Subway - the KNIFE and other disgusting practices



  • I work at subway, and though some of my other employees do this. I completely understand being a fitness enthusiast and just a clean person in general. I go through about 100 knives or more through out the day and always change my gloves and wash my hands after each customer no matter how long it takes. Some customers in the line find it annoying though. that being said I will encourage other employees to do the same more often:).
    thank you for attempting to make a "healthy" place healthier
  • Howwever, it isn't asking too much to hold a restaurant acountable for standards they MUST legally adhere to, and speak up about it if/when you witness infractions. i.e, the Subway knife..

    Where, exactly, is not wiping the knife illegal? I really want to know.

    Here you go...(the section between the smiley faces speaks to the issue of cross-contamination and Subway knives):

    From FDA's website:

    IX. Retail and Foodservice
    Specific procedures for storing and displaying food, for excluding or restricting ill employees, for washing hands, date-marking, and for washing and sanitizing equipment can be found in the FDA Food Code15. The FDA Food Code is a model code developed by FDA to assist and promote consistent implementation of national food safety regulatory policy among the local, State, and tribal governmental agencies that have primary responsibility for the regulation or oversight of retail level food operations. Further considerations for leafy greens are found below. In addition, handlers of leafy greens should be aware of and follow all Federal, State, and local requirements. Leafy greens may be handled extensively at retail or in food service operations; therefore, it is of particular importance to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before cutting or handling leafy greens and to rewash hands as necessary.

    A. Retail and Foodservice Handling
    Leafy greens may be contaminated by numerous means in the field-to-fork supply chain. Important considerations at the retail and foodservice level include excluding or restricting ill food workers, ensuring appropriate employee hygiene/handling, using water of adequate quality, and preventing cross-contamination.

    FDA recommends:

    Considering not using leafy greens with visible signs of decay or damage, due to the increased risk of the presence of human pathogens. Decayed or damaged leafy greens and lesions caused by plant pathogens may act as harborage for human pathogens (Ref. 24 ). When in doubt about the use of decayed or distressed product, either removing the unusable portions or not using the leafy greens.
    Utilizing information in the FDA 2005 Food Code Section 3-302.15 (available in PDF16), which specifies: "Raw fruits and vegetables shall be thoroughly washed in water to remove soil and other contaminants before being cut, combined with other ingredients, cooked, served, or offered for human consumption in ready-to-eat form." Not rewashing packaged produce labeled "ready-to-eat," "washed" or "triple washed."
    Ensuring water used to wash leafy greens is of appropriate microbial quality for its intended use.
    Rewashing, after cutting, the leafy greens in a clean and sanitized sink or container. Immersing and agitating the cut leafy greens, then removing from water while avoiding contact with any dirt or debris that may settle out. Repeating the cleaning process as needed with a clean and sanitized basin, sink, or bowl and fresh water.

    :smile: Cleaning and sanitizing all food-contact equipment and utensils that contact cut leafy greens (e.g., cutting boards and knives) with the following steps: washing thoroughly with hot soapy water, rinsing, sanitizing, and air-drying.
    Washing hands thoroughly with soap and water before cutting or handling leafy greens and rewashing hands as necessary. :smile:

    Using a barrier such as gloves and/or an appropriate utensil changed with sufficient frequency to prevent cross-contamination to touch fresh-cut leafy greens. Note: This does not alleviate the need for proper hand-washing.
    Storing and displaying fresh-cut leafy greens under refrigeration throughout distribution to enhance the safety and quality of the product.
    Storing and displaying fresh-cut leafy greens under refrigeration to minimize bacterial growth and delay deterioration of the product.
    Establishing a policy for fresh-cut leafy greens prepared at retail/foodservice for how long the refrigerated product can be displayed and offered for sale. Marking the product, with "prepared on" or "best if used by" date.
    Following manufacturer instructions for the product such as "keep refrigerated" or "best if used by."
    Developing training programs that will educate all potential handlers of leafy greens in retail and food establishments regarding the importance of food safety and the recommendations in this guidance.

    Yeah, they wash and sanitize their dishes every day, not between every sandwich! And I'm going to preemptively argue the stuff about fresh-cut leafy greens doesn't apply anyway because their veggies arrive at the stores in a bag cut and cleaned already.

    however the knife does go through the samich that has the leefy greens on them
  • Eavie0513
    Eavie0513 Posts: 40 Member
    I am a foodie.. A REAL foodie. I have decided that I will never go anywhere that serves food that I can make myself. I will go spend
    $92.00 on a fixed price 3 course dinner with wine pairing, but no subway, no McDonalds,no Quiznos, No whateverthelatestgreatestthingis.

    Actually, I think subway is pretty disgusting, the meat is too salty and the only thing I really like is the spinach.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Actually, I think subway is pretty disgusting, the meat is too salty and the only thing I really like is the spinach.

    Really? They're chocolate chip cookies are pretty good if you get them warm. Unfortunately they're insanely high in calories.
  • WendyBlendy
    WendyBlendy Posts: 124 Member
    No knives around here at Subway!
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Good God, if something like this bothers you, speak up or DON'T eat at Subway.

    I am not sympathetic.
  • I work at a SUBWAY. I still am amazed about the fact that people are freaking out about gloves and a knife. what people fail to realize is that our dishes and knives are swapped out and sanitized quite regularly. As for sanitation is concerned i was my hands every time my gloves come off and after every task i do. I wash my hands at least a hundred times a shift , if not more. In contrast to that, I would have to say that maybe 2 out of every ten customers wash there hands before sitting down to eat. so after driving there car , being on and touching a computer keyboard, touching their hair /face, using the restroom and what ever other things that could be done to spread germs . then wrapping those hands around their sub. my knife and glove are the least of your worries.
  • Amanda_Tate28
    Amanda_Tate28 Posts: 168 Member
    I have seen worse in my own kitchen lol

  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    Generally speaking, if you're overly concerned about sanitation I wouldn't suggest fast food.
    Agreed. I remember KFC's take out window watching a guy fix a register, grab the broom and sweep around his station, then proceed to handle the chicken to cut up for packaging.........I've been a chef all my life and the gloves are a real pet peeve along with training and general hygiene.