decent nutrition, lots of exercise. STILL Gaining weight!



  • Spresto2
    Spresto2 Posts: 53 Member
    Hey there!! I have been in your shoes, as far as "doing all the right things and not losing/gaining". I think the likeliest culprit is what others have already in some form another mentioned. And you may not want to hear it!!! You are probably giving yourself more credit in exercise than what your body is really burning. I have used a variety of monitoring devices to measure my burn rate and no matter what I use, MFP over-calculates compared to what my HR monitor or Bodymedia (a device that measures HR as well as skin temp and other factors to know what was burned up) calculates by 50-300 calories per workout!!! It's so sad. Heartbreaking really...but since I've been manually entering my calories from the bodymedia device's idea of my burn, I've been finally going down in weight. Finally!!! After years of trying to figure this out. Since you eat back the calories, which is fine, you can see where this would cause problems, especially if the particular exercises you are doing are the most inaccurately configured ones on MFP. MFP burns may be appropriate for 'some', but like others have said, if you are only in need of losing 10-15 lbs, you aren't burning that many calories. Also, to allow for a little extra error of measurement, don't eat back ALL the calories MFP tells you can you can eat back. Most ppl on here say to eat back only 50% or a little more, to be super super safe and to make sure you are energized enough. If you start feeling hungry or woozy, eat something light to help. And see how that goes! Of course, be sure your food input is correct too. Don't underestimate any foods. GOOD LUCK!!!!!! :) And PS...I know my ticker says "0 pounds lost" but I'm down about 13 lbs now. My ticker is set from 2 years ago, haha and I didn't have the heart to add the extra weight I'd gained. 1 more lb. and I can start showing a loss on the ticker.:bigsmile:
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    your sodium intake is incredibly high and sometimes so arnt your carbs.
    you can cut out eating back your exercise cals for a month and lower your sodium by at least 1200 and carbs by 100 see if that makes a difference
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I was going to say the same thing about your sodium and carbs...Also if you look at your diary over time adding cals verses workouts your more of at a maintaining standpoint...that might be why the bouncing with the same 5 pounds..might be time to rev it up and change things..but you look great and kudos to you!....maybe try something like Insanity or P90X...
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Cups are not accurate for solids. Buy yourself a scale its more important than the shoes of your serious about losing weight

    because weighing did this for me. My fish and chicken was several ounces smaller than the package said, I was eating 400 cals less than I was logging
    the cups I was measuring out with an actual measuring cup were way off too, when weighed in grams on my scale, showed my cup portions were off at least 200-250 which meant I was eating wayyyyyyyyy below my cal goal, I was losing weight quite fast, which I did not want.

    your still gaining which means your over eating
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    Thinking about calling it quits. my heart rate monitor doesn't record correctly and the hour long exercises I've been doing are for nothing and I have to cut my calories down to near starvation in order to lose more weight. A life of 1200 calories a day with no carbs or salt sounds like a living hell. And 3-4 days of grueling exercise sounds just to balance out is no way to live. I refuse to starve myself and apparently that's what I have to do. Losing the fist 30lbs wasn't this hard so this just might be the size I'm meant to be!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Thinking about calling it quits. my heart rate monitor doesn't record correctly and the hour long exercises I've been doing are for nothing and I have to cut my calories down to near starvation in order to lose more weight. A life of 1200 calories a day with no carbs or salt sounds like a living hell. And 3-4 days of grueling exercise sounds just to balance out is no way to live. I refuse to starve myself and apparently that's what I have to do. Losing the fist 30lbs wasn't this hard so this just might be the size I'm meant to be!

    You do not have to eat 1200 calories or do gruelling workouts. Just because your HrM may not be accurate doesn't mean you don't burn any calories, you just have to be conservative with the number , eat a portion of them like 3/4 or 1/2, measure/weigh your food and log consistently and accurate. Do what exercise you enjoy.

    Honestly, the "meant to be this size" is a cop out. Losing weight isn't exactly hard but you need to be patient and consistent.
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    I think at this point if you started weight training, you are going to start shrinking fast. It seems to me like the exercise you are doing (pushing a heavy stroller) is building muscle and that's probably why you are gaining and losing the same 5 pounds. Looking at your diary, some days you do great and other days, not so good. I think you should ditch the bread and cereal and up your calories to at least 1500-1600. You have to be consistent day in and day out. My advice....add lean meats and vegetables and you won't gain fat. With a few tweaks in your diet and weights, you will start building serious muscle and shrinking in size. Forget the scale. Measure only.

    When I started weight training I was a size 8-10 and a year later I am a size 2. I increased my calories and started heavy lifting. Don't give up!!! Change it up!!!

    My diary is open if you want to take a look at my diet and exercise.
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    Thank you for he great advice, I'm going to really take it to heart. It looks like you've done an amazing job getting into shape and really know what your dong! Thnk you for taking the time to help me out.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I agree with getting a scale first thing. It makes a HUGE difference. You're probably underestimating some things too, so no I don't think you have to starve yourself. Another option is to use TDEE-20%.
  • CardiacKev28
    CardiacKev28 Posts: 172 Member
    Do you eat anything with sugar alcohol? Research has found that some people stop losing any weight when they eat anything with any kind off sugar alcohol. Check the ingredient list
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Do you eat anything with sugar alcohol? Research has found that some people stop losing any weight when they eat anything with any kind off sugar alcohol. Check the ingredient list
    In order to make a claim like this you need to link to the peer-reviewed research...we won't just take your word for it.
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    You can try a few things.

