Is any else Lose weight before getting Pregnant



  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    That was my goal as well, but we have started officially trying so now I am in more of a maintenance mode. Anyone feel free to add me as I friend if you would like. I plan on logging all through the pregnancy to make sure that I am eating healthy and getting in my fruits/veggies/protein and water as I should be. And also so I am in the habit of logging after the baby is born.
  • YogaKai
    YogaKai Posts: 1
    I am trying to eat healthier now that my hubby and I are trying to get pregnant, which is why I joined MFP! Not so much trying to lose weight but trying to eat a good, healthy balanced diet and not gain a million pregnancy pounds. I am afraid after being on birth control since I was 18 that it may take a while, so we are settling in to have fun " trying " to get pregnant anyways :)
    I don't take gaining weight well, so getting pregnant will be an experience itself.
    Going to FR some of you ladies!
  • cminino
    cminino Posts: 1
    I am in the same boat. Trying to loose about 18lbs before getting pregnant with baby #2. New to logging. Would love to connect with some other ladies working hard per baby.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I am currently working myself down to 16% body fat before getting pregnant again. I'm at about 22% right now, so I'm getting there.

    If I can keep myself from gaining more than 25 pounds while pregnant, and get pregnant when I am down to 125 pounds or so, then it will be quite simple for me to get back to pre-pregnancy weight.
  • estatitra
    estatitra Posts: 80 Member
    Me! I started with that intention. Just don't want to gain too much weight in pregnancy.
  • JarryIvette
    JarryIvette Posts: 43 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me. I'm looking to lose 100lbs before starting to have a family. :)
  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    Me too! I'd like to get down to 180 pounds before getting pregnant.
  • amberpickens
    amberpickens Posts: 149 Member
    i lost 27lbs on this site and got pregnant.
  • Violetta86
    Violetta86 Posts: 150 Member
    Yes, I am! I don't plan on having children for another 2 years - I am getting married next October. I am just trying to get in great shape so I can be a healthy before I get pregnant!
  • Yes!!! This one of my biggest reasons to losing my weight!!! Until I do cannot become pregnant with my second and I am dying to!!!! I have alot more than 30 to lose but with support and love we can do this!!

    Feel free to add me!
  • Denisegp37
    Denisegp37 Posts: 47 Member
    Me too! We want to start trying for number 2 in Jan. and I want to lose 25lbs
  • AEH317
    AEH317 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! Yes but not until Spring/Summer of 2014. Hoping to lose 36 pounds between now and then. Good Luck to us all!
  • kln308
    kln308 Posts: 7 Member
    Please add me as well. I'm actually in a time crunch and trying not to freak. I'm 43 and just now wanting to try for a baby- serious procrastination issues obviously. I started with a BMI of 51 and am down to 44. Just finally started exercising 3 weeks ago and am making good progress with that. I was recently able to stop taking my blood pressure pill (was just on a small dose). I don't have diabetes. Was just dx'd hypothyroid, so started that med last week- need to get that under control first I know. No other issues with cholesterol, etc. Right now I eat an average of 1200 "clean" calories/day-1000 most days then about 2000 over the weekend to "carb cycle". I assume i ought to stop that pattern when i TTC? When I exercise (4 days/wk x35-45 min), I get my HR in the 150s. Ive ben taking prenatal vits and other necessary supplements for 3 mos now.
    So I'm basically wondering when to start trying to conceive. Clearly it would be best to be at a lower BMI, but my chances of getting pregnant drop every month. Miscarriage rate is very high at my age. If I do get pregnant, I can't do anything to jeopardize that pregnancy by over exercising, poor nutrition, etc.. Would love some feedback. Thanks for reading :)
  • Hodgenska
    Hodgenska Posts: 55 Member
    I'm trying to lose weight now, but do want to have another child in the (near?) future. I'm a little worried about losing the weight now though and then putting it back on being pregnant though. lol Why are you doing that on purpose though? For health reasons?
  • I would like to lose an additional 20 pounds before having a baby. The goal is by the end of the year so that we can start trying in January... great motivation to lose weight!!! I have lost 15 so far by excercising and watching what I eat on MFP and plan to keep doing the same.

    I am also looking for friends in the same boat so that we can motivate each other! Please feel free to add me =) (and anyone else who is doing the same)
  • PhiSigAmber
    PhiSigAmber Posts: 44 Member
    So glad it's not just me! My friends think I'm nuts for wanting to lose before I get pregnant. Feel free to add me :)
  • enternamehere1
    enternamehere1 Posts: 5 Member
    me too! add me if you like. :smile:
  • jr235
    jr235 Posts: 201 Member
    Me too! I want to lose at least 10-15 before trying to become pregnant again, and generally get a good fitness regime going. The last time I was pregnant I was told its fine to continue an already established exercise routine, but its not a good idea to start a new one.

    Always glad to see people trying to be better for their present or future kids!
  • That would be me! Trying to lose about 50 lbs before we start trying for our 2nd :)

    And I just started today, so I need tons of friends! So please, add away! :)
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    I am hoping to lose another 50-60 pounds before I have my first child. :)
    Def add me if you'd like.