What am I doing wrong?!?

I am on my 3rd week of insanity. Just increased my caloric intake to 1700 a day (I'm not adding exercise calories to that). Before, I was only eating 1200 a day (and then adding exercise calories to that). I haven't lost weight which I know is pretty normal at this point especially when I don't have a whole lot to lose in the first place. Today I had to take a rest day but have been STARVING all day! So of course, I have gone over my caloric limit. I feel so lost. I don't know what direction I need to go. I don't know if the calories I'm eating is right. I don't know if I messed up my metabolism by aiming for 1200 calories a day for a long period of time. I just want to be doing this right. I feel like I'm doing these terribly crazy workouts for nothing. I do feel like I have toned up, but why am I so hungry??


  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    Current height and weight?

    Also I'm not sure what you mean by "just increased" your calorie intake like 3 days ago? what? When we take in more food our bowels store more waste and our body will retain water from natural sodium increase, it's perfectly normal to not see weight loss for a week or two when increasing calories.

    If you don't have much to lose, I might suggest moving your goal to lose .5lb a week. Or if you're using the TDEE method to do -10%. That should make your calorie goal even higher, hopefully solving your hunger issue.
  • laylaness
    laylaness Posts: 262 Member
    Took a look at your diary. There are an awful lot of Quick Add Calories. Do you weigh or measure what you're eating?
  • angel5561
    angel5561 Posts: 142 Member
    I don't know what the answer is but I'm going thru pretty much the same thing I just started increasing my calories and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it works hope it works for you to
  • llfretwell
    llfretwell Posts: 218 Member
    Sorry ya'll. I am 5'7, 139 lbs. I just increased my calories a couple of days ago. I do measure most of my foods, but choose quick add calories for convenience. I do know that I need to quit doing that too. I just talked to a friend who suggested that maybe I'm not getting enough protein which is probably true..
  • 2,000+ seems like a lot for you.... what were you calories at before?

    what kind of workouts are you doing?

    also, if you substitute or add some dense foods it may help with hunger. How much broccoli, egg whites, grilled chicken etc can you really eat. After I eat 3-5 egg whites I generally don't want to eat anymore lol so it helps curve my hunger plus its nutritious
  • eblakes93
    eblakes93 Posts: 372 Member
    Sorry ya'll. I am 5'7, 139 lbs. I just increased my calories a couple of days ago. I do measure most of my foods, but choose quick add calories for convenience. I do know that I need to quit doing that too. I just talked to a friend who suggested that maybe I'm not getting enough protein which is probably true..

    How much weight are you trying to lose? You are in the normal range of the chart I'm looking at.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    You've only had 700 calories day.
  • Take a cheat day and eat what ever you want... Do not stop your exercise routine, and the cheat day will go over your caloric goal... It's OKAY.... My doctor said that the only way to fight fat the best is with fat itself... Only one day a week... HINT: do not bring any leftovers or bad food you have consumed home... Home is your safe zone, so on your cheat day Go Crazy... But do not stop your regular exercise routine... Ex. My cheat day is on Sunday or Monday..... The whole week I exercised burning 1000+ calls a day and saw no change... I took Monday and started tracking right and I turned it into my cheat day, I ate probably 1200 cals over goal., I knw bad right..... NOT!!!! I didn't bring it home and I continued drinking water all day continuously .... Didn't workout that day either because that wasn't a day that I worked out on.... And two days later back on my restriction of cals I lost 3.9 lbs. I've done this before but did not expect such a good result.... GOOD LUCK... Hope my personal experience helps....
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    You need to log accurately. Buy a scale and weigh everything. Don't use quick adds unless you absolutely have to do so, because you don't get to see your macros that way. Increase protein and fats for satiety. Give it four weeks before you reevaluate.
  • rkasper22
    rkasper22 Posts: 61 Member
    girlfriend, you post a question like this every single day! i just wanna hug you!!! you have NOTHING to be so obsessed about! you are at my dream weight and are super fit! please please please love yourself. you have NOT ruined your metabolism. you just need to take a deep breath, take a step back, and focus on healing your relationship with food. our bodies are not something we need to crack a whip at and punish! life is too short to be hyperventilating about.... a few calories. get plugged into a new hobby, talk to a friend, or consider seeing professional help. i;d love to talk more with you on this. i;ve been there. i say this out of love! don;t stress..
  • llfretwell
    llfretwell Posts: 218 Member
    girlfriend, you post a question like this every single day! i just wanna hug you!!! you have NOTHING to be so obsessed about! you are at my dream weight and are super fit! please please please love yourself. you have NOT ruined your metabolism. you just need to take a deep breath, take a step back, and focus on healing your relationship with food. our bodies are not something we need to crack a whip at and punish! life is too short to be hyperventilating about.... a few calories. get plugged into a new hobby, talk to a friend, or consider seeing professional help. i;d love to talk more with you on this. i;ve been there. i say this out of love! don;t stress..

    Yes, I know :(. This is all I think about all day, every day. I get on my own nerves, trust me. I am going to try to increase my protein and find other things to keep me busy. Thank you for replying with sweet advice. I needed to hear it. <3
  • I've done insanity a couple of times and I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. That workout is intense and you burn a lot. It's totally normal to feel hungry all the time. I noshed on veggies (especially broccoli, carrots, and cucumbers) in between meals. And string cheese. You're allowed to snack if you do it right!
  • csm2010
    csm2010 Posts: 11 Member
    Check your macros!!
    MFP does an auto calculate which is not the correct amount!!! Do some research to find what macros YOU need based on your goals, current weight etc.
    Also keep in mind you may be building muscle. I was in the same boat. I was super depressed because I was working super hard and had only lost 1.5 pounds in 3 months. BUT- I went and got my body composition tested and during that 3 month period I had lost 12 lbs. of fat and gained 5 lbs of muscle. I went from 30% Fat to 23% all while the scale stayed the same. I'll take that as a success over the scaled moving! :)
    Keep it up and don't give up.
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    I am not sure I agree with the "go crazy day" suggestion. However, if you are working out and you are truly hungry and not just bored and wanting to nosh for something to do, then you need to eat. You do need a certain amount of fat and protein in your diet. Your body needs that and it will help keep you satisfied.

    Overall, to lose weight, we need more calories out than calories in. IF you are on a tough workout schedule, the calories in vs. out, might not necessarily work out each day. On your "rest day" you think you only have X number of calories but your body is still hungry from workouts earlier in the week. If you are responding to true hunger and feeding your body with the types of foods it needs, then it is okay.

    Oh, and an occasional goodie is okay too! :-)
  • katymambros
    katymambros Posts: 22 Member
    Don't despair, we've all been there. If you take a day off, DON'T STARVE YOURSELF, please! Biggest mistake, and I think you know that. Also, you don't have to do an insane workout every single day, try doing some moderate exercise, or just do some house work, that counts, too! If you plan your meals ahead of time, then you won't go overboard. Pick yourself off, dust yourself off, and get it together. You've almost met your goal anyways. YOU GO GIRL!