"Worthless fitness tips you probably follow."

Read this article on Yahoo Sports Post Game.


Here's a chunk of the article, but unfortunately, I can't copy and paste the tips because it's one of those in-article slide shows. Please, Mods, don't ban me, lol.

"It's not always clear where we've acquired fitness knowledge -- was that fact pounded into you from elementary gym class? Or perhaps you read it in a magazine somewhere. But regardless of its origin, you now follow that advice in your day-to-day, right?

Well, not all exercise information -- and there's a lot of it -- is created equal, so it gets confusing. Do you work out hard all the time, or is it sometimes best to shoot for moderate intensity? Should you pop ibuprofen for post-workout soreness? And how long after exercising should you eat? We know what you've been told before, and now it's time to get the facts straight.

Most people, whether they know it or not, are guilty of following at least one outdated—or just plain lousy—piece of oft-repeated fitness instruction. We talked to fitness experts across the country and scoured medical journals to get to the bottom of some of the most widespread -- and flagrant -- exercise myths, and give you science-savvy, expert-approved solutions."



  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    Uh oh ...

    While resistance training is a great way to increase lean muscle mass, research has shown that aerobic exercise is king when it comes to dropping pounds. In one Duke University study, people who worked out with cardio burned 67 percent more calories than those who worked out with weights -- and also shed more bad belly fat (that is, visceral and liver fat), to boot.

  • curly1980
    curly1980 Posts: 117 Member
    Uh oh ...

    While resistance training is a great way to increase lean muscle mass, research has shown that aerobic exercise is king when it comes to dropping pounds. In one Duke University study, people who worked out with cardio burned 67 percent more calories than those who worked out with weights -- and also shed more bad belly fat (that is, visceral and liver fat), to boot.


    If better start making use of the jump rope I have had for months and is now gathering dust :-(
  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    in before the wars.
  • JerseyGirlinTN
    JerseyGirlinTN Posts: 144 Member
    Uh oh ...

    While resistance training is a great way to increase lean muscle mass, research has shown that aerobic exercise is king when it comes to dropping pounds. In one Duke University study, people who worked out with cardio burned 67 percent more calories than those who worked out with weights -- and also shed more bad belly fat (that is, visceral and liver fat), to boot.


    LOL. I'm waiting for tomorrow's article that contradicts everything in today's article.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    lol'd. Cardio is always going to burn more calories, and cause you to lose more pounds. Hardly suprising then that there would be more visceral fat loss. What it doesn't tell you is that cardio is less effective at protecting your lean mass, so some of the increased pound-droppage comes from that.
  • megan1869
    megan1869 Posts: 166 Member
    I can see some of that article being true.... I've never felt I benefitted from stretching before a workout or doing a cool down... but lord knows... one day the internet says this and the next it says something else..... but it has to be true because its on the internet right?

    P.S. I'm a French model (if youve seen the commercial youll get the reference)
  • JerseyGirlinTN
    JerseyGirlinTN Posts: 144 Member
    but it has to be true because its on the internet right?

    Didn't Abraham Lincoln tell us never to believe what we read on the internet?! SMH...
  • iTrainHARD
    I don't understand what's so surprising? Of course you'll burn more calories and therefore lose more weight with cardio. All those pounds lost won't be all fat, though.
  • bmskid
    bmskid Posts: 153 Member
    The fact of the matter is that this is mostly a gray area--not much is black and white. Some people think their way is the only right way, but that isn't the case. Lots of different things work...there's not one single "right" way. It also doesn't need to be one or the other. Cardio AND resistance. Exercising at high intensity AND at moderate intensity. Extra moving around (dancing/cleaning) AND actually exercising. An interesting article, though. Thanks for sharing. :)
  • lisasch67
    lisasch67 Posts: 135 Member
    but it has to be true because its on the internet right?

    Didn't Abraham Lincoln tell us never to believe what we read on the internet?! SMH...

    Isn't Abraham Lincoln a Vampire Slayer? It was a movie, so it must be based on some truth, right guys!?!?!?!
  • JerseyGirlinTN
    JerseyGirlinTN Posts: 144 Member
    but it has to be true because its on the internet right?

    Didn't Abraham Lincoln tell us never to believe what we read on the internet?! SMH...

    Isn't Abraham Lincoln a Vampire Slayer? It was a movie, so it must be based on some truth, right guys!?!?!?!

    Forgot about that!
  • JerseyGirlinTN
    JerseyGirlinTN Posts: 144 Member
    The fact of the matter is that this is mostly a gray area--not much is black and white. Some people think their way is the only right way, but that isn't the case. Lots of different things work...there's not one single "right" way. It also doesn't need to be one or the other. Cardio AND resistance. Exercising at high intensity AND at moderate intensity. Extra moving around (dancing/cleaning) AND actually exercising. An interesting article, though. Thanks for sharing. :)

    Very true. I think titling the article 'worthless tips' was probably the most misleading/incendiary thing.