What do you eat before an early morning workout

I work out first thing in the morning, around 5:30-6am. I'd like to eat a little something before I workout because I feel my workout would be better with a little fuel in the tank but I am having trouble finding something that doesn't make me want to yak 20 minutes into my workout. I've tried a banana, yogurt, something with peanut butter....nothing seems to work EXCEPT apple juice but it has way too many calories.

If you work out first thing, what do you eat and how soon before your workout do you eat it? Thanks in advance for sharing!


  • OmegaGator
    OmegaGator Posts: 37 Member
    Last semester when I had time to workout in the mornings (5:30 A.M.) I had steel cut oats. They are great, I was able to do all the workouts. I had enough energy and yet I didn't feel bloated. I never measured how much I ate but it was about a cup and a half of them (after cooking) with some carnation milk and maple syrup. It is a lot for most people but I'm a pretty big guy so I ate more. I also made them the night before usually, they take some time to make. I made big batches, they last for a few days.
  • SierraElegance
    SierraElegance Posts: 86 Member
    How about making a protein shake and drinking half before and half after your workout?
  • whole wheat english muffin toasted with 2 Tbsp peanut butter :)
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    I don't eat until I'm done. If I eat before I workout, I feel ill. :-x
  • I used to feel nauseous working out after I ate too so I started working out on an empty stomach. After my body adjusted to my workouts I started eating a slice of ezekiel toast with natural peanut butter before working out.
  • Javierho
    Javierho Posts: 9
    How about a mini energy bar, like Cliff's Mini bars or a small Luna bar? The Cliff's mini is 100 calories and packed with carbs and protein to fuel your workout and recovery.

    I got some at Target yesterday and ate one before my jog/walk this morning. I drank it down with a small glass of water since they are kind of dense.
  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    I know you have already mooted this, But I eat a banana & my pre workout shake(energy not whey) 40minutes before workout.

  • jwatson7
    jwatson7 Posts: 58 Member
    I've done ok with eating oatmeal (plain instant oatmeal with fresh blueberries) or a fried egg white with toast/english muffin. I typically wait 30-45 minutes before I begin my workout.
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    I eat AFTER. And I have more than enough energy to get through a 6 mile run.
  • Always824
    Always824 Posts: 111 Member
    I normally get up around 315am and have 1 cup of fruity pebbles (gluten free) and 1/2 cup of almond milk and then a 5 hour energy shot... by the time i get to the gym at 530 im ready to go :)
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Oatmeal, sometimes a bit of coffee, like a half cup. I don't like dairy or anything that's going to slosh or give me cramps, and oatmeal sits really well in my stomach, even before a vigorous run. I also sometimes just do a piece of bread with peanut butter, because it doesn't do weird things in my stomach while I'm working out, either.
  • kayteesb
    kayteesb Posts: 34 Member
    My trainer, Stu @ ESC CrossFit Southend, suggests an apple with a small serving of protein. So I usually have a small braeburn apple and about 7 slices of turkey pepperoni. I am also a supplement fan. So I take a tablespoon of L-Carnatine before my workout.
  • Well I suggest you to eat an apple wid skin and of 150 gm----it provide you fiber complex carbs sugar to boost energy n water and only 100 or below calories--- I also take casin protein or simple whey protein 30-40 mins and believe me results will be positive----200-250 calories shud be there if u want to gain muscle otherwise ur hard earned muscles wil b lost and even if u want to loose then go for apple and 500 ml water for sure
  • LaurelSweet
    LaurelSweet Posts: 1 Member
    No one clearly answered this question. I think she means the same thing I do. I wake up at 5:30am and throw on workout clothes and fire up my workout video. I literally only have 30 min window to do all this (so eating 30-60min prior is not an option) and then proceed to get ready for work. I need something I can eat while computer firing up. Is a banana suffice? Then I drink a green smoothie with protein powder added on drive to work. I used to workout on empty stomach so this is an improvement.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I like eating string cheese and drinking protein coffee.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I haven't been eating anything. I just don't feel the need.
  • minty95
    minty95 Posts: 21 Member
    Oats (porridge) with fruits

    I use 30gms to 60gms dry weight ( 1 to 2 filled protein shake scoops ) mixed with water the night before, just bring to boil and leave it to soak so that I don't have to cook it in the morning

    I add about 100 gms of frozen fresh fruit, left to thaw, again the night before, sometimes I drinks a protein shake , or add the protein to the aots
  • athenasurrenders
    athenasurrenders Posts: 278 Member
    I never used to eat anything for the same reason, but as the workouts got harder I felt like I should.

    Lately I've been eating avocado ice lollies. Avocado, lime juice and zest, a little sugar, and water. About 80 cals a pop, very very light on the tummy and just enough for a little boost.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    No one clearly answered this question. I think she means the same thing I do. I wake up at 5:30am and throw on workout clothes and fire up my workout video. I literally only have 30 min window to do all this (so eating 30-60min prior is not an option) and then proceed to get ready for work. I need something I can eat while computer firing up. Is a banana suffice? Then I drink a green smoothie with protein powder added on drive to work. I used to workout on empty stomach so this is an improvement.

    Yes a banana will suffice. I will go for an hour's run first thing in the morning on one banana. The reason I do not eat anything heavier than that is because it would take too long to digest and I do not consider it good to run on a heavy stomach.

    I have also run on no food (fasted run), had no problems with that one.
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    I typically eat a slice of wheat bread & peanut butter. I can't stomach much else until after.