I'm so confused and frustrated. Help, please?

I've been eating at around 1200 calories since March of this year. Lost around 13kg so far. However, lately I haven't been losing. Stuck at 89-91kg for almost 2 months. I heard that eating at 1200 was unhealthy so for around 2 weeks now, I have upped it to 1500. I'm still not losing. What should I do guys?

Gender: Female
Height: 151 cm
Weight: 89.7 kgs
Exercise: 4 times a week
BMR: 1693
TDEE: 2329

Thanks for reading, sorry if this is in the wrong section :)


  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    It is fairly common to stick for a while, I was stuck for a couple of months, as I am sure have many others, as we get lighter we burn less calories because we are not lugging excess fat around as we once were

    Perseverance is the main answer, no doubt some will mention kick starting metabolism etc, you will get many opinions and will just have to find what works for you, we are all different
  • Are you working out? I would throw some exercise in there while maintaining the 1500 calories and I bet your body will be right back to shedding the pounds.
  • Yes, 4 times a week. Around an hour.
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    Take a few days off from dieting/ do another form of exercise.
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    Yes, 4 times a week. Around an hour.

    Stupid question but are you eating back your exercise cals?
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You aren't ever supposed to eat below your BMR plus you are supposed to eat back most of your exercise calories on MFP as well. That is how it works that is unless you are doing the TDEE -20% or whatever % you need to be at.

    You aren't eating enough so you've hit a plateau I think.
  • You aren't ever supposed to eat below your BMR plus you are supposed to eat back most of your exercise calories on MFP as well. That is how it works that is unless you are doing the TDEE -20% or whatever % you need to be at.

    You aren't eating enough so you've hit a plateau I think.

  • TeresaMarie46
    TeresaMarie46 Posts: 226 Member
    Are you working out? I would throw some exercise in there while maintaining the 1500 calories and I bet your body will be right back to shedding the pounds.

    Yes, I agree. It's kind of a system shocker, for lack of better description.
    Stick to 1500 for a week or so, then return to whatever MFP set you as, you'll lose.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    At 1500, you are still eating below your BMR. Just in case you are confused, that's the number of calories your body needs to sustain a coma. Since you're not in a coma, why aren't you at least eating above that level?

    Since you mention TDEE, are you using that method rather than MFP method? If so, I'd echo the posters above and just take 20% off TDEE and eat that. Make sure you recalculate your TDEE for every 5lbs you lose and adjust accordingly. Keep up with your current exercise routine, or else you'll have to recalculate your TDEE again. If you change to a more hardcore routine, you'll have to up your TDEE appropriately.

    If you're using the MFP method, then you'll be eating more than 1500 if you're eating back your exercise calories 4 times a week. If this is the case, go into the phone app and check the weekly bar graph. It'll give you your actual average daily calories consumed and let you see what you're up to.

    Finally, if you've recently changed your exercise routine, then you'll be carrying extra water weight that'll mask scale weight drops. Don't be so hung up on the scale - take some measurements or progress photos every couple of weeks. It's a better guide in the long run.
  • Yes, 4 times a week. Around an hour.

    Stupid question but are you eating back your exercise cals?

    No, not usually.
  • Thanks for all your replies everybody. I'll leave it at 1500 for another week and see what happens. Thank you so much.
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    I would also suggest that your level of exercise intensity may also have to rise.

    Let's say if you previously walked 30 minutes on the treadmill four times a week at 3.0 mph -- that may have worked for a month or two....but you may have to step it up to 3.2 or 3..4. Anyway, that's just something I noticed with myself. I
  • plantboy2
    plantboy2 Posts: 224 Member
    Like the above says, a progressive exercise routine might help - increasing your intensity/speed/weight gradually and frequently. A progressive weight lifting programme like New Rules of Lifting for Women might be interesting for you.
  • roseymacdoo
    roseymacdoo Posts: 113 Member
    Yes, 4 times a week. Around an hour.

    Stupid question but are you eating back your exercise cals?

    No, not usually.

    There's your problem!
  • Up the intensity of your exercise sessions and run run run!!!

    You should be exercising every day. Consistency is the key, even if you don't feel like it get outside and do something or make it part of your day, like I ride my bike to work.

    You are doing so well with the diet, and you have lost 13kg thats impressive! But now its the exercise that will help you lose the next 13kg and then keep it off forever!!!

    The stats weigh up that if you exercise every day and do it for the rest of your life you will keep this weight off. Its how you change your life, and like I said run...

    Keep up the great work and don't lose sight of your goal.

    Tip: stay away from processed foods especially ones with sugar 'the silent killer' in them
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    guys, this girl is under 5' (151cm) so i wouldn't recommend any crazy calorie hikes.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Yes, 4 times a week. Around an hour.

    Stupid question but are you eating back your exercise cals?

    No, not usually.

    There's your problem!

    I agree.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    I am not sure about the validity of not eating under your bmr. that's what it takes to sustain the weight you are currently at. If you create a deficit by eating under that your body will use stored fat for the remainder. the reason they say not to go under 1200 is because of nutrient intake.

    Also from what I understand the starvation mode thing is mostly bunk and isn't a reality at all until you go far under 1200 calories a day. (and even then is less than 10% cut in metabolism)

    Even then, according to some studies done you don't stop losing. that's how you get starving people that are skin and bones.

    when you stall it's most likely because something in the equation is off. You're eating more than you think you are, you're not burning as much in exercise as you think you are. you haven't changed your macros in too long after losing weight. (the amount of calories you need changes as you lose weight) ect.
  • Update: Stopped calorie counting and instead focused on trying to eat healthier meals and also updated my exercise to include strength training and lost another half kilo!

    Thanks for all your help guys!