: 46 Member
    I was 305 the day I started. As others have said, just go slowly at first.
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    You don't need discouraging friends. You need encouraging friends! Use their negativity to your advantage. Look forward to the day that you can look them in the eyes and say "guess what! I completed C25K yesterday and I feel awesome"! There are groups on here for C25K that are full of encouragement. I encourage you to join one. It is nice to have the support of others that are doing it with you and who have completed it. Their advice and support along the way is great. I have completed it. It is a great program. Take your time, run as slowly as you need to and repeat any weeks that you need to. It is all about what works for you! Good luck and I wish you well on this journey!
  • smesche
    smesche Posts: 234 Member
    [/quote]Sounds like you need new friends ...[/quote]

    ^^ This

    I weigh more than you and I just finished Week 1. Only thing I've noticed is I definitely need better shoes and I'm picking those up tonight. Like others mentioned, try it and see if it feels right. If it doesn't, move on to something that does.

    Good luck!
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    I ran my first marathon at 231lbs (I'm 6'). So in a word? No. Get out there and do your best!
  • TXCC
    TXCC Posts: 56
    I started heavier than you and I am on week 5. I love this program! Just go slow and take your time. Don't worry if you feel like you are not ready to go to the next week. Repeat the week until you are ready to move on. Most importantly, invest in good running shoes.
  • jenn8785
    jenn8785 Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you so much for your replies. It's great to hear others have done it, so I am off to start it today.
    I have just heard a couple of friend telling me that there is no way I could do it at my weight so I was starting to believe I couldn't.
    Well if other have done it then so can I. it great to hear that others have done it.
    I don't expect it to be easy at all. Nothing easy exercise wise is going to do you much good.
    Thanks to all for replying so fast!

    #1 You need new friends...
    #2 I had a friend who is almost complete with it and she was 250#
    #3... I am 330... and I am working on week 2. :happy:

    GL! :drinker:
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    Not at all!

    Good luck with the program!
    Pay attention to your body while you're doing it. If anything starts to hurt, ease up and try to take a look at what/why. Are you not breathing enough? No water (or on the flip side, too much water)? Using bad form (back hunched over, Feet bending in/outward, Knees in check, etc)? Did you do your warm up/cool down/stretches?

    Also, don't be afraid to repeat weeks! Even if you don't make it to 5k by the allotted time for the program... at least you'll make it there ;) Better than all those people who can't!

    Again, best of luck and enjoy the gains! You'll feel great when you realize you CAN run :D
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I was 220 when I started. It got me through many 5ks, several half marathons, and tons of mud/obstacle races.

    Oh, and I lost over 70 pounds in the process.
  • kpick41
    kpick41 Posts: 81 Member
    I started and completed the program heavier than you. Go for it!
  • boredlimodriver
    boredlimodriver Posts: 264 Member
    I started C210k at 227ish pounds. you'll be fine
  • VeroniqueBoilard
    VeroniqueBoilard Posts: 71 Member
    I'm 217 pounds 5 ft 4 and I'm on week 5. Do it no more than 3x a week: rest is as important for the development of muscles and endurance as the actual exercises!

    I had problem with shin splints but I found this video and it's almost gone now:
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    Nope you are not to heavy at all, I just completed C25k last week and I am at 226. Good luck to you on your journey. It is an amazing feeling to accomplish this program so don't give up. You can do it, even if your mind is telling you that you cant.. Just keep going!!
  • snowmanluv
    snowmanluv Posts: 200 Member
    Go for it. Look for different programs online some start with the whole 45 others start out 20 minutes with 4 minutes walking then 1 minute run alternating. (I like this because literally I started at no exercise). It's ok to repeat a week if you feel like it's too much or too hard or you just weren't ready to start. Start with regular shoes. If you continue into week 2 or 3 consider upgrading to running shoes. ($$ but worth it on both you feet and body). It's ok to go slow. It's ok to repeat weeks. As long as you keep moving you will make it up there.
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    I say no, you're not too heavy, but listen to your body. Also, there's no shame in re-doing a step if you don't quite feel ready to progress to the next step. Good luck!
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    I'm 195 at 5'3" and Ive been doing it for 5 weeks and feeling good- my shins were starting to hurt a little so I took a few days off and we're back to good.
    Start it and see how you feel. Take it slow and listen to your body.
  • snowmanluv
    snowmanluv Posts: 200 Member
    Forgot, you might want to consider doing it 4x a week. I found that 3x wasn't enough for me to bump up to the next week.