How gross is fast food to you



  • paulabubble
    paulabubble Posts: 3 Member
    I would rather starve than eat fast food crap, like McD's, KFC, etc. But their are healthy options in Subway and Pita Pit. But me and my family very rarely , like once a year eat takeways, when we do it is just Burger Wisconsin, NEVER McD's KFC. That is so true, look at the queue of people at McD or KFC, most are obese and hello, that's what got them there - these high fat, high salt, high calories foods should be labeled like smokes, harms your health.
  • Laststand2011
    Laststand2011 Posts: 42 Member
    I do not label foods as good or bad, if it fits into my day, I eat it.

    Pretty much this...

  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I was going to post something but it looks like all the words in the English language have been used in this thread.

    Bet you no one said fanny
  • kylamaries
    kylamaries Posts: 291
    I rarely ate fast food even before I got into my "health kick." The rumors and horror stories (most of which I've deemed true now) I heard sickened me to the point where I ate fast food maybe four times a year -- and that's usually only because we're catching a bite to eat before a trip, hungry on the road, or out of food after a trip.

    The nutritional facts (or lack thereof) are enough to make me coil in fear, but I almost never eat out now since I haven't a slightest clue what's in anything. Words cannot describe how scary and disgusting fast food is to me (and that's an understatement)!
  • Bootjockey
    Bootjockey Posts: 208 Member
    I rarely eat "fast food", but that depends on how you define fast food. I rarely eat McDonald's (2+ years), Burger King (3-4+ years), etc. But I do eat some options at Wendy's (chili, baked potato), Subway, etc. It really depends on WHAT they offer.

    But, you know, I still eat chocolate on a fairly regular basis, I'm known to eat potato chips or baked chips from time to time, etc. It just depends.

    One other poster said that if it fits into their diet, they eat it. To a large degree, that's true for me too. But, with exceptions for TRUE junk (McDonald's hamburgers, etc.)

    Obviously, the line is different for different people. But, find the line for you, and then don't cross it!

    -David / BootJockey
    I know how bad it is. I read the book fast food nation and I mostly trust and agree with the information in it. I've seen super size me. I regret eating that junk every single time.
    Yet I find myself mindlessly driving thru ordering the usual.

    I would like to know how disgusting you find fast high-calorie low nutrient food, in my effort to find it uneatable.
    And for the one's who'll say it's delicious and tell us their favorite mcdonalds joke or pun, I'll let a ha ha out in advance.

    But seriously does anybody else know how bad it is, and still eat it regularly? what do you tell yourself to stop it?

    Thank you
  • Knottyhighd88
    Knottyhighd88 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't even crave fast food anymore! I used to be able to eat a whole pizza by myself! Looking back, I had the worst diet ever!!
  • teresachelton99
    teresachelton99 Posts: 10 Member
    This is for the man whom commented about there being nine out of ten people at any drive- thru being morbidly obese.

    I have not ever seen nine out of ten people at a fast food place that are morbidly obese.
    I do agree that it definitely contributes to the problem, but just because a person is skinny on the outside does not mean that is how they look on the inside. There are many reasons and factors that go into being overweight. If you were a medical professional you would know that. Morbidity has finally been recognized as a disease, and maybe our government will finally do something about it.
    What about how you are feed by your parents or your school as a child. Do you know that most children already have the beginning of heart disease by the age of five?
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    Not at all. I had 5 bk stackers after gym today,
  • Kilokato
    Kilokato Posts: 33
    I don't even crave fast food anymore! I used to be able to eat a whole pizza by myself! Looking back, I had the worst diet ever!!

    Same here, I used to be able to polish off an entire Hawaiian BBQ Chicken pizza in like 4 hours. Makes me sick to think about it now. When I'd go to Taco Bell, I would get like 5 items. That's as much as I eat in a day now!
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    I don't eat fast food simply because I choose not to. It is not evil, it is not bad, it is none of the things I have read here describing it.

    It is funny how people fall into the anti-ANYTHING campaigns.

    I don't like red cars so I don't buy them, I do not care if you do !
    I don't like Wal-Mart so I don't shop there, I do not care if you do !
    I don't like chocolate ice cream so I don't buy it, I do not care if you do !

    If you choose to do or not to do something, feel free to do just that. I assure you I do not care, it is not my place to judge you NOR is it your place to judge you.
  • katorihanzo
    katorihanzo Posts: 234 Member
    I can't tell you how to stop eating it, that's something you'll have to work through. It might not be easy!

    But I can tell you that once you go a while without it (a month or so) you'll be less inclined to crave it. You'll start going days and weeks without even thinking about it and when you do think about it you'll find it easier to put it out of your mind. Soon you'll find it's been months and you haven't had any! And maybe you'll have it every once in a while, like every few months, but there isn't anything too awful about that as long as you can control it.

    My thing was zesty cheese doritos. I could not have those things in the house without eating the entire (big) bag in one sitting and I'd find myself in the grocery store buying them all the time. And also, big mac meals.

