Passed 200 - not ok with it. Need new support group.



  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    You have big...goals. Best of luck to you!

    This I hope you have all the support you need

    You're always willing to lend a helping hand with big goals though, right?
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    similar story with me.... good luck on the new journey!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I used to live in Placentia. Howdy old almost in a time warp neighbor!

    So thistime pic HONEST friends even if their jerks rather than NICE friends. The honest freinds speak up when your making excuses joke to keep you in line and answer fast if you ever get brave to ask a sincere question on your wall. they have been a big help to me and I dont' just gravittate towards nice guy yes men. If i wanted someoen to blow smoke up my butt i'd hire a hooker.
  • c_tap77
    c_tap77 Posts: 189 Member
    I feel your pain. 2 years ago I was hovering around 190, got down to about 170 and then had a back injury and ended up on steroids and got up to 207. I started loggin on this site a couple weeks ago and slowly losing, but I know how you feel!!!!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Oh shoot, I just found this off your profile....

    ***Note: I'm not a very good friend on here. I rarely encourage others. Not that I don't want to...I just don't do it often. I'm sorry. ***

    that might be a thing. ppl might refrain from giving u useful support if you arent' that supportive. think of it like a good bra. it's not something we might want to see everyday but it has to be there or things just get sloppy.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    You have big...goals. Best of luck to you!

    This I hope you have all the support you need

    It is a shame to have to arry yourself by your own straps when you have more than a handfull of issues in life
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    You have big...goals. Best of luck to you!

    This I hope you have all the support you need

    It is a shame to have to arry yourself by your own straps when you have more than a handfull of issues in life

    I think OP is strong and will pull herself up by her own bra straps.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I blame my friends when things don't go my way too!

    When things don't go my way, I blame ^this guy...
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    My name is Tonicia...
    This is not my first run here.
    Two years ago I was 180lbs (heaviest ever at the time) and got halfway to my ultimate goal weight.
    I got down to 150.
    Two years later after focusing on other things in life I have found myself at a very depressing weigh in of 203 the other day. I was so ashamed I couldn't even tell anyone. I even deleted the old friends I had on here. I know I need to start again. This is by far the highest weight I have ever been and I know it'll only continue to climb unless I do something about it. Looking for new supportive friends and possibly a gym buddy close to me. I live in Brea, California and have a 24 hour memebership. I am 5'2 and currently 203 looking to lose 83lbs.

    Don't ever be ashamed; just own it and move forward. Be proud that you noticed your need to get right with yourself and welcome back. I'm rather new (since April) to mfp and love all the tools and support available. Friend me if you'd like and I'll give you a periodic pinch to keep going. :happy:
  • SwitzEngine
    SwitzEngine Posts: 3,418 Member
    If you want good support you have also to give support to your friends. Deleting your friends because you failed isn't a nice thing to do! You are the primary person when it comes to achive your goals and not your friends. For sure they are there to help you wherever they can. But treat them the way you like to be treated.

    For a honest friendship you are welcome to add me.
    TCWUK Posts: 7 Member
    You have big...goals. Best of luck to you!

    This I hope you have all the support you need

    It is a shame to have to arry yourself by your own straps when you have more than a handfull of issues in life

    I think OP is strong and will pull herself up by her own bra straps.

    Is it just me or are these comments completely inappropriate?
  • angelapalmer69
    angelapalmer69 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I just began this journey a week ago. My first weigh in with the dietitian is tomorrow. Actually looking forward to it. Time to get strong and make my dreams come true.
  • cpattyson63
    cpattyson63 Posts: 7 Member
    Don't feel bad, I am same height as you and was 195 for years then dieted doing Atkins and lost 23 lb and was in a size 16 misses clothes and was 172 lb. Then life went to heck in a hand basket and gradually I gained and ended up at 206. My heaviest ever! I kind of gave up since dieting just made me gain 15 extra lbs back. I have joint issues, diabetes, high blood pressure, Gerd, bipolar and anxiety disorders etc. So I decided to just go ahead and have the bariatric surgery. They have one that is called the sleeve and it will staple my tummy to look like a banana. I won't have the problems with absorption of pills etc and my meds this way. It is still a lot of hard work but I am ready to do it. I have lost 24 lb on my own using my fitnesspal just by keeping track of what I eat and walking more or going to the Y to swim for exercise. I can't work out with ya, but I can give you support. you can friend me if you wish. good luck.... cindi
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    I've been on the same ride! Not on MFP but in general yo-yoing and ending up heavier than ever. I started on MFP at 207 so I understand where you're coming from, add me :)
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    You have big...goals. Best of luck to you!

    This I hope you have all the support you need

    It is a shame to have to arry yourself by your own straps when you have more than a handfull of issues in life

    I think OP is strong and will pull herself up by her own bra straps.

    Is it just me or are these comments completely inappropriate?

    How so?
  • tonicia
    tonicia Posts: 145 Member
    Thank you everyone for the support. I see a lot are in the same boat as I am. I very much appreciate you all taking the time to comment/add me. First, I am humiliated about the weight gain and feel terrible about the deleting the friends thing. I'm certainly not proud of it, but what's done is done and I am hoping to move forward, like I said.

    The reason I have the friend disclaimer on my page is that I don't seem to find the time to comment on people's journals everyday like some do. It's not that I am discouraging or that I don't TRY to encourage others. It's just that when you get tons of posts coming through your news feed everyday..getting to comment on all starts to become overwhelming. Plus - sometimes theyre more effective if they aren't everyday. Thanks again for everyone's support.
  • Mercybou
    Mercybou Posts: 27
    I'm right there with you I am 202. We can do this together..
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    You realize, you dumped your old friends because you were ashamed of your weight and then you made a post on a public forum with your exact weight in it. My knowledge of the public forums is ..anyone can see this therefore your friends you deleted will be able to see this, so really you just deleted a bunch of people for nothing.

    Seriously support is support and you may be embarrassed but my experience tells me that your friends would have been there to help you get back on track - at least thats the way my friends list works.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    Time for action, girl: you can do it, you've proved that before! Feel free to add me!

    Edited to add: embrace the humiliation. Make it work FOR you. Never forget how you feel in this moment, and you'll never have to feel this way again.
  • mrsduke2924
    mrsduke2924 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm in a different country so can't be your gym buddy - but happy to support and encourage!

    I need to lose fifty plus pounds, am 5"6' and the heaviest I have ever been, started feeling uncomfortable in my own skin.
    This is my first time on mfp but I really am determined to do this - I've lost about 19 lbs so far and although I do not have even HALF the answers, anyone who wants some friendship and support can add me. I am calorie counting, started excercising more and am logging in daily :)