Too depressed to care anymore?

I have a history of depression and insomnia, and I tend to stress eat when I get depressed. I was feeling really good up until a few weeks ago.
My hubby lost his job, and that is putting added financial stress to our relationship since I am the only one working right now. Its very busy and stressful at my job at the moment too, which makes me grouchy, and tired, and depressed. So instead of coming home and cooking a nice healthy dinner and hitting the gym afterwards, I'm saying "screw it, let's get Wendys and watch the Colbert Report". And because I'm worried about money and aggravated with work, I'm not sleeping, which makes me more tired and grouchy the next day with less energy. With that, add transmission problems to my 13-year-old car and not enough money to buy a new one and my life is a mess right now.

I'm not trying to make this a therapy session, but I do know that when I excersize and eat right I feel better. My weight is creeping up again and I want to stop it before I gain back everything I have lost. It's just so hard to care when everything sucks right now.


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I understand the stress of DH losing his job. When my daughter was 3 months old, I got Bell's Palsy. A month later, my DH lost his job. It was beyond stressful, dealing with a serious illness, no income and having a newborn. I so get it. It's been 4.5 years since then, so I've obviously survived all that, lol.

    Take a deep breath. If money is an issue, drop your gym membership and find a trail/jogger's path and go walking. I do this every morning before DH and daughter wake up. I find that I feel much less stressed during my walk. It clears my head and I'm able to think things through with a clear head.

    Focus on taking small steps. Since DH is home now until he finds a job, ask him to take over the cooking. Give him easy things to cook. Steam in bag Veggies (frozen, about $1 on sale), grill up some chicken (he's a guy, he should like grilling, right? (lol). This way, you can have a healthy dinner and it's done when you get home.

    Start couponing (if you're not already). Buy a Sunday Newspaper every week and get the coupon inserts from it. Match the coupons with your grocer's sales. You can search for coupon matchup blogs, which will do all of the math/hardwork for you. You just need the coupons. When I first started couponing years ago, I went from spending $500 a month on food to $250 a month. You can use that saved money on fixing your car.

    Like I said, small steps. I know it's hard not to freak out about the whole situation. You just have to work on one thing at a time. Good luck!
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    Letting your weight get out of control will just make everything worse. Stick to what you can control, and maintain your health & hubbys!
  • moonshine_betty
    moonshine_betty Posts: 169 Member
    First, ((hugs)). Your situation is very difficult and with your history of stress eating it's no wonder you are turning to food right now. I've been depressed and I know how hard it is to care about your health when you're feeling low; in fact, the "life problems" I mention in my profile that resulted in me regaining 30 lbs were my struggles with depression and anxiety.

    The important thing is that you are kind to yourself right now. That doesn't mean letting yourself eat whatever and not exercise, but instead cutting yourself some slack. You know that eating right and exercising make you feel good but right now it is difficult to put as much effort into those things as you were doing when things were better. So make concessions. If hitting the gym after work is too much, then go for a long walk instead. If cooking a healthy dinner is too stressful to think about, a healthy sandwich with a side salad is a quick and easy way to still have something nutritious. Do what you can and realize that no matter how small it is, it is better than nothing.

    Even more importantly, it may be a good idea to get therapy. Since money is an issue, look for free or sliding scale programs in your area that will make it affordable for you. People frequently view therapy as a luxury when times are tight but your mental health is even more important during trying times.
  • witmer1
    witmer1 Posts: 128 Member
    I understand where you're coming from. You have to stop the self destructive behavior. It's all becoming a snowball. Break that snowball. When you're feeling stressed, instead of turning to excess food for comfort, go for a walk. When you're eating, ask yourself if it's what you NEED or what you WANT. Those words are different for a reason. Your want is all in your head and you're stronger than that.

    I hope things work out for you. Even with money and other issues, your health is still important. YOU are still important. Act like it.
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    Hugs. I hear you clucking big chicken. I'm facing a lot of the same stressors and it is rough. I know it can be hard to turn things around when it feels like you're walking into the rain. Hang in there. You can do it.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Stop eating out, and you will have enough money to replace the car.
    Have your hubby ( since he is not working) cook you something cheep. Nothing better then pasta +pasta sauce and Hotdogs
    or Rice, Beans, etc.....
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I think right now you need to figure out priorities. Yes, eating well and exercising should be important, but if that comes at the detriment of something else in your life, you need to decide which course is more important at this current time.

