18 Days, 6-8 pounds, do-able??



  • StillStrugglin
    StillStrugglin Posts: 43 Member
    MAN, I would kill to be 128 lbs. You are like, one of my legs. :) I know everyone has their own journey, but take it from me (a 43 year old bag); I look back on my photos from when I was 21 and I think I was BEAUTIFUL... and I was about 250 lbs., give or take a few. What I'm trying to say is try not to be too hard on yourself: you're gorgeous and +/- 8 lbs is not going to change that.

    That's just a little trip down memory lane for ya'. ;)

    Happy Pre Birthday!
  • lindustum
    lindustum Posts: 212 Member

    Based on your stats and inputting them into scooby's cal

    To maintain your current weight you need a daily intake of 1916 calories
    Your BMR is 1394. What you would need if you were in a coma and to keep your vital organs alive.

    the sustainable and most effective way would be this

    a slight deficit of 5% which would be 1820 calories daily based on a light activity level
    you can increase the intake if you wish to eat more by exercising more

    b )

    For the fun bit now.

    18 days = 8 pounds

    1 pound = 3500 calories roughly

    18 days = 28000 calories deficit

    Daily = 1555.56 deficit

    You will need a daily deficit of 1555.56 from 1916 ( maintenance ) to lose 8 pounds in 18 days.
    which works out roughly an intake of 360.44 calories a day.


    make an informed choice about which one is more doable.
    The choice is yours.

    Happy birthday in advance.

    OP: Print that out!
    I second the notion of Jillian Michaels 30 day shred- especially since you are fit and thus are less likely to injure yourself. All the videos are on Youtube in full length. Check out some JM threads here to see the results people have seen within days. But mind you, they tend to eat more.
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    Thank you all for the replies, I will take everything on board. I won't be changing my eating habits, I feel great, I'm not hungry, I'm drinking plenty of water etc.

    I am 128lbs - so I am in the healthy BMI range, I think toning will be something I add on, I definitely want my body to look healthy!

    Thank you Fruitcake - I will give swimming a go, I'm usually into running ha

    And I will definitely be enjoying my birthday :D

    And just imagine: I would give my left arm to be 150 lbs. HMMM..............
  • feathers20
    feathers20 Posts: 14 Member
    MAN, I would kill to be 128 lbs. You are like, one of my legs. :) I know everyone has their own journey, but take it from me (a 43 year old bag); I look back on my photos from when I was 21 and I think I was BEAUTIFUL... and I was about 250 lbs., give or take a few. What I'm trying to say is try not to be too hard on yourself: you're gorgeous and +/- 8 lbs is not going to change that.

    That's just a little trip down memory lane for ya'. ;)

    Happy Pre Birthday!

    Thank you for being so nice! I know I am hard on myself at times (I blame the media representation of what young girls 'should' look like), but being short, I swear any weight I put on is noticeable! I just want to feel healthy, and I'm nearly there :)
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Thank you all for the replies, I will take everything on board. I won't be changing my eating habits, I feel great, I'm not hungry, I'm drinking plenty of water etc.

    So what you're really saying is, you came here to ask advice and you're going to ignore it? Makes ZERO sense to me.

    1200 calories is the BARE MINIMUM anyone should eat. If your goal is 1300 calories, you should be eating that, PLUS your exercise calories. MFP already works out the deficit for you. If you continue to eat 1000 calories, without eating exercise calories, your body will hold on to every little bit of fat it gets, and then where will you be? Certainly not losing weight. Plus, you'll be destroying your metabolism. Just because you "don't feel hungry" or you "feel fine and have energy" doesn't mean squat. It means your body is getting used to your intake and eventually you will have all sorts of problems, like your hair falling out, or your periods stopping from lack of nutrition. You could even end up with an eating disorder. Stop all that now before you need to seek professional help. 1000 calories will get you nowhere fast.

    I'm not trying to sound mean or attack you or anything, but you really should take what the other people have said and listen to it. Up your calories. Eat your exercise calories. It's guaranteed you will lose weight. It might not be the 6-8 lbs you're hoping for, but you will lose. IMO, toning is probably what you should focus on instead.

