binge last night



  • it happens to the best of us....I usually don't try to beat myself up as it usually makes me more focused and determined the next few days to do a little more at the gym and eat extra extra clean...but what I do when I wanna eat some garbage at night...I'll tell myself that I can have it in the morning and of course in the morning I'm not trying to start my day with a bunch of junk so it's easier to pass in the am than in the pm...sounds silly but it works for me ( most of the times) :) dont beat urself's still not enuff to gain a pound.
  • We all make this mistake. Don't be so hard on yourself. If you keep yourself focused on the mistakes you've made in the past you will be to busy to focus on the future. :)
  • thank you for that! that was the most helpful thing i could have possibly heard today! thank you thank you thank you!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    you may be right... i have read that if you do this every ONCE in a while, it can sometimes boost your metabolism because it's not used to having to process that many calories. this could be totally wrong, but i believe i have read this before. and this is something i rarely do...

    Since you said this is something you rarely do, I wouldn't worry about it. When it becomes a pattern then you may have a problem on your hands. I can understand how you feel after a binge, it's awful, but you can't beat yourself up about it. I agree to increase your water intake and do some extra cardio this week if that will help you feel better.
  • honestly, i have a goal that i want to get to, and i get SO close, about to the weight that i am right now, and i just can't seem to go any further than this? i end up going on a binge or gaining a couple pounds back and trying to lose those couple of pounds, but i just have hit a wall. i would love to get to 115, and would even be happy with 118, but i am just stuck at about 122 or 123.... i'm just stuck. and i know getting to where i'm going on a binge is not good.
    MBSNANA Posts: 149 Member
    I am right there with you. I went to the store last night and came back with a bag of potato chips. After my husband ate a few I got comfortable to watch the end of Big Brother. By the time I realized what I had done I had an empty potato chip bag in my hands.:noway: I like you felt terrible but today is a new day. I can not undo what I did last night and neither can you. Just start fresh today and push that water. As I always say the disgrace is not falling off the wagon it's when you lay there and let the wagon keep running over you. Jump back on that wagon and lets start again. It was a learning experience. Best wishes for a abetter day.:wink:
  • thank you! that was really encouraging! i just went and burned like 700 or 800 calories at the gym, so i'm working on undoing some of the damage!
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    The math is on your side today. You have a what? A 500 calories deficit built for you by MFP; yesterday and today you are eating at your maintenance level, not big deal. 1600-1000=600. You did the extra workout. 600-800= -200, Now you have a 200 calorie deficit for the two days. I love the math. Mistake corrected and no harm done.

    If you find yourself in this spot of bother again, I do something that works for me, I'm not saying it will work for you, but it works for me. I get myself the treat and I get something healthy like tomato or a green bean. I eat the treat and then I eat the other healthy thing. Somehow not having the last taste in my mouth be the flavor of the treat can keep me from multiple trips to the kitchen.

    I hope you feel better soon. Keep looking and moving forward, your weight loss goal is in the future not the past.
  • well i love math too! thank you!
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    Well, We've all been there.....time for a new day and new challenges. Don't beat yourself up and don't get down - time to move forward and assessed what you learned. If you think you took in an extra 1600 - you can excercise for the next 7 days and burn at least 230 calories and you will be even at the end of the 7 days.

    You can do this - New day starts NOW.....

    :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • i went to the gym yesterday and burned about 700 calories, and cut 200 out of my daily intake yesterday, so i took care of 900 calories yesterday. and i had a deficit built up for the week already, so i should be alright. i would have just been further ahead by now if that wouldn't have happened!
  • if you can take a zumba class at a local gym it is said to burn off 1000 calories in one hour! i went to my first one last week and its really fun but really hard!
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