I'm 73 and overweight ……again

Ookala Posts: 7 Member
Anyone near my age here.? I need weight loss buddy.
I 'm 5'3 and need to lose 30 pounds.


  • fankyskag
    fankyskag Posts: 47 Member
    I'm not around your age, but we have similar heights and goals if you wish to add me as a friend? :smile:
  • Kathe2
    Kathe2 Posts: 31 Member
    I am 74, and lost 20 lbs in one year.
    You make up your mind, and then it is easy, and very rewarding when you get into a pair of size 6 slacks - something you never thought would happen.
  • Ookala
    Ookala Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks Kathe2 . Good to hear a success story from someone my age.
    Size 6 , that is great but a long way from my size 16 .
  • Ookala
    Ookala Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks fankyskag . 30 pounds seems like a mountain right now.
  • 1tiamat
    1tiamat Posts: 138 Member
    Ookala, Glad to hear you are making the effort! I know it can be frustrating.

    One of my biggest inspirations is a guy who is in his late 60's who had a stroke about a year ago. He is in my martial arts class and has come very far and whenever I feel like giving up or slowing down He's still trucking away!

    If you can find a club that you can really get into and have a lot of fun doing it might help you a lot. The trick is making it fun. Nobody likes to do chores, so try not to make losing weight one.

    Good luck, and if you want a little push or motivation here and their I'll gladly cheer you on!
  • Ookala
    Ookala Posts: 7 Member
    Down a few pounds but need to lose 40 more. Fighting old age
    and depression.
  • mynani
    mynani Posts: 1
    hi, I'm 69 and also overweight. For a week and a half I have not had any sweets . I am trying to approach this like I did when I quit smoking. I can't stop eating but I can stop the mindless eating. I know if I have a sweet or other snack I won't stop. Just like if I had a cigarette I would be smoking again. I have my 2-3 small meals a day plus a peach in the evening.So far have been able to keep it at or below my 1200 calories. I have lost 7 pounds but have been at a stand still for the last 4 days. Good luck to you and may we all lose those 30 pounds together.
  • oldandhealthier
    oldandhealthier Posts: 449 Member
    64 here and feel free to add me:flowerforyou:
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    I am 62, 5'2", and looking to lose enough weight to make it it out of the obese category. That would be about another 30 pounds! My current goal is 10000 steps a day. I currently average 8000+ but seldom make 10000. Walking is essential and I think a big component at our age to maintains and improving physical fitness.

    I like working out in a variety of settings tailored for mature ladies,water aerobics is one. Do not be intimidated by the young people at fitness clubs. My food is mostly lean protein and green vegetables. White products,rice potatoes, and white sugar/flour baked goods are my problem!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    good for you!!!!
    you can do this!
    I am 42, anyone can add me!
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    I'd love to be your friend. I'm 71. I started medically supervised low carb diet of 1,000 calories, no more than 50 grams of net carbs, at least 100 grams of protein May 7 and am having fantastic results. I also believe in the value of exercise. I go to the Y about 12 hours a week doing strength training, water aerobics, water zumba, yoga, tai chi and body pump. It has been an easy journey so far and I know I'll continue to eat this way the rest of my life - no cravings! I want to lose at least 15 more pounds. I'm 5'3".
  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    Ookala , I would be glad to be your friend!! don't mind some of these people on here. They don't have the sense they were born with!
  • TenaciousTerri77
    TenaciousTerri77 Posts: 3 Member
    Terri, congrats on your weight loss!!! 128 pounds is amazing!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Welcome! :drinker:
  • rcclcruiser
    rcclcruiser Posts: 98 Member
    I'm 54, but please feel free to add me. I like to have friends of all ages. We were all 10 years old once and we will all be 73 some day. Everyone ages, even the kids that think they are somehow immune to it. They will be in their 70's some day if they take care of themselves and then they will get it. Congratulations on taking good care of yourself!
  • BobbieInCA
    BobbieInCA Posts: 102 Member
    I will be 73 next week and have never felt healthier in my life!
    I yo-yo dieted for 40 years before I had a handle on it, but could still gain on a trip (as I did last year). MFP has been a lifesaver. I have made so many supportive friends here and am back to cardio exercise and Zumba. It is never too late to be a happy and healthy weight! Send a friend request if you like.
  • DianneP6772
    DianneP6772 Posts: 272 Member
    Hi ! I am 67 and this is my first post. Wondered if there were any others here as old as me! I started on MFP May 7, 2013. Three months and i have lost 15 lbs. I am pleased with that and am going to keep going. I have been diligent in logging in and recording my food and exercise everyday. 94 days now! I have never followed a program like this before. Believe me - it works. It makes you accountable for every bit of food that you put in your mouth. I think before I eat something. I now weigh myself and find that that is also important. Never would before because i was afraid of what would show up. It took me a couple of months to finally do this regularly. I am ok with it now. I am not, and have never been obese. But always thought i would be happier with myself if i lost 10 lbs. I did lose 12 or so -8 years ago when i was training for a national bike race. Since then - its come back and a few more have added to it.

    There are a lot of encouraging people on here - so read it daily. It helps. You see the great things so many have done here and how they all feel so much better about themselves. They look it - they feel it.

    Like many, my caloric max is supposed to be 1200 calories and i stay at that or not too much above most days. I exercise like crazy. I am determined. I am now cycling at least an hour 6 days a week, or more. Not one for working in the yard, i now am. 4 or 5 days a week. I have trimmed a hedge - well several huge hedges actually in the last 3 months that we usually pay someone to come out and do. But No - i figured i could do that and add it to my calories! I am weeding, picking up sticks, you name it - all goes to calorie burn. On top of that we saved $$. It is also summer - here in Florida - so its 85-90 degrees usually - all to calorie burn!! Some days - i will eat up to 1500 calories. But i never eat back all of my exercise calories.

    I also bought a food scale. I feel that is also a great tool. I don't weigh everything, but i do weigh any meat i eat. I really had no idea how much i was eating before. I have really cut back on what i used to eat. And for the most part, i am eating healthier. I have not denied myself everything though. I fit it into my day. I love coffee with half and half. So i have it. I also love a certain protein bar by Zone. Its my reward after exercise. I so look forward to it! If i don't exercise that day - i can't have it. But that has rarely rarely happened. I want that Zone bar - so i will make sure i exercise. I usually burn at least 800 calories - so a 210 cal. bar is ok.

    I have lost 15 - but i want to lose 30. Way back in my wildest dreams - i want to lose more than that. But we will see how everything is when i lose the 30.

    You can do this. I can do this. So many have done this. So many have lost -so much more. Get determined, stick to it. It doesn't come off as fast as you like, but eventually - goodbye - it will come off. Get active if you aren't - you can. Anything is better than sitting around.