Dash Diet

Is anyone else in here doing The Dash Diet Solution Weight loss ? I'm starting it on Monday and was wondering if I am alone on doing it.


  • crissyniko
    crissyniko Posts: 47 Member
    I'm going to get the book this weekend and start Monday August 12. I saw a patient yesterday who started the diet in February and has lost 45 lbs, I hadn't seen her in 6 months and WOW! I've been on MFP since April 2013 and have lost 12 lbs counting calories but haven't lost anything in the past 6 weeks....so I have increased my calories, but I think I need something else to get me going again.
  • echelonokie
    Actually just started it today! I lady I work with lost about 35 lbs and that's all she's done (no working out) and she's lost 3 pant sizes. To me, that's more important than the scale moving!
  • ktully93
    ktully93 Posts: 160 Member
    What is the Dash Diet? I guess I can also google it, but I would like to hear from you guys as well.
  • echelonokie
    It's a sort of version of the Mayo clinic, I think. You do NO fruit, NO starchy veggies and basically no carbs for 2 weeks. It centers around veggies, healthy fats and protein. The lady I work with has done amazingly well on it.
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    It's a sort of version of the Mayo clinic, I think. You do NO fruit, NO starchy veggies and basically no carbs for 2 weeks. It centers around veggies, healthy fats and protein. The lady I work with has done amazingly well on it.

    What happens when you go off this "diet"?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    It's a sort of version of the Mayo clinic, I think. You do NO fruit, NO starchy veggies and basically no carbs for 2 weeks. It centers around veggies, healthy fats and protein. The lady I work with has done amazingly well on it.

    What happens when you go off this "diet"?
    If you believe the "calories in/calories out" mantra and stay below TDEE nothing should happen when you go "off" the diet, except maybe "gaining" a few water pounds.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    My bigest issue with it when I did it (that's how I started) was that is was so low fat...to include low healthy fats. I started to have major issues with hormone in balance, anxiety and panic attacks, etc...and while I was losing weight, my blood work was not improving at all. I had cut too much fat, including the good fats out of my diet and that was actually reducing my HDL cholesterol..so while LDL was also dropping, my ratio of good to bad cholesterol was stying the same or worsening.

    I've since taken a much more balanced approach and make sure I get all my healthy fats...lots of fruit and veg and protein.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    My bigest issue with it when I did it (that's how I started) was that is was so low fat...to include low healthy fats. I started to have major issues with hormone in balance, anxiety and panic attacks, etc...and while I was losing weight, my blood work was not improving at all. I had cut too much fat, including the good fats out of my diet and that was actually reducing my HDL cholesterol..so while LDL was also dropping, my ratio of good to bad cholesterol was stying the same or worsening.

    I've since taken a much more balanced approach and make sure I get all my healthy fats...lots of fruit and veg and protein.

    great post.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I would also add that since taking a more balanced approach and really making sure I get those heart healthy fats, my blood work is all good and I'm off all meds except my blood pressure meds...doc says at this point I'm doing all I can and that it's most likely an inherent thing for me.

    I think overall the DASH provides a decent template...the emphasis on fruit and veg and lean protein is great...just don't go too low fat...make sure you're getting your olive oil, avocado, nuts, etc...get those good fats for your heart...also, 1 steak per week for sanity :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I would also add that since taking a more balanced approach and really making sure I get those heart healthy fats, my blood work is all good and I'm off all meds except my blood pressure meds...doc says at this point I'm doing all I can and that it's most likely an inherent thing for me.

    I think overall the DASH provides a decent template...the emphasis on fruit and veg and lean protein is great...just don't go too low fat...make sure you're getting your olive oil, avocado, nuts, etc...get those good fats for your heart...also, 1 steak per week for sanity :)
    In many ways DASH is like South Beach. It's a good template for folks who need a primer on how to eat. Many folks do, and I worry that folks think counting calories for x months is all there is to it.
  • echelonokie
    Okay, I see MANY post about trying the DASH diet and few come back to say results.

