Gained 4lbs in one day?!

Yesterday I weighed 119.7, and then I ate a lot and thismorning I weighed myself and I weighed 121 and then this evening I weighed myself again and now I weigh 123.4?! I am so upset! I know it's probably because I have been eating a lot of food, but is it going to go back down to 119? And how long will that take? What do I do? :cry:



  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    Most people usually always weigh more at night don't worry about it it will be perfectly fine
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Water retention. If you had alot of sodium the past couple days, it'll make you retain water and it shows on the scale. Also, your body fluctuates ALL day EVERY day.

    I agree with MrM27, stop freaking out. It's nothing.
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    Unless you ate 14,000 EXTRA calories you didn't actually 'gain' 4 extra pounds. High sodium intake maybe? I'd drink some extra glasses of water to flush some of the sodium or whatever out of your system. I have no idea how long it would take to be honest...
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    Also...make your diary open so we can see what you ate to give you more or better advice...
  • losinggweightt
    Water retention. If you had alot of sodium the past couple days, it'll make you retain water and it shows on the scale. Also, your body fluctuates ALL day EVERY day.

    I agree with MrM27, stop freaking out. It's nothing.

    ah ok thankyou! I have been going really well for a while so I just really freaked out to see such a sudden change! But that makes sense, how long will this stay in my system?
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    It's just water. Your weight will fluctuate from day to day. RELAX.
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    Water retention. If you had alot of sodium the past couple days, it'll make you retain water and it shows on the scale. Also, your body fluctuates ALL day EVERY day.

    I agree with MrM27, stop freaking out. It's nothing.

    ah ok thankyou! I have been going really well for a while so I just really freaked out to see such a sudden change! But that makes sense, how long will this stay in my system?

    Depends on how much water you drink the next day or two....
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    What they said. Water.
    I can see 4 to 7 pound shift over a few days based entirely on water.
    I can lose 4 pounds in a couple hours in the pool.
    What counts is the longer term trend.
  • claudialenz711
    The whole Sodium / Water thing makes me laugh. Basic biological process in the body like digestion and elimination of waste comes to mind. If there's a lot of food to digest, it'll take time to break down and get flushed out (sometimes 2-3 days) Doesn't mean one has gained fat or retained fluids. Depending on what kind of foods you've had a lot of ... give your bowls a chance to get rid of the waste ;) (we can carry around 7lbs of excess waste in our intestines alone). hence it's important with any kind of diet or weight loss programme to make sure bowel movement is regular ;) Go for a walk and drink some water, it'll help to get things moving along.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Just relax. It is 4 pounds. Do not worry about how long you will see that number. For goodness sakes, it is completely normal to see one number in the morning and a different number at the end of the day. Maybe stay off the scales for awhile.....
  • ozofeliz
    ozofeliz Posts: 20 Member
    Summer. Hot. Salt in food. Water retention. That's all.
  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    14000 calories will do that to you...
  • kpick41
    kpick41 Posts: 81 Member
    The body can fluctuate 5 lbs over the course of a day! Don't worry, back on track and it will come off.
  • rsimoneau1
    rsimoneau1 Posts: 35 Member
    Pffffff. I had a weekend recently where I gained 10. It was an awesome weekend.....

    Weekends are the bane of my existence.
  • goodnamegone
    Doesn't sound healthy. Either get so busy developing a skill that makes you feel happy and proud of achievement wise or talk to someone who can help you. Being this obsessed with weight isn't healthy. If that's you in the photo and you want to lose another 17 pounds then something is seriously wrong.
  • sorcha1977
    sorcha1977 Posts: 133 Member
    Don't weigh yourself at the end of the day. You'll almost always be heavier because you ate and drank throughout the day. Most people are 2-4 pounds heavier at night.
  • Dferrynhc
    Dferrynhc Posts: 13 Member
    From my experience, it is very normal to fluctuate. There are days I weigh in and then the next day up 3lbs. The body just does it. It could be water or muscle or numerous other things. I ALWAYS weigh more at night too. Try to focus on how you are feeling about yourself... not the numbers. (I know that's a hard thing to do)
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    1. Don't weigh every day, and certainly not multiple times in a single day
    2. Don't weigh every day
    3. Don't weigh every day

    If you can't follow this, at least don't pay attention to every single weigh in. One friend of mine can't avoid stepping on the scale at least 4 times a day. I finally convinced her to enter each time into a spreadsheet and only pay attention to the average at the end of the week. So she now considers she weighs the average number. Took a lot of anxiety out of her life.

    From your photo, you don't really have much body fat to be concerned about. So probably your goal should be to simply eat healthy, and work out. Relax ...