Very frustrated.....



  • Damside
    Damside Posts: 14 Member
    I found everything I ever needed to know right here :happy:

    Take the time to read it and understand it, because it really makes all the difference!

    Thanks for this links and for all the other posts. lisajones40 am so glad that you found this post and that it helps in some way.

    I have now changed my privacy settings so that its available for you guys to view and perhaps get me onto something else.

    Ahhh thats what macros are....thanks for that. I do tend to watch them, and because I eat a lot of fruit do notice that even though I am below my calorie intake that my sugars are always on the higher side.
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    I still can't see your diary!

    About fruits and sugar; there's a lot of discussion about that. Some say that some fruits are thermogenic, therefore burn a lot of calories to digest. From personal experience I know that my weighloss/body responds better to less sugar/less fruit. However, I like fruit so much, I'm willing to book less progress just to still have my watermelon and berries ;)!
  • Damside
    Damside Posts: 14 Member
    OK have gone back into the settings again, can you see it yet? If not, I have no idea what I am doing wrong.

    The main fruits I have is apple juice first thing, then banana's, apples, pineapple and grapes tend to be what I have at work.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    it all takes time and patience,, do not give up!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    have patience.. sometimes it comes off in chunks.. could also depend on your macros as well ( excess sodium=water weight) It also helps to keep weighing consistent ( same time of day, clothes, scale, etc)

    It is much more about a change in composition and inches than the number on the scale
    Sodium is not a macro. Carbs, fat, and protein are macronutrients. Sodium is a micronutrient.
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    Ooops.. so sorry..

    The settings should be changed at:

    Choose public! Hope that works!
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    The main fruits I have is apple juice first thing, then banana's, apples, pineapple and grapes tend to be what I have at work.

    I think all of those fruits are pretty high in sugar. There's a list of low to high sugar fruits here:

    For me, I really crave sugar often so eating my fruits helps me not binge out with chocolate and cookies later :)
  • Don't give up! I have had up and down weeks too. I haven't been on myfitness long but it has taken me 2 yrs to lose 30 pounds and went from a size 22 to a size 14. Some times I will lose more inches that lbs. Just keep at it girl!
  • 8 pounds in 3 weeks is a decent loss. You might have unrealistic expectations about how fast this is supposed to happen.

    I guess I am just being guided by what I have lost before at the likes of Slimming World. :o(

    Don't be too hard on yourself. 8 pounds in 3 weeks is great!! Its a slow process. And the slower it comes off the more likely it is to stay off. You may have gotten bigger numbers in slimming world, but did those pounds stay gone? Honestly, slow progress is better when it comes to weight loss. This 'biggest loser' shows and the likes make it seem as though the bigger the figure the better. This is just not true. In another 3 weeks time you will start to see changes in your shape. Just keep with it. It is so so worth it ;)
  • Am so damm frustrated today. Weighed myself and only down 1 pound. God knows what I have to do to get this weight off. Below my daily calorie amount 99.9% of the time and still nothing happening. So soul destroying...dont know what on earth I am doing wrong. :o(

    Have been doing this for three weeks now and lost 8 pounds in total. Was so hoping to have lost much more considering what I weight and what I am eating, compared to what I am eating now. This week have only lost a mere 1 pound and I lost 4 in the first week and I have not changed anything.
    It's a long game here. Expect weeks of no weight loss and even apparent gains sometimes. These will be balanced by some weeks of effortless reduction. Also expect to have to change up your routine (e.g. add in exercise/change exercise) every once in a while as your body gets complacent.
    Finally choose a sustainable level to eat at that doesn't require excessive amounts of vigilance/a feeling of deprivation, as when you have days like this when you are frustrated it''ll be easy to say 'blow it' and stuff your face. I sincerely hope you're not in the 1200 kcal club. Enough of that.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    8 pounds in 3 weeks is really good. Most weight loss plans say that any loss of 0-2 pounds a week is good -- and you're already exceeding that.

    So many people think they have to practically starve themselves to lose weight. This is SOOO not true. The less you eat, the more your body thinks you're in starvation mode and will hold onto any morsel you decide to give it, if and when you decide to do so. To borrow a phrase from Hardee's: Eat like you mean it. Make sure you hit your daily goals.

    AND realize that this process does take time. It comes off MUCH more slowly than it can be put on (unfortunately). Stick with it and you'll get the results you're looking for.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    8 pounds in three weeks is a good loss. the first week is usually a lot of water weight also.
  • p2smommy
    p2smommy Posts: 64
    I am going to echo what 99% of the OPs have said.. 8 lbs in 3 weeks is AMAZING!

    Just remember.. you didn't put the weight on overnight, and it's not going to come off overnight (or as fast as it came on!) either.

    Don't hinder yourself by having unrealistic expectations.. you will have up weeks, you will have weeks where it doesn't change at all, and you will have weeks where you MIGHT lose .2 lb.. BUT.. this is my list of what I have learned over the past 7 months.. Some of it may work for you, some of it may not.. but DON'T GIVE UP! Keep putting one foot in front of the other, and moving.. :)

    1. (Sorry guys), You are a female.. you have Ovulation water weight fluctuation and you have PMS water weight fluctuation.. So pretty much, you have something every 2 weeks to struggle with, BECAUSE you are a female.. so remember it now, you are going to see yourself go up even when you've busted your butt to lose in a week..because of those two factors.