    This is the morning of my 3rd day and I had some carbs last night. I didn't go stark wild, but I did have a Starbucks sandwich. I just measured and am DOWN 1/2 INCH ON MY WAIST! Measured 4 times cause I couldn't believe it. That, and I didn't go to bed with swollen ankles last night which is a huge plus!
  • echelonokie
    UPDATE! I officially started this last Thursday (FIVE DAYS AGO). The last time I weighed was a week ago, but I have to give DASH all the credit.

    I have lost ONE INCH from my waist and 11.5 lbs since I began this. Yes, my whining and complaining has come to and end.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    I hope it's an em dash and not an en dash. Em dashes are far more substantial -- twice as many calories, at least.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    It's a sort of version of the Mayo clinic, I think. You do NO fruit, NO starchy veggies and basically no carbs for 2 weeks. It centers around veggies, healthy fats and protein. The lady I work with has done amazingly well on it.

    Sounds a lot like South Beach. My hubby's been doing South Beach and has lost almost 20 pounds. And he's not even doing it hard core.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    UPDATE! I officially started this last Thursday (FIVE DAYS AGO). The last time I weighed was a week ago, but I have to give DASH all the credit.

    I have lost ONE INCH from my waist and 11.5 lbs since I began this. Yes, my whining and complaining has come to and end.

    And you believe it was this particular diet, and not the fact that you are eating a calorie deficit and one that specifically sucked out your water due to reduced carb intake, that gave you success? Will you be able to eat like this forever, or are you prepared to gain a little water weight and perhaps feel a tad bloated when you start craving carbs and give in to that down the road?
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    UPDATE! I officially started this last Thursday (FIVE DAYS AGO). The last time I weighed was a week ago, but I have to give DASH all the credit.

    I have lost ONE INCH from my waist and 11.5 lbs since I began this. Yes, my whining and complaining has come to and end.

    Can you sustain this diet for the rest of your life?
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    It's a sort of version of the Mayo clinic, I think. You do NO fruit, NO starchy veggies and basically no carbs for 2 weeks. It centers around veggies, healthy fats and protein. The lady I work with has done amazingly well on it.

    Hmm...sounds like Low Carb High Fat. Is that what it's like?....off to Google!
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Nope Nope Nope...not like LCHF :laugh:


    What is the DASH Diet?

    The DASH diet eating plan is a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, low fat or nonfat dairy. It also includes grains, especially whole grains; lean meats, fish and poultry; nuts and beans. It is high fiber and low to moderate in fat. It is a plan that follows US guidelines for sodium content. In addition to lowering blood pressure, the DASH eating plan lowers cholesterol and makes it easy to lose weight. It is a healthy way of eating, designed to be flexible enough to meet the lifestyle and food preferences of most people. And, it contains all the healthy foods from the Mediterranean diet.
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    UPDATE! I officially started this last Thursday (FIVE DAYS AGO). The last time I weighed was a week ago, but I have to give DASH all the credit.

    I have lost ONE INCH from my waist and 11.5 lbs since I began this. Yes, my whining and complaining has come to and end.

    Really, you shouldnt be giving all the credit to this so called DASH DIET. Infact you should be giving yourself the credit for sticking it through. I read about in just a wk you lost some pounds and inches. Now, please dont take offense to this but it is my understanding and from past experiences that the weight you lost is just water weight so if you see that scale or tape measure go up again dont freak out ok. Water weight is easily lost as is gained back. Also, if you are a person with MORE weight to lose truth is, you will lose it fairly quick with all the effort you put into it.
    Either way win or lose NEVER GIVE UP K :)
  • echelonokie
    Well, I'm allergic to whole milk, so I do almond milk. I'm not saying this is easy at all, and after 2-3 weeks, you can add back in fruits and whole grains. It's a way to get the body off its addiction to carbs.

    And to those that are downing my weight loss, it's your prerogative to think how you wish.

    I needed a boost, a way to kickstart the losing process and this is it.

    @Lyadeia I was keeping my calories in a deficit before the DASH diet and not going anywhere except maybe a .5 lb here and there and that was with working out like a mad person.

    It focuses on good fats, veggies and protein with low carbs and sugars. I've never been an eater of candy and stuff, so that's no big. And I'm hoping I won't be giving up things forever, but if I get a craving down the road for a tortilla, I'm hoping my body will have a high enough metabolism at that point to sustain.