Allow me reintroduce myself

Far2shy Posts: 14 Member
I believe I had a My fitness pal account two years ago. I was dedicated to weight loss for two weeks and just gave up. I succumbed to drinking, sometimes binge drinking, and eating very large portions of unhealthy food. I started again this year and although I do not constantly update my food diary I have been very dedicated to my diet for the past month and a half. Also I check My Fitness Pal religiously. I can tell you one thing...sticking to diet and exercising has not been easy at all. Some days I just want to give up and eat what I want. Other days I just feel too lazy to exercise. However, at the end of the day I know what I want. I want to be healthy, I want my body to look good, and I want to feel good about myself. Hopefully I will lose my belly fat. I'm crossing my fingers but I had a big belly since I was little. I think it's genetics. Anyhow, It takes a lot of hard work but I'll be sticking to my strict dieting for another month. Even when I am not dieting I will continue to eat healthy. My food and exercise varies but my days sort of look like this;

Breakfast- Egg beaters or granola cereal with soy milk. However I find eating egg beaters to be more effective for weight loss

Lunch- I know it's bad but sometimes I skip lunch but if I do have lunch it's a tuna salad with light mayo, egg whites and salad

Dinner- 1/2 pound of ground turkey skillet with spinach, or sauteed chicken with broccoli, or sauteed chicken spinach salad with avacados

I take in 600-800 calories a day. I have one cheat day per week. I fast the day after my cheat day. I either drink water and tea all day or just have dinner.

As far as exercise goes, I do a variation of zumba fitness and weight training classes 4-5 days a week and rest for two days.

Progress- I relocated to Nevada. Before I moved I weighed myself at 146pds. When I got to Nevada. I ate Fast food and went out to eat almost everyday. My caloric and sodium intake was through the roof. I'm pretty sure I shot up to 152pds. I started dieting on June 27 I believe. I now weigh 133 pds (before cheat days). I'm guessing I lost 13-19 pounds since dieting.


  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    600-800 cal daily is not healthy or sustainable. This will not end well!
  • catneon
    catneon Posts: 911 Member
    600-800 cal daily is not healthy or sustainable. This will not end well!
    True words right there
  • Far2shy
    Far2shy Posts: 14 Member
    I agree, I should be taking in more calories. I know that I should be eating up to 1200 calories. But I don't plan on eating like this for long. I believe I am following some kind of warrior diet. I don't eat cheese or dairy and I eat twice a day.

    I will increase my calorie intake but I do not know how to go about and still see progress.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member

    keep your head up OP, you got this!
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    Eat more food or cal dense food, Both work. Don't restrict types of food unless you have a medical reason to do so.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    You're starving yourself and will do long term damage if you keep it up.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member

    I take in 600-800 calories a day. I have one cheat day per week. I fast the day after my cheat day. I either drink water and tea all day or just have dinner.

    Um... no. Bad idea.
    If you want long term success, you need to teach yourself healthy eating habits and proper portion control.
    You're really making it much more difficult than it needs to be.

    Just use MFP as directed. It works.