Misleading food! What did you underestimate?



  • brandyme
    brandyme Posts: 400 Member
    Not sure if I over or underestimate here, but rice is hard for me to log since the label is typically based on dry rice... who eats dry rice? LOL. Any suggestions on how to calculate? I guess it depends on how much water and how long the rice is cooked. :grumble: I'm on rice eating strike.

    It's also hard for me to log Indian food... there are so many spices and a lack of nutrition info available online.
  • younginaz
    younginaz Posts: 71 Member
    ice cream... every time I measure it I wonder who the hell invented 1/2 cup servings.

    No kidding. Or an ounce of peanuts? who eats 1 oz of peanuts?
  • younginaz
    younginaz Posts: 71 Member
    Not sure if I over or underestimate here, but rice is hard for me to log since it's typicaly based on dry rice... who eats dry rice? LOL. Any suggestions on how to calculate? I guess it depends on how much water and how long the rice is cooked. :grumble: I'm on rice eating strike.

    It's also hard for me to log Indian food... there are so many spices and a lack of nutrition info available online.

    Exactly, same with couscous, measures dry but the box ends up making enough for a week!
  • gr8xpectationz
    gr8xpectationz Posts: 161 Member
    Almost anything that's a tablespoon. Ketchup comes to mind. I've heard some people on here talk of keeping a measuring spoon on their key chain, and I think that's brilliant.

    The good news is, if you estimate a tablespoon wrong, it DOES count, but it can't make a super-huge difference in your day unless you're off by a lot on something calorically dense, like coconut oil or something.
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    I'm wondering if the calorie count for that omelette is for the entire meal, which probably includes home fries and toast.
  • monartlady
    Last night shopping... bottle of water, 750 mls, with a touch of lemon and lime. I had drank half of it, when I noticed the label. 177 calories in the whole bottle. Luckily I had only drank half of it. But still, 177 calories, flavoured water? Are you for real?
  • krouse83
    krouse83 Posts: 182 Member
    nutella...holy **** I could of had a candy bar for that many calories

    ^^This! But I still love nutella and eat it in moderation with graham crackers!
  • donnace7
    donnace7 Posts: 147 Member
    Arby's multigrain sandwiches - the bread alone is something like 500 calories!!
  • laurenmanderson1
    laurenmanderson1 Posts: 113 Member
    I was most surprised by how many calories I was eating a day of healthy food. Before finding MFP I started to "eat healthier" and was having things like whole wheat toast and fruit for breakfast, sandwiches/salad for lunch, apples and peanut butter AND carrots and hummus or cheese and crackers for snacks, etc. My first day of logging food on here I almost cried because I thought I was being healthier (which to some extent I was, at least much more so than before), but was still finding a way to eat over 2000 calories a day.
  • nbishoparmy
    Bananas! They're fruit, wtf! At 120 calories per, it makes me feel guilty eating a couple.
  • Crzymommyof2
    Last night shopping... bottle of water, 750 mls, with a touch of lemon and lime. I had drank half of it, when I noticed the label. 177 calories in the whole bottle. Luckily I had only drank half of it. But still, 177 calories, flavoured water? Are you for real?

    ewww... that sucks!
  • southerndream24
    southerndream24 Posts: 303 Member
    Cashews. I can down an entire big bag of unsalted cashews in a day. The calorie count is INSANE!!!
  • meadowsmummy
    Banana Nut muffins - 400 cals....
    i thought Muffins were good for you
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    cashews :huh:
    At about 28 g, they are 10 g of carb...not bad right?

    Well that's how I started out but at some point I began eating them by the fistful :grumble:
    I can only tolerate up to 6 g of carb per snack and 10 g per meal :sick:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I usually do pretty well after tracking my food for the last few years but I was a bit shocked recently. We were hanging out with some friends on July 4th, waiting for the fireworks to start and someone offered to bring a bunch of us to Wendy's for Frosties (since it wasn't far away). I figured a small one couldn't hurt, right? I mean a small McD's cone is only 150 cal so a Frosty can't be much more than that. WRONG! It was double that at 300 calories!
  • Sadedoes
    Sadedoes Posts: 31 Member
    Not sure if I over or underestimate here, but rice is hard for me to log since it's typicaly based on dry rice... who eats dry rice? LOL. Any suggestions on how to calculate? I guess it depends on how much water and how long the rice is cooked. :grumble: I'm on rice eating strike.

    It's also hard for me to log Indian food... there are so many spices and a lack of nutrition info available online.

    Exactly, same with couscous, measures dry but the box ends up making enough for a week!

    Rice & couscous are easy if you go by dry weight. A typical serving is 60 grams (a bit over 2 oz). That's a bit under 1/3 of a cup (dry cous cous / rice). Then you just cook that, and eat it. Yes, the 60-65 grams of uncooked stuff looks ridiculous, but most people simply are used to having 2-3 servings.

    Anecdote time: a couple of friends invited us over for dinner. Second course was pasta. Typical box/bag of pasta is 500 gr (which I basically call 8 servings). They typically eat a whole box between the two of them. Ok, he trains for triathlon, but that box is 1900 calories!

    (Edited to not repeat myself)
  • hamminit
    hamminit Posts: 184 Member
    Friday's Jack Daniels Salmon- couldn't believe you could make salmon that bad for you lol
  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member
    Hummus surprises me at how many calories are in that stuff.

    Yah, hummus is a bit of a shocker when you learn the calorie count. So nutritious, but so calorie-dense...
  • new_beth_2013
    new_beth_2013 Posts: 109 Member
    ice cream... every time I measure it I wonder who the hell invented 1/2 cup servings.

    Some *kitten* did. :mad: