Struggling with nausea

Started 5FU 24/7 chemo this week and the nausea has buried me. I spent half of last night sleeping on the bathroom floor because I didn't have the strength to make it back to the bedroom.

I am dreading tonight, that it might be the same, hopefully tomorrow will get a new/different anti nausea med.

I dont really have anything important to add, just really want someone to talk to. Afraid of being in too much calorie deficit.

Someone just ......... keep me company :sick:


  • Veslus
    Veslus Posts: 72 Member
    I went through pretty much the same thing, though my chemo meds were different. My nausea reaction was so bad I was throwing up every 45 minutes. I ended up losing 20 pounds in my first week of chemo. (Nausea medicine didn't do a whole lot for me, sadly. :( )

    Different nausea medicine should help you though! I'm told my reaction was super unusual, both by my doctors and other patients/survivors I've talked to. (Lucky me, right?)

    Seriously though, don't worry about your calorie deficit. Let the doctors/nutritionist handle that aspect of it, and just focus on...well I won't say feeling good, but less like crap.
  • wamydia
    wamydia Posts: 259 Member
    Just hang in there and worry about getting better however you have to. I think it's understandable that you're feeling sick and if you can't eat, you can't eat. Don't worry about your calories tonight and hopefully you will get some better meds tomorrow. Does anything at all sound even a little appetizing? I know that when I have nausea, for some reason citrusy things are appealing and help my stomach settle. I usually end up drinking Sprite and it makes me able to tolerate at least some crackers or something.

    It takes a very brave person to stand up to that kind of illness and try to kick it in the 'nads. Keep fighting the fight and know that everyone is supporting you!
  • ArtemisRuns
    ArtemisRuns Posts: 251 Member
    Hi, I stumbled across your post and wanted to let you know I am here and thinking of you. I have not been through this but was with my mom when she went through her cancer treatments. Feel free to friend me.