Well, um. Hey, hello there.

Week one of this new plan I'm going to try out.
Honestly, this is the longest I've ever stuck to a better eating plan/exercise routine, and it's been about five days!
I'm taking that as a sign.

I'm 18 years old, and I've been fat for as long as I can remember. I remember wearing size 12 jeans in the THIRD GRADE.

So, it's now time to lose around 110 pounds. 150-160 is my goal weight, because I have a very wide frame.
I've lost 6 pounds this week so far, and most of it is water, I'm sure.

Anyways, wish me luck! :)
Here I go!


  • Hello_Schroddy
    You have an excellent name. Just so you know.
    I'm enjoying the mental picture of a bearded octopus....

    Oh, and good luck. You'll do great. :smile:
  • gr8k8b
    gr8k8b Posts: 21 Member
    Oh I remember those feelings. I hated going clothes shopping when I was in school, cause I was shopping in the adult sizes around age 10. But you've already lost some, and just stick to it, and the rest will melt away too.


    If you ever need a friend to vent to, I'll be hear to listen.
  • octopusbeard
    octopusbeard Posts: 19 Member
    Haha, thank you! :) I'm obsessed with octopi, and bearded men. :P
  • EQHanks
    EQHanks Posts: 170 Member
    good luck on your journey. This website is excellent for support. Keep it up girl, I know how you feel, I have a similar story..but I am 26 now! So get healthy and good luck!

  • octopusbeard
    octopusbeard Posts: 19 Member
    Oh I remember those feelings. I hated going clothes shopping when I was in school, cause I was shopping in the adult sizes around age 10. But you've already lost some, and just stick to it, and the rest will melt away too.


    If you ever need a friend to vent to, I'll be hear to listen.

    Terrible, terrible, terrible. I've also been the token fat girl of every group I've been in, also. All of my skinny 125-pound friends borrowing each other's clothes, and shopping together. It was rough not to be a part of that, but I'm making changes for the better now! I'll show them.
  • sunshine4me
    sunshine4me Posts: 69 Member
    Welcome and Congratulations on that 6 pounds!
    I'm struggling with getting mine to move so I take it one day at a time! I'm excited to be here for support if you need me. Add me as a friend if you like and we can cheer each other on! I also think your name is cute!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    hi octo........welcome. Hey, you ve got an advantage, youre young..........

    Your metabolism is going to work in your direction Thats awesome. Good luck, youre a nice looking girl, and your weight loss will only enhance your beauty............good luck, Ill be rooting for you too...........Lloyd
  • saychzzz
    saychzzz Posts: 69 Member
    Well, you and I have the same story but mine is much longer- I'm 43. I'm shooting for 109 pounds so maybe we can encourage eachother. If you'd like, add me as a friend and I'll cheer you on as we go! Best of luck and keep up the great work. :)
  • mollykay09
    hey! i just joined yesterday and I know how you feel. I'm the "fat girl" of all my friends too and I hate it. I always watch them buying all the cute clothes and I WANT TO TOO! My goal is about the same as yours so I am right there with ya! Good luck!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Well, good luck in your journey! Just remember that you are not too young to start making healthy choices. I'm only two years older than you. :o)
  • octopusbeard
    octopusbeard Posts: 19 Member
    Many thanks to all of you for the kind words! It's really great knowing I'm not alone on this long road I've got ahead of me. Especially when all of my friends don't want me to lose weight. I think it's because they're afraid I'll be the prettiest girl once I shed these pounds. :P
  • brockly25
    you pick the right place :) you can do it and i know you will do it :) yeah the frist week is some water... but drink alot of water and it will help you in menys ways :) just remember if you have a bad day eating just right it down .... in time you will see what you have been doing and things will change :)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Haha, thank you! :) I'm obsessed with octopi, and bearded men. :P

    Beardopi? :tongue: But really, your screen name makes me think of Davey Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean. Arrrrgh!

    Welcome to the site! You'e got a great goal and a great mindset. You're going to find a ton of supportive and happy people here, ready to cheer you on! :D
  • Beebee78
    Well done on your loss so far! Good luck on your journey xxx