Honey Crisp Apples!!!



  • Sherylp77
    Sherylp77 Posts: 39 Member
    I can't eat any other apple EVER!!! I love love love love them so much! We have 2 apple farms here that sell them for $1.50 a lb which is Unbelievable since they are like $3 per lb in the store!! I seriously love them! It sucks they are only around until November!!
  • They sound good. Will look at grocery store next time I go. I have had Gala, Fuji and others but never saw them... Is it a new brand of apple? Does anyone know?
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    No not new...been around for a while but I just found them a few years ago. So yummy though.

    Usually the grocery stores have them until early winter months but eventually they go away until fall time again. That's a sad day when that happens. LOL
  • Hate to be the bearer of bad news weigh your apple and look at the calorie and sugar content. Those apples are yummy but usually 2-3X larger and I believe probably have 150+calories per apple vs the typical 80. It sucks to have to even watch fruit intake I could eat fruit all day long it is so yummy.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hate to be the bearer of bad news weigh your apple and look at the calorie and sugar content. Those apples are yummy but usually 2-3X larger and I believe probably have 150+calories per apple vs the typical 80. It sucks to have to even watch fruit intake I could eat fruit all day long it is so yummy.

    I always weigh my fruit (in grams) and the honey crisp are worth the calories!!! I got some at Kroger today and it was 130 calories well spent!! :bigsmile:
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    As the season goes on you can usually get them in a normal size and not so large but your right...the larger ones will have more calories so be careful and track accordingly.
  • MaryEffingPoppins
    MaryEffingPoppins Posts: 371 Member
    They were all sold out today! *tear*
  • whheewww good so im not the only one....i thought i was crazy....ive been waiting for MONTHS!!!! BEST APPLES EVER!! ask anyone..i refuse to settle for less
  • ymamyma
    ymamyma Posts: 227
    Hate to be the bearer of bad news weigh your apple and look at the calorie and sugar content. Those apples are yummy but usually 2-3X larger and I believe probably have 150+calories per apple vs the typical 80. It sucks to have to even watch fruit intake I could eat fruit all day long it is so yummy.

    I always weigh my fruit (in grams) and the honey crisp are worth the calories!!! I got some at Kroger today and it was 130 calories well spent!! :bigsmile:

    Hahaha. Jess, were you at mine?
  • st27
    st27 Posts: 101
    I will keep them in mind when I go to the store. Thanks everyone.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    honeycrisps are my second favorite only to macouns which are in season RIGHT NOW! and they're so delicious. they're considerably smaller than the honeycrisp and are nice and tart, very crisp and about 75-80cals each. even a honeycrisp at 150-200 calories is fiberous and far more nutritionally packed than a bottle of soda, which is the same calorie breakdown... so eat 'em up!

    great with stinky cheese.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I just want to brag -- Honeycrisps were developed at the University of Minnesota where I go to school! The new Zestar apples were also developed here. (Not that I had ANYTHING to do with either one. I'm not in that area of study at all.)

    And they are worth every calorie!
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    I live in New England and never ever seen these. I'm going to go searching now.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    I live in New England and never ever seen these. I'm going to go searching now.

    i live in new england, too. i haven't seen the honeycrisps yet, but truthfully, i don't go to the grocery store much. i know they were around last year at roughly this time.

    what part of new england are you in?
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    New England people - they're in the grocery stores here :) Just saw some at both Shaw's and Hannaford over the weekend. Didn't get them because they were MASSIVE. But they're in!
  • SP0472
    SP0472 Posts: 193 Member
    i have heard these apples are very good, i am SO picky with my apples!! i like them to be very crispy and juicy, i hate mushy apples! yuk! i see people are saying they are high i sugar and cals (?) seems like every is nowadays! i'm still going to look for them!

    I'm the same way...I hate mealy apples. Honeycrisps are VERY crisp. Very sweet too. I love them and I'm not usually an apple fan. They're not here yet [Canada] - not that I've seen anyway, but they should be making an appearance in the next few weeks. I'd say give them a try, you'll be hooked :)
  • My favs too! So glad I will be seeing them back in the stores.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    New England people - they're in the grocery stores here :) Just saw some at both Shaw's and Hannaford over the weekend. Didn't get them because they were MASSIVE. But they're in!

    they are consistently big apples, that's why they're almost 200 cals each, but worth every bite and literally could be a meal in itself.
  • Those sound good, I do like galas though. Has anyone ever had a grapeapple... its a genetic cross between grapes and apples, so more expensive since there is no tree. They are SO good, but hard to find and (like I said) expensive.
  • bopper
    bopper Posts: 352 Member
    I had a Honey crisp apple after lunch. It was a small one too. I also had a Skinny Pumpkin Muffin I made from a recipe I found in the Parade section of the newspaper. I use whole wheat flour for everything and splenda and they turned out really good. I also add real Pumpkin to my steel cut oats every morning. Pumpkins are all over now, so don't get the canned variety, buy a real pumpkin, bake it or boil it and mash it up and you can freeze whatever you don't use. So much better in everything than canned.
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