Hey, hey people!

Hello all! My name is Jonsie, I'm almost 22 (end of August) and I'm just getting out into the "real world" on my own this past year :p ANYWAYS I've been on here a few days now and I figured I should probably make a post and say hey. I see a lot of people are requesting friends, that'd be cool. I'm just sort of bopping around for now, I already love the site and am finding it hellaeasy to adjust my diet and everything- then again I haven't gone out to a restaurant or anything yet so I haven't had to go through the trouble of figuring out what exactly is in food I haven't prepared myself XP Anywhoot, I live in Ontario and just moved to a new city so I'm trying to find work and do that sorta thing which is, oh, so much fun XD Soooo, if you want to add me that would be great, it'd be nice to have some people to talk to and keep me focused (I tend to be very flighty with things and can only focus on them a few days without some sort of stimulus XDD). Hopefully I'll talk to you soon! :)


Oh, and anyone play WoW on here?


  • StillStrugglin
    StillStrugglin Posts: 43 Member
    Jonsie McDoodle Bop (my new name for you); you seem like a fun person! Nice to meet you. You know, this is a great time to learn about healthy eating. When I first moved out on my own (back when dinosaurs ruled the earth) I had NO CLUE what to cook, or what a proper meal looked like. Good on ya' for getting your *kitten* together! Also, I work in an employment-related field so message me if you want any help in that regard!! :)
  • Hannah_Hopes
    Hannah_Hopes Posts: 273 Member
    Hello! Good luck on your journey in health and in finding work :)
  • JonsieMcJones
    JonsieMcJones Posts: 26 Member
    That, my friend, is an excellent name 8D Whoo, friends! I'm pretty pumped to be getting everything sorted out and 'm excited to be on the site and working toward a healthier me both mentally and physically ^-^