    Good luck.
  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    no it's not doable if you're going to be eating only 1000 calories unless you just want to starve yourself, I'm 5'2" and eat 1900 a day mfp says I should have 1500 I have lost way more eating the 1900 than I did when I ate the 1500 calories
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    So what you're really saying is, you came here to ask advice and you're going to ignore it? Makes ZERO sense to me.

    sounds about right for about 90% of the people who ask questions on these forums!!!!!
  • JayMri
    JayMri Posts: 241 Member
    Sound like maybe you are looking more to be toned then to actually loose pounds? If it already fits I'd recommend adding in toning exercises a few days a week (or even every day such as 50 squats a day, 50 planks, etc) and that will help you to look and feel great. I'm not short but have a good friend who is so can understand feeling like any little bit of weight shows.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Thank you all for the replies, I will take everything on board. I won't be changing my eating habits, I feel great, I'm not hungry, I'm drinking plenty of water etc.

    So what you're really saying is, you came here to ask advice and you're going to ignore it? Makes ZERO sense to me.

    1200 calories is the BARE MINIMUM anyone should eat. If your goal is 1300 calories, you should be eating that, PLUS your exercise calories. MFP already works out the deficit for you. If you continue to eat 1000 calories, without eating exercise calories, your body will hold on to every little bit of fat it gets, and then where will you be? Certainly not losing weight. Plus, you'll be destroying your metabolism. Just because you "don't feel hungry" or you "feel fine and have energy" doesn't mean squat. It means your body is getting used to your intake and eventually you will have all sorts of problems, like your hair falling out, or your periods stopping from lack of nutrition. You could even end up with an eating disorder. Stop all that now before you need to seek professional help. 1000 calories will get you nowhere fast.

    I'm not trying to sound mean or attack you or anything, but you really should take what the other people have said and listen to it. Up your calories. Eat your exercise calories. It's guaranteed you will lose weight. It might not be the 6-8 lbs you're hoping for, but you will lose. IMO, toning is probably what you should focus on instead.

    Good luck.

    I think what she means is that she WONT be dropping down to 1000 calories a day! She seems to understand what people are saying and will think on it. She's comfortable at 1300. Deep breath!
  • feathers20
    feathers20 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you all for the replies, I will take everything on board. I won't be changing my eating habits, I feel great, I'm not hungry, I'm drinking plenty of water etc.

    So what you're really saying is, you came here to ask advice and you're going to ignore it? Makes ZERO sense to me.

    1200 calories is the BARE MINIMUM anyone should eat. If your goal is 1300 calories, you should be eating that, PLUS your exercise calories. MFP already works out the deficit for you. If you continue to eat 1000 calories, without eating exercise calories, your body will hold on to every little bit of fat it gets, and then where will you be? Certainly not losing weight. Plus, you'll be destroying your metabolism. Just because you "don't feel hungry" or you "feel fine and have energy" doesn't mean squat. It means your body is getting used to your intake and eventually you will have all sorts of problems, like your hair falling out, or your periods stopping from lack of nutrition. You could even end up with an eating disorder. Stop all that now before you need to seek professional help. 1000 calories will get you nowhere fast.

    I'm not trying to sound mean or attack you or anything, but you really should take what the other people have said and listen to it. Up your calories. Eat your exercise calories. It's guaranteed you will lose weight. It might not be the 6-8 lbs you're hoping for, but you will lose. IMO, toning is probably what you should focus on instead.

    Good luck.

    I think what she means is that she WONT be dropping down to 1000 calories a day! She seems to understand what people are saying and will think on it. She's comfortable at 1300. Deep breath!

    Yes that's what I meant! Sorry if I confused people, I AM taking advice and will be eating my deficit of 1300 calories instead - MFP confused me (I am new to this) so I thought 1300 was all I was allowed and then I needed a deficit - everyone chill! hah
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    I would try the following combination:


    along with some:

  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Sure it's totally doable....no it's not...maybe...
  • PrincessMissDee
    PrincessMissDee Posts: 183 Member
    Just edited my reply because I read further down and you obviously get it now. Good luck!
  • lq022
    lq022 Posts: 232 Member
    Since you want to feel great for your birthday night, I would focus on drinking a ton of water ... alot of times, we dont "feel" good because of salt rentention/water weight .. so it will help flush everything out and have you feeling "clean" . Other than that, just focus on eating the right things -- fruits, veggies, protein, complex carbs, whole grains ... you know the drill !