    I'm sorry you're experiencing such hardship. It really is hard to keep motivated when things feel like they're falling around you, but sometimes it actually helps to keep going with this - because it gives you something in your life you CAN have some control over.

    Good luck.
  • Have faith and remember that "this too shall pass".
  • megbee617
    megbee617 Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks for the support everybody. Means a lot that you are all so sincere when I feel like I'm just complaining...
  • MrsNina1972
    MrsNina1972 Posts: 105 Member
    I too understand what you are going through. I battle with depression and have my good and bad days, and when life throws more things at you, you sometimes feel like saying forget it and throw in the towel. I gained a good 20lbs back after surgery because I lost one of my jobs which put me at part-time employment and my hubby was the only one working while I was out for a month after surgery. I stressed over bills, rent and utilities and on top of that it was Christmas time, so no money for presents for our son. When I recovered enough to work out I hit the gym like crazy because that calmed my nerves, and then hit another wall of depression and still trying to get fully out of it. You have to make the decision to pull yourself out of your funk and keep it moving, because life is always going to throw you curve balls, so as the saying goes when life gives you lemons squeeze the hell out of them and make lemonade. LOL

    Good luck, I hope you start feeling better.
  • new_beth_2013
    new_beth_2013 Posts: 109 Member
    We have all been through the mill. One persons sturggle may not seem signifant to another. However we all are here to help and encourage. I have dealt with everything you have listed and it is so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have my own battles as well. Just know you are not alone and if ther eis anything you need to talk about then do it! Dont think someone is going to think you are complaining. Friends are supposed to lend an ear or a shoulder. You will get through it! Take time and write out all your priorities and see what you can change in the meantime :)
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    Firstly . . . You have valid reasons for feeling down and stressed out!

    Secondly . . . . Don't feel bad about needing to vent about all of it.

    Lastly . . . . You know yourself well enough that you were able to realize that regular exercise and healthy eating makes you feel better. So, you already know what you need to do.

    You can pull yourself out of this funk. Friend me if you would like to have someone cheering you on from NY :)

  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I'm right there with you. When I have problems in my personal life it makes it really hard for me to focus and stay on track with my goals. My doctor just put me on a small dose of Lexipro because along with everything else I'm starting to go through menopause and have the ups and downs of hormones. I say the most important thing is to give yourself a break and let yourself deal with what you need to and not start feeling bad about how your handling it. Sit down and write out your goals and what you want to change then work on one thing at a time.

    I know having a spouse that isn't working is so stressful - I've been there. Sit down with him and make a plan. If he's not working, then why can't he go shopping and make dinner - you can easily eat cheap and healthy on big salads, crock pot dinners, etc.

    Good luck hon - I know life is so stressful sometimes.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I have a history of depression and insomnia in my past but not in my future , and I tend to stress eat when I get depressed if I don't remember to keep healthy snacks in my purse. I was feeling really good up until a few weeks ago so I know I can feel really good again as soon as I get a handle on this.
    My hubby lost his job, and that is putting added financial stress to our relationship since I am the only one working right now. Its very busy and stressful at my job at the moment too, which makes me grouchy, and tired, and depressed. So instead of coming home and cooking a nice healthy dinner and hitting the gym afterwards, I said "screw it, let's get Wendys and ordered healthy-ish stuff that fit my eating plan and watch the Colbert Report". And because I'm worried about money and aggravated with work, I'm not sleeping enough, but I just started researching yoga online to remedy this , which makes me more tired and relaxed before bed and the next day wake up with more energy. With that, add transmission problems to my 13-year-old car and not enough money to buy a new one and I might be getting more opportunities for exercise by walking to the bus stop & or taking my bike to work like some people do and I always wanted to try.

