Yoga DVD

jellybeany Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I am looking to start doing a yoga DVD on top of my daily excercises. I am just not sure what to go with I have done a little bit of research and was contimplating between Bob harpers yoga or Jillian Micheals Yoga Meltdown...Pro's/Con's? Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!


  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I love Yoga Zone! I swear by it.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    I just did yoga meltdown love it and want to try Bob's
  • I LOVE YOGA! If you have Netflix there are some great yoga videos! My favorite is Crunch Candlelight's very relaxing, great for stretching and reducing stress!
  • I have both Crunch Yoga and Hemalayaa Yoga for Everyone. I love them both. I would love to try Jillians Yoga. Let me know how it is if that is the one you use.
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    Another good one for beginners is Just My Size Yoga with Megan Garcia. It's for plus sized women and she shows you how to modify moves until you can achieve them. It's a great first yoga video.
  • i'd say try different types of yoga using the videos on youtube (there are TONS!) and after that you'll know from personal experience what kind you like best! :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    First, unless you have taken classes in the past, I HIGHLY recommend doing so before trying to go it alone. You can hurt yourself doing the poses wrong, or if you do them wrong, you won't get the benefit. It's very difficult to do them correctly without guidance because you can't see yourself.

    A really good beginner yoga DVD, though, is Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss by Gaiam. It has four levels, from beginner to more advanced and instructional portions for assistance.

    I also love anything by Rodney Yee.
  • i use A Spectrum of Yoga - recommended by The British Wheel of Yoga there are 5 choices of what to do on there A complete sequence - complete sequence with modifications (good if you're not as supple) Individual asana selection and the individual asana with modifications and modified asana with tutor. If you do the complete sequence which includes relaxation its about an hour. You can also choose exercises from the menu (it shows the pictures of what they are so you know which you want).

    It's a brilliant dvd - i'd only been practising yoga for 5 weeks (once a week for 2 hours) when the class broke up for the summer and this dvd was recommended by my yoga teacher - its great because if you don't have much time you can pick and choose and if there are any a bit hard you just choose the modification.
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    I like Julian M's yoga meltdown, I still can't do level two a month later! haha it's great though!
  • bacardigirl
    bacardigirl Posts: 17 Member
    I personally love the Body by Bethenny yoga don't have to be a fan of hers to get a good yoga workout in!
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