Shorties [5' - 5'3"] with 50+ lbs to lose?



  • TdaniT
    TdaniT Posts: 331 Member
    I am 5'3" and I have 25 lbs left to lose. I have lost 37 so far!
  • Hey I'm 5ft as well i want to lose 40 pounds . I need some encouragement it can be so hard . Add me : )
  • smsquash
    smsquash Posts: 38 Member
    5' 1 & 1/2" here. I'm trying to lose around 55 pounds total I guess, but really the goal is a ballpark. I just want to be healthy and strong again, and I want it to be a lifestyle change so instead of focusing on a number or a weight, I'm committing to a year of healthy living (daily exercise and staying within my MFP calorie counts). I'm closing in on my first month and don't know exactly what (if anything) I've lost because I'm determined not to obsess over the number on the scale this time around (but I am going to weigh in at the 1-month mark). I'm focused on healthy eating and living, not just weight loss. Feel free to add me if you like (anyone).
  • 5'0 with 60 left to go! down 40 currently :)

    anyone is free to add me :)
  • TiaXL
    TiaXL Posts: 31 Member
    Hi I am 5'1" and excited to see a group geared towards woman like me who are trying to loose. I am still in celebration mode, I just dropped my first 30lbs and have been doing the chicken dance (I can't dance). The best thing ever was rewarding myself with a Body Media Core, can't wait for it to arrive. Totally excited to join this group!

    I would love to have new friends... just add me!
  • aimee081872
    aimee081872 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 5'4" (but still consider myself a shortie!!) and weigh 170 lbs. my original goal was to lose 61 lbs, but I've dropped 40 since February. I have at least 21 lbs to go, but think I'd actually like to lose another 35-40 to really be happy. Feel free to add me! It so nice to know there's such a large group of us out here with the same goals!
  • Hi..I'm 4'11 (super shortie) with about 66 lbs to lose. I could really use awesome friends to help keep me going and offer some advice on what works and what doesn't.
  • lavi73
    lavi73 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 5'2" and have 35lbs that i want to lose... i just started MFP last week and down a pound... i'll take it... but always good to have a little extra support!
  • lesley964
    lesley964 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi there,
    Im 5'2'' with now 99 lbs to lose!!! (it was over100!) but I can't bring myself to put that on my banner!!! I thought I would give myself a bit of an easier goal.
    Ive only recently re-joined and so far the willpower is still holding....fingers are still crossed!!
    feel free to add me and I will send you all the support and help from scotland as I can!!!
  • I always get measured with my shoes on, or they just ask me a I stick with 5'2". Might not be totally accurate, but I can stand to lose 70lbs, but working on a 50 lb weight loss goal.
  • FlabFighter86
    FlabFighter86 Posts: 233 Member
    I'm 5ft 2, have lost 8lbs so far. 82lbs to go. Feel free to add me!
  • TiaXL
    TiaXL Posts: 31 Member
    I know you can do it... Keep focused on the prize and remember water is your friend! Hugs
  • CrazyC
    CrazyC Posts: 284 Member
    Hi Everyone!! :smile:

    Another vertically challenged/fun size thread. Yay!! :wink: my name is Carmon (Crazy C). Started MFP on Feb 17th (exercise) and Feb 21st (food) lost 28 lbs thus far, but actually 40+ lbs since approximately Dec/Jan when I was cery sick with the flu and bronchetits. I am BARELY 5 feet with BIG hair. Haaaaa. So, texhincially accordng to hubby, 4 '11 and 3/4" yes he measured me and rook a pic at the kids park. BLHAAAA. I'm sticking to 5 feet and have for 41 years so pffft. :laugh: i have 49 more lbs to reach goal. I've given myself a year and have been doing this for 5 months now. Currently, I do Zumba Exhilarate DVD's, including Zumba Ripped - Toning (with 1 lb sticks with sand in them) and Sentao (chair exercises) alternating every day(6x/week) for an hour except Sundays/rest day.

    Feel free ro add me with a friend request AND MESSAGE!!


  • CrazyC
    CrazyC Posts: 284 Member
    Hi Everyone!! :smile:

    Another vertically challenged/fun size thread. Yay!! :wink: my name is Carmon (Crazy C). Started MFP on Feb 17th (exercise) and Feb 21st (food) lost 28 lbs thus far, but actually 40+ lbs since approximately Dec/Jan when I was cery sick with the flu and bronchetits. I am BARELY 5 feet with BIG hair. Haaaaa. So, texhincially accordng to hubby, 4 '11 and 3/4" yes he measured me and rook a pic at the kids park. BLHAAAA. I'm sticking to 5 feet and have for 41 years so pffft. :laugh: i have 49 more lbs to reach goal. I've given myself a year and have been doing this for 5 months now. Currently, I do Zumba Exhilarate DVD's, including Zumba Ripped - Toning (with 1 lb sticks with sand in them) and Sentao (chair exercises) alternating every day(6x/week) for an hour except Sundays/rest day.

    Feel free ro add me with a friend request AND MESSAGE!!



    *sorry for the typos. Hard for my ipad and autocorrect to keep up with my fast typing.. *
  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    5'1" with 80+ to lose!
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    5'0 with about 60 to lose =/

    feel free to add me! I NEED encouragement!
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,285 Member
    Can I round up?! I'm 4'11.5" and though my goal is 30 more lbs... to be at a "normal" weight range, I need to lose 50 more lbs!
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    Yep, I'm 5 ft 3, and currently weigh 180, my goal weight is 150, and my ultimate goal weight is 120 pounds.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    I'm 5'2" and have lost a little over 60lbs with about another 60 to lose. Feel free to add me.
  • I am about 5'3" with about 30 more pounds to lose. I've lost about 15 pounds so far and loving it. It's amazing what fifteen pounds can do to someones self-esteem.