    I'm not trying to make this a therapy session, but I do know that when I excersize and eat right I feel better which is why I'm committing to doing that moreso now that my family and I really really need me to . My weight was creeping up again and I will stop it before I gain back everything I have lost. It's just so hard to care when everything sucks right now but I know that when I am on the other side of this I will be soooooo glad I did because I know that weight loss does not happen in a perfect bubble of perfectly perfection and success depends on working it into real life no matter what life throws at me. Come on that all you got? Come at me bro! .

  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    I have a history of depression and insomnia in my past but not in my future , and I tend to stress eat when I get depressed if I don't remember to keep healthy snacks in my purse. I was feeling really good up until a few weeks ago so I know I can feel really good again as soon as I get a handle on this.
    My hubby lost his job, and that is putting added financial stress to our relationship since I am the only one working right now. Its very busy and stressful at my job at the moment too, which makes me grouchy, and tired, and depressed. So instead of coming home and cooking a nice healthy dinner and hitting the gym afterwards, I said "screw it, let's get Wendys and ordered healthy-ish stuff that fit my eating plan and watch the Colbert Report". And because I'm worried about money and aggravated with work, I'm not sleeping enough, but I just started researching yoga online to remedy this , which makes me more tired and relaxed before bed and the next day wake up with more energy. With that, add transmission problems to my 13-year-old car and not enough money to buy a new one and I might be getting more opportunities for exercise by walking to the bus stop & or taking my bike to work like some people do and I always wanted to try.

    I'm not trying to make this a therapy session, but I do know that when I excersize and eat right I feel better which is why I'm committing to doing that moreso now that my family and I really really need me to . My weight was creeping up again and I will stop it before I gain back everything I have lost. It's just so hard to care when everything sucks right now but I know that when I am on the other side of this I will be soooooo glad I did because I know that weight loss does not happen in a perfect bubble of perfectly perfection and success depends on working it into real life no matter what life throws at me. Come on that all you got? Come at me bro! .


  • bakingforlife
    bakingforlife Posts: 132 Member
    You can do it :happy:
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Sounds familiar. I've been there. It's profoundly unpleasant. I can't really help in any meaningful sense, but I shall give you my inconsequential opinion anyway. It will be blunt.

    We can't fix it. We might be able to cheer you up, but it will be temporary. A counselor might help. It might not. Medication might help. It might not. There is only one person who can get you out of that spiral. But you already knew that.

    And if you tell yourself that everything's falling apart and your life is collapsing and there's nothing you can do about it, you're right. And if you decide that you might as well give up and turn to bad habits as some kind of comfort device, because you're not worth anything, you're right about that too.

    Alternatively, you could decide that whilst some things beyond your control are making things difficult, and it's not a good position to be in, that it's not representative of you as a person, and that if you want to stand a good chance of getting through setbacks unscathed then the only way to do it is with focus and knowing that you don't make yourself happy by resigning yourself to defeat, you do it by showing yourself that you can get through challenges and overcome adversity. Your health isn't a test of skill, it's a test of commitment and determination. If you fail, it's because you choose to fail. And if you make that choice, you'll hate yourself for it, and that will become another weight on your already overburdened shoulders.

    You know what you have to do. Do it.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    You might try an inspirational book - one I found helped me tremendously in a rough time in my life was The Secret. Great read.
  • buttonfeet
    buttonfeet Posts: 50 Member
    What a football coach would tell you: Quit feeling sorry for yourself and win this thing!
    What a yoga teacher would tell you: Just close your eyes and feel the life-giving oxygen flow in and out of you until you find peace.
    What Chuck Norris would tell you: Just give me an address and a name; it will be fixed in ten minutes.
    What Darth Vader would tell you: Perhaps I can find new ways to motivate you.
    What my pastor would tell you: Be still and know that he is God. This is temporary and you will come out of this stronger.
    What Beaker from The Muppets would tell you: Me me me me me meeeee me meeeemeememe me me!

    Hope that helps!
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member have food on your plate, roof over head, and clothes on your body....

    there are MILLIONS that would kill to have this.

    Depression is a battle of the mind. Be strong. You either want to be better than you are, or you dont.