    Decrease your calories by 100 a day, see if anything happens in a week or so.

    Don't eat back your exercise calories - maybe that will help?

    Get a food scale
  • Brizoeller
    Brizoeller Posts: 182 Member
    Food Scale.

    People need to understand to lose weight you do not have to exercise. Exercise is for fitness. Yes it increases your deficit, but it starts in the kitchen. You are either overestimating exercise (yes HRM's are great, but they are still just an estimate), or you are underestimating food.

    A new food scale is more important than running shoes if you are concerned about losing the weight,
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I love the way the majority of respondents are saying buy some scales and the OP is going our of there way to avoid that. Obviously not getting the replies they want to hear.
  • chai_masala
    chai_masala Posts: 51 Member
    Measure your waist, neck, hips every two weeks! I bet you'll see decreasing numbers there if you're doing everything right.
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    I'm actually starting to wonder if its really weight I need to lose or if I just need to tone up what I already have. I am down already 30lbs over the last two years so I have a pretty good understanding of portion size and calories intake. Could my diet improve? Probably, I'm sure I could cut carbs out and increase protein but would I feel good or have energy? Probably not. I don't think eating less than 1200 calories is good for my health. My BMR is 1450 and eating less than that is called starving yourself, no matter how we like to justify it. Add in the desire to work out harder to build muscle and I'm really toeing a dangerous line. I've decided to continue making healthy choice in my diet while staying around 1500 calories a day, continuing my goal of reaching 500 calories a day In exercise and to eliminate any dinner outings until I get in to my groove again. Some people do wonderfully on a low carb constricted diet but it just makes me feel sick and sluggish and since cutting down my carbs I've been too sick to get outside and work. I just feel like throwing up. I felt much better eating a little more and burning off the access with exercise. Thank you to every one for the really great advice.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm actually starting to wonder if its really weight I need to lose or if I just need to tone up what I already have. I am down already 30lbs over the last two years so I have a pretty good understanding of portion size and calories intake. Could my diet improve? Probably, I'm sure I could cut carbs out and increase protein but would I feel good or have energy? Probably not. I don't think eating less than 1200 calories is good for my health. My BMR is 1450 and eating less than that is called starving yourself, no matter how we like to justify it. Add in the desire to work out harder to build muscle and I'm really toeing a dangerous line. I've decided to continue making healthy choice in my diet while staying around 1500 calories a day, continuing my goal of reaching 500 calories a day In exercise and to eliminate any dinner outings until I get in to my groove again. Some people do wonderfully on a low carb constricted diet but it just makes me feel sick and sluggish and since cutting down my carbs I've been too sick to get outside and work. I just feel like throwing up. I felt much better eating a little more and burning off the access with exercise. Thank you to every one for the really great advice.

    The thing is, you don't know how much you're really eating if you don't weigh it. So any argument you use that's based on your calorie intake goes out of the window. It's *impossible* to have a good understanding of portion sizes if you don't weigh them. Heck I've been weighing everything for 6 months and eating a lot of the same stuff, and if I try to guess what I have in my plate, I'm still wrong 90% of the time.

    I mean you can find excuses not to do it, but you can't really come here and complain that you're not losing weight if you're not listening to the advice everyone is giving you.
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    Excuse me, back up. There's no need for your last post or the attitude. I'm sorry that you have a hard time eye balling your own portions but you and I are different. It is by no means "impossible" to know your portions with out a scale. That's just ridiculous! . I use my measuring cups and do a great job. Last night I had some grapes, grabbed a handful figured it was a cup, and what do you know it was... Amazing. Yes, a food scale would be best but right now I'm unable to purchase one. I disagree that weighing food is more important than exercise, and last I checked thats ok. i asked advice yes, but no one said i had to agree with everything, every one said. I have received and have taken in a lot of the advice given on this thread so I do not appreciate your acting as though I am not taking it seriously. That being said I would suggest not taking these things so personal, judging from the last sentence you wrote you need a serious attitude adjustment. I wasn't "complaining" I was frustrated and reaching out for help... Isn't that the idea of this forum? Or do you think it's a place to go around being rude and condescending?
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    A food scale may be cheaper than you think. Obviously, I don't know your situation, but you mentioned saving up for running shoes - a food scale should be way cheaper than that. I got a decent digital one for about £9 (approx $14?).

    According to your ticker you have about 9 lbs to lose? In which case, I'd agree that you shouldn't be dropping down to 1200 calories. I would second the recommendation for starting strength training (if you don't already) and forget about the number on the scale. Take a small deficit from your TDEE and lift some weights, preferably heavy ones. You may then see bigger changes in your measurements than on the scale.
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    Thank you, I'm about 155lbs and 5'6" I used to weigh 180lbs and I lost most of it just cutting back and doing cardio but after listening to a lot of people I think I need to start strength training and different work outs. Thank you for the advice!

    My shoes are about a Yr old and causing pain in my shins when I run. This is why I feel it's more important right now. <3