
I'm going off to College soon and I'm just wondering if anyone had tips on how to track everything and keep motivated on top of schoolwork. All tips are welcomed and if you'd like to help motivate me, please send me a friend request also!


  • SmurphyKU
    SmurphyKU Posts: 62 Member
    Hello! College is definitely a tricky place to maintain or lose weight, but not impossible! I'm currently a junior, and I've been working on fitness and losing weight ever since I started college. One piece of advice I have is to always make time in your schedule for working out regularly. I found that it was easier to get a workout in if I planned ahead of time when I would go to gym, whether it was before classes, in between classes, etc. My grades are super important to me, but I've found that it is important to have a balance. Even when I have a ton of homework and studying to do, I always try to squeeze in a workout, even if it's short.
    When I first started school, eating was really tricky for me too. I was in a dorm for my first 3 semesters and sometimes it was hard eating healthy in the dining halls. Try your best to pick healthier options over stuff like burgers and pizza and all that crap! I personally think this is where the freshman 15 really gets people the most.
    Another thing that I found helpful is finding people who have the same goals in mind. My roommates and I were all trying to lose weight/get in shape, which is awesome because it really helped with accountability. Its always nice to have gym buddies to keep you motivated!
    Also, don't forget to have fun :) College is pretty unique compared to any other time during your life, and it is a ton of fun! So don't feel bad treating yourself to junk food sometime, or having a night out and using some of your calories on alcohol. Moderation is key :) I hope this was at least a little bit helpful haha. I'll send ya a friend request!
  • kelsieowen3
    College is definitely a tricky place to take care of yourself. Many temptations and limited time for being healthy. The one thing I can recommend for you is that exercise will help you decrease stress and it actually helps you study better. When I was an undergrad anytime I had a big test I would go for a run and then come back and study. There is research out there that actually shows that exercise can help you focus.

    And I agree that finding like-minded people will help you out. If you become friends with people who like to party and eat pizza every night, then it will be much more difficult to be healthy.
  • smartseagull
    Take advantage of the salad bar! My school had a fabulous salad bar stocked with fresh veggies, fruit, and soup. It was easy enough to get your veggies in, and it was fun being creative. It's also nice that you don't have to wash, chop, and otherwise prepare fruits and vegetables, which is honestly one of the things that keeps me from eating more of them now that I don't eat at the dining hall.
    Also, if you have those awkward one-hour breaks between classes, use those to go to the gym! I used to just nap, but I've found that if I go for a quick run instead, or even walk while doing reading, I have more energy later on in the day.

    College is so much fun! Enjoy it while it lasts. I have one year left, and I can tell you it passes by far too quickly.
    Feel free to add me!
  • WanderingCavalcade
    WanderingCavalcade Posts: 15 Member
    Does your school have a website that you can access with nutrition info on it? My school does, and it makes it much easier to track!

    (I trust you not to try to stalk me, so I'll post the link)

    Because there are a wide range of possible ingredients for a given dish, the easiest alternative is to try to eat "plain" food or food with just a few easily identifiable ingredients in it. If your dining hall has a grill, then you can get plain chicken breasts to add to salads. As other people have mentioned, the salad bar is great for just this reason.

    The most important part is not to stress too much about it and make sure to practice moderation!
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    I just finished my first year of college were I lost 45 lbs and kept a 3.7 GPA; I did it by getting up before classes and doing workout 1 then at lunch hour I worked out again and that gave me the evening for homework :) I also ate fairly healthy! Feel free to add me if you want more help
  • CassondraLove
    CassondraLove Posts: 7 Member
    Do any of you guys recommend of meeting a nutritionist at the university? I am still getting adjusted to my new diet since I just became lactose intolerant a few months ago and I'm still experimenting of what foods to eat and what not to eat. I'll try to make a weekly schedule and fit a workout here and there, thanks for all of your advice!