***Warning*** Confession

heyjude78 Posts: 160
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I was feeling sorry for myself this morning because I got in a fight with someone. I had woken up with a lot of energy and had planned on working out early this am, but instead I opened up the pantry and dug into some unopened oreos (which aren't even mine). After I ate one I finished the entire row. I felt better, but I know that I should've felt grossed out. In the back of my mind I knew I was going to work out today so I kind of felt like I would cancel it out (yeah if I had eaten like 4 or 5).

Anyway...I know it's better for me if I just put it out there instead of keeping it inside... I know I'm great at sabotaging myself and still have yet to figure out why.

Thanks for reading...... can anyone else relate?

ps- they were double-stuffed!!!


  • edemair
    edemair Posts: 9 Member
    I go to the gym and work off every calorie I ate to punish myself. I don't sleep until I meet my Goal.
  • reneer0se
    reneer0se Posts: 8 Member
    I can SOO relate...but try and not beat yourself up..but also know that your BETTER than those oreos!! Every time I look at food now I think how long will it take me to walk.run..dance that off..is it REALLY worth it..and not even just the exercise, but you are toying with emotional stress with a fight and it is SO easy to turn to food..I did it SO much..but not hardly anymore, I try my hardest to remind myself that you are stronger than that..and even once the damage is done..just tell yourself not to let it happen again...make a mental note, telling yourself...if this circumstance happens again..what will I turn too instead? Rather than waiting the very last second and making a quick second decision without thinking and the next thing you know, a whole row of cookies is gone!....:) Are you a writer? Maybe write out your feelings at that very moment...jot things down while your in the heat of your emotions..maybe that might help too?? Even if your not a writer..find a sticky note..write down those emotions you feel..and sticky note it to the top of those box of oreos. That way,every time you look at those cookies..your reminded :)
  • looloofoods
    looloofoods Posts: 1 Member
    This is exactly what I would do only not exercise after it. I'm sure you've been told a million times what to do right. I always say I know what to do but I don't do it. But, I want to say that recording here has helped me a lot. I wouldn't want to have to look at a record of my eating 10 oreos which comes to 700 calories. No one looks but me but still that has helped me for the past few weeks to keep on track, but I know I will do what you did again too so I'm trying to learn to balance and maintain as long as I can. Good luck. Confession is good I think. Losing weight is even better.
  • don't feel bad. it honestly happens to the best of us. it's much easier said than done, i know, but it's all about retraining yourself when it comes to eating. maybe the next time you feel like you need to emotionally binge, sit at the computer and write out a blog to let out your frustrations. you have to retrain yourself that binging on junk food is no longer an option. eventually, you'll get to the point where you'll still want to emotionally eat, but the urge won't be very strong, and you'll be able to get through it without any problem.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    You just described my day yesterday. We will conquer today.
  • Add extra exercise for the next few days until you have worked it all off. I am such an emotional eater too :( But I try to write blog posts in order to let out the emotions instead of keeping it inside. It takes a lot of practice, but it really feels great when you DON'T turn to the food. Logging foods has helped with the self control too :)

    Another thing to try is to say out loud to yourself "I will NOT give in!" It might sound silly, but repeating it out loud sort of makes it feel more powerful and I found that it helps me fight the temptation :) Don't worry, we all give in sometimes, but next time you will do better!
  • anger is something that i fight with everyday...living in India and driving in India is a course in anger management....i used to succumb to it easily before but nowadays i try not to give in...
    food cravings? those are hard too...especially if you are a food lover like me....until last week when i found out my blood sugar was way off the charts and CONTROL was the only way to go...
    i joined this site after that and i have been regular in my calorie intake...just need to get the exercise thing going....if we all hang in there we will get there..
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Double-Stuff Oreos *Homer Simpson drool*

    I completely understand how you feel. I did the same thing two weeks ago...I hopped on the scale and was upset with what it told me, so I went right to the fridge and cut myself a honkin' piece of chocolate cake. It was absolutely scrumptious, but filled with dismay and broken promises.

    You did the right thing - you let yourself indulge, you know it wasn't the best thing to do, and you've come to tell us about it to release the guilt. Good on you!
  • Wow, thank you all so much for such positive feedback. I am so happy that I can talk about this on here-lol! Really great suggestions about writing and blogging instead of eating in the heat of the moment and not being too hard on myself.

    muchas gracias a todo :love:
  • goohan
    goohan Posts: 155
    don't worry, we have all done that once in a while, just start again go back on xx
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