Stress eaters?

Hello my name is Christine and I am a stress eater.

But seriously, I am under so much stress this month!! Got a lay off notice (last day August 30), my grandkids are being put in foster care, my parents lost their house in foreclosure and now need to find a new place to live and they are in their late 60's.

I know that these are all things I do not have control over, but it is still very stressful!!

So I can feel the tension in my face, so why does this make me want to eat? I haven't done it too much, or at least not as much as I use to, but the potato chips in my drawer here at work are calling my name!!

Anyone else experience this??


  • ViktoryaC
    ViktoryaC Posts: 124 Member
    I've dealt with the same problems I'm afraid. I never used to be a stress eater until my new job, and now I just cant stop grazing all put 50 pounds on me in a year, so it has to stop!
  • dlbredesen
    dlbredesen Posts: 122 Member
    None of my business but you put it out there so here goes. Why would you allow your grandchildren to go into foster care???? Is there no responsible family member that will step in and give these children a home????
  • KatC_88
    KatC_88 Posts: 101 Member
    Bring snacks with you, try watermelon or cantaloupe! carrots and celery are good or make squash chips. at least you would be eating healthy! Above all don't lose faith, God can get you thru anything! Praying for your family!
  • ktthegr8
    ktthegr8 Posts: 479
    I am sorry about all of this stuff happening in your life. It is interesting that you acknowledged that these are all things you do NOT have control over, but eating is something you DO have control take control. You have the tools to do it.

    I recently dealt with a bunch of crap I had no control over and my eating went out of control, too. Thankfully, my mom reminded me that I know how to control my is work, but I CAN control it and I when I do, I feel better about the things I can't control.

    Good luck!!
  • angelac1296
    angelac1296 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm sorry there is so much terrible stuff going on in your life. I know the feeling! It sounds like your eating is about the only think you CAN control right now. As hard as it is, I bet you'll feel better if you DO control it. Letting it spiral out will probably make you feel worse.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Yes, 1000 times yes.
    This is a difficult time of life.
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    Oh, that sounds terrible! I'm sorry for all of your troubles right now! Replace the potato chips with something healthy like fruits and veggies. I like celery and cucumber to munch on. I find that I can satisfy my stress munchies in a good way if I am prepared with a healthy option. Preparation is key.
  • cgphelps24
    cgphelps24 Posts: 122 Member
    None of my business but you put it out there so here goes. Why would you allow your grandchildren to go into foster care???? Is there no responsible family member that will step in and give these children a home????

    This is something that is beyond my control. That is something that I am also stressing about, trying to find someone who can take them and financially care for them as well. We have some family members who are stepping in, but they are still in foster care until their background checks/home studies are completed.
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    None of my business but you put it out there so here goes. Why would you allow your grandchildren to go into foster care???? Is there no responsible family member that will step in and give these children a home????

    This is something that is beyond my control. That is something that I am also stressing about, trying to find someone who can take them and financially care for them as well. We have some family members who are stepping in, but they are still in foster care until their background checks/home studies are completed.

    I still don't understand. Especially if you are going to be laid off. I would be filling out the paperwork myself to foster my own grandchildren. Maybe if you went this route you would not be so stressed about the situation, you would be doing something about it. Sorry, but not something I would ever allow myself. I don't normally comment on this type of thing, but you mentioned it, so that's my two cents.
  • cgphelps24
    cgphelps24 Posts: 122 Member
    None of my business but you put it out there so here goes. Why would you allow your grandchildren to go into foster care???? Is there no responsible family member that will step in and give these children a home????

    This is something that is beyond my control. That is something that I am also stressing about, trying to find someone who can take them and financially care for them as well. We have some family members who are stepping in, but they are still in foster care until their background checks/home studies are completed.

    I still don't understand. Especially if you are going to be laid off. I would be filling out the paperwork myself to foster my own grandchildren. Maybe if you went this route you would not be so stressed about the situation, you would be doing something about it. Sorry, but not something I would ever allow myself. I don't normally comment on this type of thing, but you mentioned it, so that's my two cents.

    ok. I know what you are saying and I totally agree. I was going to adopt them but something in my past from my very young adult life came up and now I do not have that choice. I have tried every which way possible I can to get around this but it is just impossible. So I came to terms with this and now I am looking for someone else within my family who can take them that way I can still be a grandmother to them and have contact with them rather than have their mother go to trial and possible remove all her rights and have a closed adoption.

    Beleive me I tried my hardest to fight this fight. I can't dwell on the past, again nothing I can do about this, so I have to look for the next best thing.
  • DoingItForME724
    DoingItForME724 Posts: 130 Member
    similar situation to you,
    had my third baby in 3 years, broke my ankle, my husband had to leave work to help me, not enough money for food or rent, not to mention bills. My husbands best friend was killed in an accident. In the end we are still given another day to live, another day to progress, another day to make good choices. Thankful for another day.

    I also am a stressful eater but im learning to cope with lifes circumstances day by day. Add me if you'd like a friend
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    None of my business but you put it out there so here goes. Why would you allow your grandchildren to go into foster care???? Is there no responsible family member that will step in and give these children a home????

    This is something that is beyond my control. That is something that I am also stressing about, trying to find someone who can take them and financially care for them as well. We have some family members who are stepping in, but they are still in foster care until their background checks/home studies are completed.

    I still don't understand. Especially if you are going to be laid off. I would be filling out the paperwork myself to foster my own grandchildren. Maybe if you went this route you would not be so stressed about the situation, you would be doing something about it. Sorry, but not something I would ever allow myself. I don't normally comment on this type of thing, but you mentioned it, so that's my two cents.

    ok. I know what you are saying and I totally agree. I was going to adopt them but something in my past from my very young adult life came up and now I do not have that choice. I have tried every which way possible I can to get around this but it is just impossible. So I came to terms with this and now I am looking for someone else within my family who can take them that way I can still be a grandmother to them and have contact with them rather than have their mother go to trial and possible remove all her rights and have a closed adoption.

    Beleive me I tried my hardest to fight this fight. I can't dwell on the past, again nothing I can do about this, so I have to look for the next best thing.

    Well, this sounds like a very complicated situation, and that you are doing your best to cope. The stress eating will not help, as you know, it will only make things worse. I was just telling my dh today that this past week has been so stressful for me all I want to do is eat. After 3 months of not really missing sweets and junk food this is a surprise for me. I've been fighting this compulsion for the last 5 days and I'm really sick of fighting it. All we can do it try to stay strong, and push on. I know for me that I feel so much better, and I'm able to walk without pain, so it is not worth it to me to give in and go back where I started a few months ago.

    Keep on with what you're doing and moving forward, you will be glad that you did.
  • rbb93
    rbb93 Posts: 1
    I think people eat when they are stressed because of some link to the cave-man heritage of survival instincts and eating high calorie food to survive, and although the stressors have changed from survival to things like what you are going through, we still respond physically in similiar ways. Try exercising more or doing something physical to satisfy the physiological response! It's almost like the fight or flight response, and exercising is another way of satisfying it rather than eating!
    Sorry if this doesn't make sense i'm terrible at explaining things!