    2. Find something you like that will feed your sweet tooth but won't bust your daily calorie/nutrient goals.. and I have a 3 year old son.. completely understand that it's SO HARD sometimes to eat healthy when your LO wants to eat pizza rolls, pasta, hot dogs, cakes/sweets, etc every single meal (thankfully mine doesn't like fast food!)..

    3. Give yourself well over 3 weeks to build a routine and figure out what works for you with meals/goals/exercise, etc before getting frustrated. When I first started on MFP and this journey in January, I was so frustrated beyond belief, until I realized I was making a huge change in my lifestyle - a change to something that I had been doing for 37 years... I needed to give myself a little time before I got frustrated. So I say give yourself at the very least a month to 6 weeks to just find your groove on what works for you. Don't be surprised if along the way you have to tweak your routine as you continue to lose weight. - The hardest thing for me has been to NOT always pay attention to the scale.. If I've seen it said 100 times on here, I've seen it said 1,000... The Scale LIES.. Take your measurements now.. neck, chest, waist, hips, calves, upper arm, forearm, wrist, and ankle. I'd do the same stay all left or all right when you're doing the measurements.. On the weeks that you don't see any change in the scale or as much as you were expecting (or even a gain).. get out that tape and measure! Keep a spreadsheet or a written log of it.. with the dates. You'll be AMAZED!!!

    4. WATER.. Drink LOTS of water.. keep yourself well hydrated.. (It doesn't necessarily make me feel fuller, makes me pee a lot.. lol..)..

    5. I Live by this phrase.. If you BITE it, WRITE it. I fell off the logging truck for about 2 weeks in the first couple of months and made virtually no back up, dusted myself off.. and have been logging ever since.

    6. Exercise.. whether it's running through the yard with your LO, or working your horses.. or walking.. make sure you get some form of exercise in regularly.

    Best of luck to you! You CAN do this!!!.. Just don't get down on yourself.. each day is a new day.. and you will have "bad" days.. just remember 1 bad meal won't make you gain all of your weight back.. the same as 1 great day won't make you skinny...

    (Please read - I'm not saying that my way is perfect.. far from it.. or my way is what you SHOULD do... I'm saying that we each have to find what works best for us... but sharing what has helped us along our journeys might help each other. )

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!
  • Damside
    Damside Posts: 14 Member
    WOW you guys are just AMAZING!!! Thank you sooooooooooo much for this today. Want to thank you all for taking the time to reply, it really has helped me so much when I see what people are saying, and I GUESS that others have had the same feelings. I think sometimes you are doing this alone, but you guys today have just proved the opposite!! I dont know you all personally, but what a great bunch!! :oD

    Re my profile this is what I put:

    Your Profile Privacy Settings
    My profile is viewable by: MyFitnessPal Members Only

    Is this right??
  • Damside
    Damside Posts: 14 Member
    Doh, how thick am I!! Just noticed diary settings, so have just set it to public. So go and take a look.
  • Damside
    Damside Posts: 14 Member
    The main fruits I have is apple juice first thing, then banana's, apples, pineapple and grapes tend to be what I have at work.

    I think all of those fruits are pretty high in sugar. There's a list of low to high sugar fruits here:

    For me, I really crave sugar often so eating my fruits helps me not binge out with chocolate and cookies later :)

    thanks for this link............well there you go...............grapes, bananas and pineapple high in sugars. Think I will have to revert back to raspberries and apples by the looks of things.
  • This thread was very inspirational to me. Honestly I have gone on threads before, where I think people can be harsh and mean. I was doing good for a while,and have recently just lost all motivation. Seeing the honesty here, and the support, gives me faith to try to get right back on the wagon again.
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    ^ Honey, we're all here for the same reason. Some people just spen a LOT of time on MFP and have seen the same questions over a million times. That's why some people tend to react a bit harsh. Keep that in mind :). And you know, you're here for you, so don't let anyone stop you!
  • Tee_geee
    Tee_geee Posts: 47 Member
    I honestly know your frustration...Im scared to even get on a scale because I feel like if i havent lost what I wanted this first week of my diet...I will quit. I know Im being unrealistic about how much weight I want to lost in a week...But i feel like im sacrificing all of my favorite foods to still be fat!! I might as welll eat what I want if Im gonna remain the same weight. Frustration is not even the word for me..Ive been on and off dieting for over a year now and I always give up...I need motivation!
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    Doh, how thick am I!! Just noticed diary settings, so have just set it to public. So go and take a look.

    Took a quick peek at the last week! Here would be my personal advice.

    - Swap part of your fruits for veggies
    - Keep doing an awesome job on that proteine intake!
    - Try to avoid processed foods such as cake (or anything that you don't recognise!) etc

    Next thing I noticed is that you might be eating at maintenace instead of at a deficit. That may be your problem; your deficit isn't big enough. What is your normal calorie goal set to, and how did you get this number?