    But now it's been months since I've had either and I never crave them! One thing that helps me is eating constantly, as strange as that sounds. When I get hungry I feel sick and grumpy and I need to eat right away. it's really easy for me to grab something unhealthy. I've started taking healthy snacks wherever I go (almonds, babybells, bananas, etc) and I try to eat something every couple of hours. I stay with in my calorie goal (most of the time) and don't usually crave anything bad. And when I do, it's easier to satisfy with something good.

    **disclaimer** if you look at my food log, you'll see I went crazy overboard this weekend. Fish and Chips. This is not usual. but I find it easy to slide back into healthy eating and calorie goals without hesitation the next day. That's another important trick: learning not to feel as though you've "ruined" anything by eating unhealthy every once in a while.

    Good luck! One day at a time.
  • roxierachael
    roxierachael Posts: 81 Member
    It takes just as much time to stumble through the produce section of a grocery store for some bananas and a pint of berries. Eat an entire freakin container if you must. Still a better choice.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    It takes just as much time to stumble through the produce section of a grocery store for some bananas and a pint of berries. Eat an entire freakin container if you must. Still a better choice.

    Better than what?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It takes just as much time to stumble through the produce section of a grocery store for some bananas and a pint of berries. Eat an entire freakin container if you must. Still a better choice.

    Better than what?
    Better than nothing? I mean, I suppose a crap ton of sugar and no fat or protein is ok if you just need some energy, but really, a 500 calorie Big Mac has a much better macronutrient profile than 500 calories of bananas and berries, so I'm not sure what that post was talking about. Maybe just another zealot with no mind for how nutrition actually works?
  • Depends on what restaurant......
    I never eat anything that has meat in it.

    Seriously fries are so good they never disgust me but somehting like a big mac or something heavy is disgusting. And Taco Bell burritos , etc. I am not disgusted buy.. I admit I eat it , but I try my best to stay away from them as much as possible because the ingredients are the weirdest ingredients ever. So why not have much more food worth the same amount of calories at home and you know what you're putting inside your body !!! The word fast food is gross as is.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Most food from restaurants is junk food anyway. A Subway sub is just a giant burger, really.

    I'm in the IIFYM camp. I should pay attention to things like trans fats but this whole 'toxic' movement is getting out of hand.

    Just relax. Stay within your macros (or just calories if you don't want to track macros) and eat what's worth the calories.

    I love hot chips but I don't eat them a lot because they just blow out my calorie goals when I do. I don't limit my consumption because they're 'toxic', I just try to manage my calories.
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    most people on this site are young, and when you're young you think you can do, eat & drink pretty well whatever you like & you'll be ok,

    when you get to my age (53) friends & family start having health problems; diabetes, heart complaints, strokes & other sorts of obesity/ liver/ fatty related problems & it makes you really sit up; I sat up much earlier as my father died of a heart attack when I was 27.

    what you eat and drink when you're young builds the foundations for your body's health when you get older; you can see the obesity on the outside but you can't see the fat deposits building up on your internal organs or lining the insides of your veins and arteries.

    when I was younger a huge percentage of people smoked, everywhere, my Grandma's ceiling was a golden yellow colour from the smoke that drifted up there; pubs and bars stank; people were allowed to smoke on aircraft! and blow smoke over your food in restaurants! this is not long ago,
    and so it will be with fast food; there is a global obesity problem, I don't know the USA numbers but in the UK over 50% of children aged 11 are significantly overweight so the general trans fat issue, like smoking, will be addressed & cut down,

    but you guys can get ahead of the game, you can choose not to eat it; you don't need to wait till you're old like me to see it's effects, look at your older friends & relatives, I'm sure lots of you know folks with major health issues or have even lost people;

    fast food, like tobacco, is garbage, simple as, I think if you cut it down it pretty soon gets cut out; I can't imagine sitting down to a pizza, or a burger, or some fish & chips, whatever appeal they once had has long since disappeared.
  • Faery_Dust
    Faery_Dust Posts: 246 Member
    In the last year I have eaten KFC, McDonalds, Burger King, Pizza Hut etc. I eat microwave meals pretty much on a daily basic. I have a take away chinese food / pizza about once a month.

    But I also eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, chicken, fish etc. And get plenty of exercise

    Personally I feel it's all about moderation. I could cut these out of my diet completely but I enjoy them and I can lose weight eating them. I gained weight by eating them too often and not getting enough exercise. I'm now losing and still get to enjoy them once in a while and fit them in to my daily calorie goals.
  • kem05
    kem05 Posts: 97
    A stumbled across a photograph of the "chicken" used in processed chicken products, like nuggets and strips etc, one day online. Now THAT was enough to put me off eating it forever. Shame I've always been more partial to beef-based fast foods. :grumble:
  • skinnymalinkyscot
    skinnymalinkyscot Posts: 174 Member
    I not only dont buy fast food I even wash the fruit and vegetables I buy at the supermarket, I also rinse meat and fish and pat dry. Its not whats in the food or the nutrients, I just get horrible visuals of people in food processing units going to the toilet and not washing their hands and it makes me heave. My fridges, counters, sink, chopping board , rubbish bin is cleaned with an antiseptic spray every single day and nothing is kept past its use by date , mind you I have OCD lol . Everything is nuked/boiled and if I could soak it in dettol I would