CLA..does it actually work?



  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Well, to update from the original post. I hit my goal weight roughly a month ago and as of late I've been focussed on reducing % body fat and increasing muscle mass. my BMI is 23.5 which is in the healthy range and my body fat % is at 14% and I'm looking to get it to 9-10% to get the six-pack abs, lol. I'd like to get to the point where I can feel comfortable walking around outside in a tank top all the time ;).

    So with that said, I've started taking CLA supplements, yeah about 4, 800mg pills a day yielding about 3.2g of the stuff/daily. On top of that I've been taking some L-Carnitine, but only a small amount, like 500mg/day while it seems these websites suggest also taking 2g+/day... but I'm not entirely convinced L-Carnitine does anything.

    My appetite has been under control w/ or w/o supplements, and honestly I might even want to eat a little more since my goal is muscle building at this point, so I'm curious if taking any of this stuff is really worth it. Still hitting the gym every weekday, but focussing on weight-lifting, and doing very little 10-15 minutes of intense cardio.

    I have had really good luck with CLA in the past. I am not taking it right now as I wasn't being as active.............I am getting more active so I will be starting it again.
  • Haven't done any research on CLA & all I have read about it, on its benefits vs money vs long term use and apart from the weight loss potential, muscle mass builder, cutter no one is talking about its potency as an anti-cancer supplement similar to taking omega 3 tablets. I say it's worth the money spent and should be considered with, taking it like you would omega 3.
  • justjenny
    justjenny Posts: 529 Member
    Bumping for later
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    I have been taking CLA ever since I started my cut, back at the end of January. How much has it helped? Crap, I don't know. Since I have been taking it the whole time, I can't really say. But I am liking my overall results. So I am sticking with it.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Nope, save your money.
  • sitstaygimmeeakiss
    sitstaygimmeeakiss Posts: 130 Member
    Ok, I NEED to set some of you guys straight. And this is not my account, but a family member's. I managed a supplement store for 3 yrs, and exercised religiously for the last 15. My BMI is in single digits, and I've tried every product under the sun.

    1). DO NOT EAT LARGE AMOUNTS OF GRASS-FED, or ANY other type of beef. It's a great way to jack up your blood pressure, cholesterol, and FAT. Even if you manage to lose the weight, your body will be ROTTING on the inside, so who cares how you look.

    2). CLA begins to become effective @ 3 servings a day, right before your largest meals. TIMING IS EVERYTHING, and I will explain why in a minute. 1g per serving is fine for most, but if you are larger, take more. I am 6'5" and a lean 220lb, so i take 2-3g per serving. It takes 3-4 months to see results, but it DOES WORK.

    3). This is for people who are down to the last 10-15 lbs of fat to lose, and are trying to get their abs, butt, or quads to "pop".

    4). This is HOW CLA works:

    We hold 3 type of fat; Visceral, Superficial Exterior, and Subcutaneous. Fat is just stored energy--just like gas in a tank. VISCERAL fat lies under muscle and between organs--for that reason it does not effect body TONE. Many fat burning supps target this fat--you will drop waist sizes but will not increase tone. SUPERFICIAL EXTERIOR, Is a fat that lays over the muscle. Therefore, it DOES effect tone. However, this fat is quite easy to burn. Most people store this in their arms, face, neck, which is why these are the places that usually slim first. SUBCUTANEOUS is the culprit. This is a dark, dense, concentrated fat that lies over the muscle.

    Everyone has problem areas--it is where they gain weight first, and lose it last (usually belly and love handle in men, belly, butt, and thighs in women). The reason for this lies within your DNA. It is a holdover from Humanity's cave-dwelling days. This is your last-resort, emergency energy supply. When we didn't know when our next meal was going to come, we NEEDED this evolutionary trait. And keeping in mind that you CANNOT TARGET WEIGHT loss by area, the only way to burn this is through cardio. The issue is, ANY fat you store, will first be SUBCUTANEOUS,. This means you will take 2 steps forward through exercise, but 1.5 steps back as soon as you eat. What CLA does, is TRICKS your body into NOT producing subcutaneous fat, so you stop replacing it with more when you eat. The only issue is it take months to complete this transition, and you MUST time it with your 3 largest meals to prevent the meal's fat content and fat potentiators from being converted to subcutaneous fat.

    I hope this clears things up...and please, for the love of god, stay the HELL away from the red meat (that includes pork--it is NOT a "white" meat).
  • sitstaygimmeeakiss
    sitstaygimmeeakiss Posts: 130 Member
    Anyone stating that it does not work either messed up the timing, didn't take enough, or more likely, became impatient, and didn't want to dedicate 3 months to this INEXPENSIVE product. If you cannot commit to swallowing a pill daily, what chance will you have at losing AND keeping the weight off?
  • Nope, save your money.

  • Anyone stating that it does not work either messed up the timing, didn't take enough, or more likely, became impatient, and didn't want to dedicate 3 months to this INEXPENSIVE product. If you cannot commit to swallowing a pill daily, what chance will you have at losing AND keeping the weight off?

    Can you actually say that everyone who sees no results from this product is simply lazy or has no commitment? Remember what works for some will not work for everyone. Your gross exaggerations and judgments amuse me.
  • I have to say it really does help. The brand I used was and started again is Allmax. It takes effect in 4 weeks taking 3 caps only per day no space in between. Every body is different and react differently to this supplement. You do have to diet and exercise there is no short cut to anything when it comes to weightloss. Including all fat burners out there. But, when I say it helps with your hard work it does. It does help decrease your hard spots like belly areas, thighs and butt.
    It doesn't hurt to try but there is no supplement that you take in a day and the next you have the body of your dreams. don't we wish ;) cheers.
  • speedy740
    speedy740 Posts: 141 Member
    SHER: I was planning on also taking cla by ALLMAX. do u still take this brand and have you had any results?
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Grass-fed dairy ... sheep's milk products are high in CLA ...

