In Between Meal Snacks

Nita_Bita Posts: 136 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
So I'm completely at a lost of what to eat between meals when I'm hungry. I see alot of sites saying that I should be eating like 5 meals a day to keep my metabolism up, but I'm not hungry all the time in between meals. Do I still have to eat something light even though I'm not hungry in between meals. And what if I am hungry, what do I eat? Fruits have alot of sugar to eat so much of it everyday and I like granola bars but they have a lot of sugar too. I'm lost :sad:


  • haha i'm in the same situation here.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    That's easy! Try a half cup of plain Greek yogurt with a little sweetener. (I also love adding Mrs. Dash Caribbean Spice to mine.) Cheese is also good, as are nuts. The sugar in fruit isn't so bad since it is natural. If you're worried about the impact on blood sugar, try pairing it with the cheese or nuts or yogurt. :happy:
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I keep a container of Blue Diamond Almonds on my desk, they are Cinnamon and Brown Sugar... they have an ounce viewer on the side so I can see how much I've eaten. And generally if I am hungry will eat an ounce, if not, then I will eat a small amount (today I ate 2).

    Also Protein Bars, I found I really Like Pria Protein Bars Mint Chocolate Chip. Fiber One has some really good bars but can have a lot of sugar in them like you said.

    I also keep String Cheese, Yogurt (Greek) and Fruit on hand. Melons and Berries are the best kind of fruit if your watching sugar.

    Also popcorn is an ok snack, but not every day and try not to use the salt shaker.. but some Garlic and Papprika taste really good.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    try kashi granola bars, they are high in fiber and a good source of protein. Also babybel mini cheese is good, fruits & veggies are a must, and nuts. Blue Diamond makes some pretty tasty almonds covered in snacky flavors :)
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Also Sugar Free Jello or Sugar Free Pudding...
  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member

    I usually eat half of an apple with peanut butter. It is very good. I was surprised when I first tried it. I thought it would taste awful. But instead, it was the opposite.
  • I definitely recommend eating between meals. The thing is, when you actually get and feel hungry- that's when your body is in the danger zone. Like your body is signaling to you that it needs fuel now. If you eat little bits throughout the day, you are less likely to spike your sugars and cause your body to a) try to hold onto the meal that you eat b) want to overeat at a meal.
    I have busy days running between work sites, going to class etc. so my day has to have lots of easy ways to incorporate food.
    The thing that works for me is always an apple in the morning and a banana in the afternoon. I also add tbspn of peanut butter to my apple if I'm having a draggy afternoon or morning. Finally, yogurt is something I always snack on too. You can also find a really healthy recipe for zucchini bread, apple muffins, etc. Make sure you cook it with walnuts or pecans for extra protein. Watching the portion size is key- just make it really small- like a mini-muffin, or a thin slice of bread, and it will give you the boost you need in between meals. I hope this helps... as I get bored I am always looking for more suggestions on things to try too.
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    So I'm completely at a lost of what to eat between meals when I'm hungry. I see alot of sites saying that I should be eating like 5 meals a day to keep my metabolism up, but I'm not hungry all the time in between meals. Do I still have to eat something light even though I'm not hungry in between meals. And what if I am hungry, what do I eat? Fruits have alot of sugar to eat so much of it everyday and I like granola bars but they have a lot of sugar too. I'm lost :sad:

    No, don't eat if you don't feel hungry.

    It's not necessary to eat 5 meals a day to keep your metabolism burning. It can be helpful if you feel hungry to break your meals up into smaller ones and spread it out, but that doesn't affect your metabolism. See this article:

    But if you want some some snack ideas that aren't fruit:
    cottage cheese
    pb on 1/2 english muffin
  • Try Yogurt, the Yopliat Light is only 100 and helps with the calcium that you need plus it has some protein which helps when you are just a little hungry. Also don't know if you have a Trader Joes where you are at but they have the best Seasame Honey Cashews, they are 170 for 1/4 cup, sometimes a little bit of cheese on a couple of whole wheat crackers. Cheese is one of the most filling foods you can eat so a little can really go a long way, throw in a couple of fresh veggies and it can keep you going in between meals. I do make sure to keep my fruit intake to the morning and mid day meals.

    When I'm really hungry in between meals I eat my light snack followed by as much water and I can does help take the hunger away till meal time.

    Phoenix, AZ
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Double check ingredient list on yogurt. Alot of them have high fructose corn syrup in the first few ingredients. Bad news, IMO.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    boiled eggs, string cheese, trail mix, celery w/PB, apple slices w/PB, cottage cheese w/fruit, apple slices w/LF cheddar cheese

    Gee, can you tell I go for the protein bump? lol
  • Personally I eat nuts and berries xxx
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