A Planned Binge Day.??..

I dont know if this is the best thing for me but I enjoy setting one day aside every month to allow myself to indulge in whatever DESSERT I want although I do allow myself a treat-or maybe two-of healthier desserts everyday!. On my "binge" days I end up consuming tons of cakes, cupcakes, cookies, ice cream, chocolate, cereals and anything else you can think of that is sweet! I usually end up eating around 3000 calories more than my daily allowance. I am maintaining my weight and eat around 1750 calories a day. Can I gain weight from this? I know binge eating is a horrible thing and can lead to future disorders but can I really gain weight from having a day to enjoy a day of PURE DESSERT? ADVICE please :D


  • judtod
    judtod Posts: 85
    I take one day off per month to eat whatever I want. I don't go that crazy. But, I have found that I can't eat the food I used to eat. If I do, I am sick the next day. So I usually end up eating one treat meal, a dessert and just enjoy not counting calories the rest of the day. Tomorrow is my day off. I plan on eating dinner at a terrific Turkish restaurant and eating homemade vanilla ice cream with a homemade roasted cherry sauce (yum).
  • fitnotskinnyxo
    fitnotskinnyxo Posts: 38 Member
  • toothpastechica
    toothpastechica Posts: 250 Member
    maybe it would be something you can maintain it as a lifestyle better if you allow yourself a "anything I want" dessert (but just one dessert!) once a week rather then having an all out dessert binge day once a month....that way you are getting your sweets every week so you might not feel the need to consume so many sweets calories on one day and might actually end up eating less desserts without feeling like you are missing out as much when you try and have "once a month" day.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Dangerous for me. A day becomes a week becomes a month becomes a year becomes a decade and before I know it I've gained another 50 pounds.
  • angieochoa1201
    Im planning to take a day off work to spend at the gym So that I can eat an entire pack of oreos...One day
  • fitnotskinnyxo
    fitnotskinnyxo Posts: 38 Member
    is it possible to gain weight if I do this? I feel as though I have a horrible relationship with food. If I allow myself to indulge once every week, I begin to panic and wonder if I gained weight.
  • fitnotskinnyxo
    fitnotskinnyxo Posts: 38 Member
    For some reason, eating healthy for an entire month and then going crazy for one day just doesn't seem as damaging to the scale!
  • barbaradetz
    barbaradetz Posts: 23 Member
    Why torture yourself and then blow it by eating that many calories any day? I have a more practical suggestion. I have been on a steady weight loss program for several years. I have found that if I follow strict discipline six days each week, I can allow myself to eat whatever I want on Sunday for one meal or have one dessert. So, if I want to have a higher calorie meal there's a time to do it. Or if I want to have my favorite dessert, there's a time that I can do that without feeling guilty and blowing my diet plan completely. You have to be disciplined, but you have to give yourself room to live it up a little too.
  • fitnotskinnyxo
    fitnotskinnyxo Posts: 38 Member
    Well because I am so disciplined majority of the time, I will not know when to stop when I finally do give in!
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    I don't know if you're aware, but a binge isn't generally something you want to do or plan to do your body. Most people who suffer from binge eating get so full they feel physically ill for hours, if not for the rest of the day.

    I think what you might mean is that you want to have a day where you incorporate some foods you don't normally allow so that you don't lose your sanity. I do this occasionally, I'll exercise pretty hard in the morning, then eat at maintenance for the remainder of the day. I find 2300 calories more than enough to get all the foods and drinks I like.
  • stephenszymanski
    stephenszymanski Posts: 114 Member
    Depriving yourself of what you like is recipe for disaster. Instead of having a binge day one time a month, have a cheat meal every so often.
  • HarrietSmeltzer1
    HarrietSmeltzer1 Posts: 101 Member
    The cook only cookies that i don't like are oreos and that us a blessing i also don't like barbequed chips so when my kids were little that its what i n bought home no temptation
  • hamminit
    hamminit Posts: 184 Member
    Im planning to take a day off work to spend at the gym So that I can eat an entire pack of oreos...One day

    I really like oreos :) mmmm and milk- sounds like a plan!
  • fitnotskinnyxo
    fitnotskinnyxo Posts: 38 Member
    Does this work for you? What if i eat nearly 4500 calories on that day? Will i gain weight?
  • NanoBear
    NanoBear Posts: 67
    I'd suggest reading up on something called a re-feed (or carb re-feed or re-load, and a few other names too).
    This is a good starting point: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/sclark60.htm

    Just don't go over the top crazy with it, and don't do it too often. It does require some willpower to go straight back into your normal food/workout routine. As for the "will I gain weight?" part, the answer is usually that you will gain a small amount in the short term, but it can lead to better results in the longer term. (seriously, read the page at that link!)

    (Bodybuilding.com is a pretty good starting point for a lot of things. They have a wealth of information for both bodybuilders and normal people too!)
  • siqiniq
    siqiniq Posts: 237 Member
    Depriving yourself of what you like is recipe for disaster. Instead of having a binge day one time a month, have a cheat meal every so often.

    Or better yet, don't take away the foods you love. Don't think of your new way of eating as a diet. Work the foods you like best into your daily allowance, and don't deprive yourself.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    is it possible to gain weight if I do this? I feel as though I have a horrible relationship with food. If I allow myself to indulge once every week, I begin to panic and wonder if I gained weight.

    i would have to agree with the horrible relationship....

    whats wrong with a cupcake every now and then or a doughnut, if it fits into your calorie goal?
    ALLENFLO Posts: 61 Member
    You should be able to answer your own question in about 2 - 3 weeks. Weigh yourself. Binge as you do. See if you gained weight.