    Remember, your 21st birthday is a night where you literally ingest every alcohol known to man ... which is NOT clean and healthy lol .. so for the fact that you're freaking out to feel good on a night when you will literally just be putting pure sugar into your body, and probably have some nice 2AM nachos/pizza/tacos/birthday cake .. the next day, you're gonna feel super ****ty. my point is, even if you dont get to your goal of another 6-8 pounds, DONT WORRY! No one is going to notice ... only you . and after a few tequila shots, your not going to notice either =)

    Enjoy your birthday!!!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    If all your really wanting is to lose a little bit of weight to fit into a dress for one day why not consider a less unhealthy option than cutting to many calories. Large weightloss goals in short time frames are unrealistic, but there are short term measures that wont hurt your body in the long run.

    I had a friend that went to a day spa the day before her wedding, she had one of those wraps done and lost 5 lbs of water weight. She knew it was going to come back, but it helped her look good for that one day she needed it.

    Try that instead, you will look and feel good on your day without any nasty side effects.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Not going to happen. You should have started a couple of months ago.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    I was going to the gym 3 times a week, but admittedly I could only do 20-30 minutes

    Instead of cutting more calories, why don't you increase your exercise? Even if you don't lose pounds, you will be more toned and feel more secure in your dress...

    I agree. If you lose 8 pounds under eating... which, yes, can definitely be done... you will end up still looking bloated. We don't say that to be mean. Speaking from experience here. I am 5'1", was 113lbs when I started, eating at 1200/day without exercise. Reached my goal weight but still had a gut, wth?? Body fat percentage increased, because of the lack of strength training, that's why. My big loss was mostly muscle loss... NOT what I wanted! Eat your target calories, and get your butt in the gym. If you want the results, you have to be willing to work for them! I guarantee you, you'll feel much better in your dress if you get your body from the gym, instead of only by under-nourishing your body. Good luck! And happy early birthday!
  • becktacular90
    becktacular90 Posts: 55 Member
    I lose about 8lbs a week... but only because I have absolutely tonnes and tonnes to lose. By the time I'm anywhere near your size I won't expect to lose anything more than maybe 0.5lbs a week if I even want to continue losing. You look great to me - don't try to force it. Also don't listen to the preachy calorie people - you know how your body feels better than any "average" calculation. If after a couple of months you're finding yourself being tired then yep - up your calories. If not - stuff averages and keep doing what feels right :)

    I only eat 550 cals a day on a supervised VLCD... I get a LOT of criticism about it, and I know it's not the healthiest way to lose, but I have my reasons!
  • courtneywiens
    courtneywiens Posts: 148 Member
    People can be so judgmental!! You're beautiful and seem to be healthy so don't listen to the judgments. I've been there too when I've wanted to lose weight quickly, it doesn't make you an unhealthy person. And yes a pound of fat is 3500 calories, but you also have tons of water in your system and it's not hard to lose water weight if you're storing extra (can't say if you are but if you are then it's possible to shed at least a few pounds of that with some dietary tweaks). Eat lots of vegetables and some fruits (berries are always good), cut out grains for the time being (you'll still get tons of healthy carbs from veggies and fruits) and eat lean proteins like chicken or turkey or fish. Drink tons of water to flush out your system and you can also try herbal teas like ginger with lemon and mint. I've lost weight quickly before so I know it's possible, but I weigh more than you so not sure how much of a difference that would make. I find that if you're going to cut calories drastically, do it every other day so your body doesn't get used to the lower calories. Currently I'm doing a juice cleanse to jumpstart some more weight loss because I've gained a little and I am trying to get back on track. The trick is that once you make healthy changes, don't go back to unhealthy habits or it'll all come back. I've found things that work for me, find what works for you. It's your body, feel good about it! It's nice when people are concerned, but judgment doesn't help anyone! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :)
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Given that my weight can fluctuate that much in a single day or two, yes it's totally doable. Just drink all your water don't eat sodium and whatever you do don't have you period on that 18th day!