New To MFP and loving it!

Hi All,
I'm new here and have been struggling with my weight on and off since I was 19. I grew up being ultra skinny and couldn't put weight on (5'9" 120 lbs). I actually tried to GAIN weight for years-- go figure-- now I know why all my friends hated me!

After my first year of University I put on 30 lbs and had an identity crisis after being skinny for my entire life. After my first year, I became active again during the summer and began to eat more carefully-- limiting fast foods. I was down to 125 by September. I maintained around 125 during the school year, but I developed as severe obsession with my weight and began to stress about everything I ate and exercised like mad. I maintained at 125 but realized my obsession wasn't healthy mentally or physically (call it anorexia, if you like), and I began to up my calories and maintained at about 130 for the next few years.

After moving to Toronto, I got up to about 150 and then 180 when i got in a steady relationship (boys love to eat and so do I). I went on a low carb diet and stayed around 150 for a few years, gradually creeping back up to 180 and then working out and watching my fat and some cognitive behavioural therapy to help me understand my emotional eating -- I was a healthy 152.

Over the past few years, I've started using the nuvaring (birth control) and my appetite skyrocketed . I stepped on the scale at the beginning of July and I was over 200 lbs! When you reach this weight you wonder how you ever got there. Now I know-- eating waaaaay too much rich food and drinking lots of wine.

I'm now using MFP to make sure that my diet and exercise are both healthy and not causing me to obsess. I've never counted calories before and had no idea how many i was consuming! It's been a useful tool so far and hopefully I'll reach my goal of 140 by my 39th birthday next May. I'm also off the birth control now and hopefully that will help. MFP has shown me how to be accountable for what I eat and balance my lifestyle with activity to live a healthier life.

If anyone needs support, please feel free to befriend me here and we can work together to stay on track.


  • dezwark
    dezwark Posts: 144 Member
    good luck in your new journey. sent friend request
  • Maryelca_2013
    I just turned 39 and am battling with my weight. Determined this time around to really just stick with it and it's harder as you get older to keep it off. I'm like you love to eat and I workout, have a trainer but just can't seem to get into my groove. I know we can all do this if we have the support. Sending you friend request and good luck :)
  • jenabee333

    I know how hard it can be sometimes. I try to look at every bit of exercise I get as an investment is the calories I'm allowed to have that day. I hate days without exercise as it's no fun having to keep under 1400 calories. Luckily my favourite snack food is popcorn and I have it air popped with coconut oil and cayenne. This has saved my life during snack attacks!