    EDIT: In reply to the question, "What other foods have CLA?"
  • saradord
    saradord Posts: 129
    I have recently started eating a Paleo diet which means eating like our ancestors did, ( the cave man diet). I lost 20lbs in 2 months and have been taking CLA and it has helped tremendously, Cla take the access fat that your body doesnt need and turns it into muscle, so instead of weighing your self take measurements, Of course through the Christmas holiday I have cheated but I will be back to my regular died again, also if I do want a snack I will eat gluten free cause GLUTEN is BAD!!!!
  • saradord
    saradord Posts: 129
    I have taken this Brand and it was the best and good price too.
  • ive been taking cla (3g per day) for last two months. ive noticed a decrease in fat around the mid section and im able to do more reps with more weight quicker with cla than with out it. all areas of my work out. i think it works just stick with it. i havent lost any weight or gained any. i think i need to add more protien to my diet.
  • CLA is a lipid — that’s an organic substance that can’t be dissolved in water. Types of lipids include cholesterol, triglycerides and fatty acids; CLA is part of the fatty acid group. When taken as a supplement, CLA gets taken up into the body’s fat cells, where it can help break down stored fat and release it into the blood stream. When taken alongside a healthy diet, CLA can be a catalyst, giving the body a helping hand burning fat.
  • I honestly think it does work I'm taking them too
  • FitterBody
    FitterBody Posts: 367 Member
    Ok, I NEED to set some of you guys straight. And this is not my account, but a family member's. I managed a supplement store for 3 yrs, and exercised religiously for the last 15. My BMI is in single digits, and I've tried every product under the sun.

    1). DO NOT EAT LARGE AMOUNTS OF GRASS-FED, or ANY other type of beef. It's a great way to jack up your blood pressure, cholesterol, and FAT. Even if you manage to lose the weight, your body will be ROTTING on the inside, so who cares how you look.

    2). CLA begins to become effective @ 3 servings a day, right before your largest meals. TIMING IS EVERYTHING, and I will explain why in a minute. 1g per serving is fine for most, but if you are larger, take more. I am 6'5" and a lean 220lb, so i take 2-3g per serving. It takes 3-4 months to see results, but it DOES WORK.

    3). This is for people who are down to the last 10-15 lbs of fat to lose, and are trying to get their abs, butt, or quads to "pop".

    4). This is HOW CLA works:

    We hold 3 type of fat; Visceral, Superficial Exterior, and Subcutaneous. Fat is just stored energy--just like gas in a tank. VISCERAL fat lies under muscle and between organs--for that reason it does not effect body TONE. Many fat burning supps target this fat--you will drop waist sizes but will not increase tone. SUPERFICIAL EXTERIOR, Is a fat that lays over the muscle. Therefore, it DOES effect tone. However, this fat is quite easy to burn. Most people store this in their arms, face, neck, which is why these are the places that usually slim first. SUBCUTANEOUS is the culprit. This is a dark, dense, concentrated fat that lies over the muscle.

    Everyone has problem areas--it is where they gain weight first, and lose it last (usually belly and love handle in men, belly, butt, and thighs in women). The reason for this lies within your DNA. It is a holdover from Humanity's cave-dwelling days. This is your last-resort, emergency energy supply. When we didn't know when our next meal was going to come, we NEEDED this evolutionary trait. And keeping in mind that you CANNOT TARGET WEIGHT loss by area, the only way to burn this is through cardio. The issue is, ANY fat you store, will first be SUBCUTANEOUS,. This means you will take 2 steps forward through exercise, but 1.5 steps back as soon as you eat. What CLA does, is TRICKS your body into NOT producing subcutaneous fat, so you stop replacing it with more when you eat. The only issue is it take months to complete this transition, and you MUST time it with your 3 largest meals to prevent the meal's fat content and fat potentiators from being converted to subcutaneous fat.

    I hope this clears things up...and please, for the love of god, stay the HELL away from the red meat (that includes pork--it is NOT a "white" meat).

    "What CLA does, is TRICKS your body into NOT producing subcutaneous fat, so you stop replacing it with more when you eat. The only issue is it take months to complete this transition, and you MUST time it with your 3 largest meals to prevent the meal's fat content and fat potentiators from being converted to subcutaneous fat."

    So if what CLA is doing is stopping you from producing subcutaneous fat then would it not be easier and a lot cheaper to just eat at a deficit so that you are not producing fat but burning it?

    (And, just an after thought, if you reduced your fat ratio in your meals then there would be less fat to be converted and more energy used to convert the protein and carbs and therefore even less surplus to convert to subcutaneous fat?)
  • I always take mine with a meal, any pill I take, I take it with a meal. And a full glass of water. Then there's no risk to getting sick after you take it.
  • We do have GNC stores in the US. The person I spoke to most recently who works there said that she highly recommends taking CLA with L-Carnitine. L-Carnitine assists in fat metabolism and plays an essential role in making fatty acids available for muscle tissue. It also promotes heart health. I just started taking them both together yesterday. I use the Nature's Bounty brand.

    I haven't seen any results yet, but I did just start. A couple of comments down I noticed that some people said that they didn't start seeing a difference until after a month or so?

    Anyways, I hope it works out for you!
    Best of luck achieving your goals!
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