5'7" 160lbs and 20lbs to lose! Losing my mind!

Hello all,

So I am in need of some advice. I have 20lbs to lose, which I have been trying to lose for a while, but I get frustrated when I don't see the number on that evil scale move and then get discouraged. So I am asking for some suggestions! I have been doing the 1200 calorie thing, I tried not eating my exercise calories back, and then I tried eating them, and this week I just took the week off from exercise to just try to get my calories right before I incorporate exercise again.

I normally work out around 5hrs a week, burning approx. 600 cals. per workout.

Should I be eating more calories?

Am I exercising too much?

Or will this weight just never budge?!?

I don't know what else to do! HELP! Please!

Thanks in advance!


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Weight loss takes time. How long have you given each method to work before giving up on it?

    At 20 pounds, I think you'll want to reset your goal to lose 1 pound per week. Unfortunately, 2 pounds per week just isn't possible unless you're really overweight.

    Yes, you probably need to eat more than 1200 calories. At the very least you should be eating back some of your exercise calories. You and I are similarly sized and I can't lose a thing if I drop my calories below 1500 total. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but there are a lot of us who've found we don't lose if we're too aggressive with our calorie goals.

    There's another way to calculate your goals if you don't like using MFP's exercise calories method. Figure out your BMR and TDEE (http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/) and take a moderate cut from the TDEE (about 10-20%). With this method you wouldn't eat back your exercise calories because they're already factored in.

    Working out too much is a relative term. If you're taking rest days and eating to sustain that burn, then it should be fine. Are you doing all cardio or have you incorporated strength/resistance training into your routine?

    Opening up your diary might help someone spot something that I've missed, but hopefully some of the above helps.

    Good luck!
  • krazykate483
    krazykate483 Posts: 41 Member
    Weight loss takes time. How long have you given each method to work before giving up on it?

    At 20 pounds, I think you'll want to reset your goal to lose 1 pound per week. Unfortunately, 2 pounds per week just isn't possible unless you're really overweight.

    Yes, you probably need to eat more than 1200 calories. At the very least you should be eating back some of your exercise calories. You and I are similarly sized and I can't lose a thing if I drop my calories below 1500 total. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but there are a lot of us who've found we don't lose if we're too aggressive with our calorie goals.

    There's another way to calculate your goals if you don't like using MFP's exercise calories method. Figure out your BMR and TDEE (http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/) and take a moderate cut from the TDEE (about 10-20%). With this method you wouldn't eat back your exercise calories because they're already factored in.

    Working out too much is a relative term. If you're taking rest days and eating to sustain that burn, then it should be fine. Are you doing all cardio or have you incorporated strength/resistance training into your routine?

    Opening up your diary might help someone spot something that I've missed, but hopefully some of the above helps.

    Good luck!

    I have given each one a decent amount of time...I couldn't tell you exact time though.

    I might just have to start eating my BMR and going from there. With your 1500 calories, is that net? Or how many do you eat normally to lose?
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    You are being impatient. With not that much weight to lose, you probably set MFP to give you a 2 lb/week weight loss (resulting in 1200 calories) because you want the weight off NOW! FAST!

    I was like you, except I am 5'7" and started at 175 lb. I have been maintaining at 145 for well over a year. I started off eating only 1200 and lost the first 10 pounds really fast then majorly plateaued. Come to find out, I don't lose weight very well if I eat less than 14-1500 calories/day.

    Start over again. Set MFP for a 1 lb/week loss. Try eating back half of the calories that you earn from exercise. Do this for 3 weeks and see where that gets you. Also, don't be surprised if you do this and gain a pound or two at first. Give it the full 3 weeks, then reassess.
  • krazykate483
    krazykate483 Posts: 41 Member
    You are being impatient. With not that much weight to lose, you probably set MFP to give you a 2 lb/week weight loss (resulting in 1200 calories) because you want the weight off NOW! FAST!

    I was like you, except I am 5'7" and started at 175 lb. I have been maintaining at 145 for well over a year. I started off eating only 1200 and lost the first 10 pounds really fast then majorly plateaued. Come to find out, I don't lose weight very well if I eat less than 14-1500 calories/day.

    Start over again. Set MFP for a 1 lb/week loss. Try eating back half of the calories that you earn from exercise. Do this for 3 weeks and see where that gets you. Also, don't be surprised if you do this and gain a pound or two at first. Give it the full 3 weeks, then reassess.

    I will have to try going up to 14-1500 and see what that does. Its just really hard not to get frustrated not seeing that number get lower!
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I'd suggest setting your weight loss goal to 1 lb a week and eating back the majority of your exercise calories or figure your TDEE and taket a -15% cut from it and don't eat those exercise calories back. Whatever you do give it at least 4 weeks. It takes time to see changes.
  • krazykate483
    krazykate483 Posts: 41 Member
    I'd suggest setting your weight loss goal to 1 lb a week and eating back the majority of your exercise calories or figure your TDEE and taket a -15% cut from it and don't eat those exercise calories back. Whatever you do give it at least 4 weeks. It takes time to see changes.

    Okay, I'll give it a shot. Thank you
  • sokkache
    sokkache Posts: 220 Member
    Hi, I am also in the same boat as you. I'm 5'6'', started around 155 and I only have 15 pounds to lose. It's been 2 months and I am down to around 148. It takes time. I am seeing a change in sizes and how well I fit into my jeans.

    I eat around 1400 calories a day, give or take a few hundred calories on certain days. I eat when I'm hungry, but I do the japanese thing where you only eat until you're 80% full or feel "satisfied" rather than eating until you can't eat anymore. Drink water before every meal and after the meal. Just wait and be patient.

    As for workouts, I only do 1 hour workouts 3 times a week and do a few bodyweight/tabata type workouts at home. Maybe pilates or yogas about 4 mornings in a week. As for workouts, start with strength training, honestly, I don't actually lift weights, I use the machines but they work for me, but I think I want to upgrade to real weights. Then after that I do 20-30 minute interval training on the treadmill and arc trainer and finish off with a nice cooldown.

    Give it about a month to see if you're losing anything.
  • Clarissia_Nicole
    Clarissia_Nicole Posts: 79 Member
    I'm 5'8" and also struggling with "the last 20" I guess. I'm 163 and 145 is my goal weight. Feel free to add me for support/motivation. As for advice, maybe amp up your workout. Maybe 30 minutes of high-intensity instead of long moderate pace
  • Snowwy11
    Snowwy11 Posts: 28
    I was at the same weight as you are. My calories started off at 1500 but come to find out that was to low. My goal has been at 1790 and I eat back my calories. I now weight 145. I do strength training and cardio. 4-6 times a week.

    I do HIIT at least 3 days a week. :-)
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    I'm 5'8" and also struggling with "the last 20" I guess. I'm 163 and 145 is my goal weight. Feel free to add me for support/motivation. As for advice, maybe amp up your workout. Maybe 30 minutes of high-intensity instead of long moderate pace

    dang guys! Im 5'8 and my GOAL is 160. perhaps you guys have a small build though? I personally am medium build.
  • jozi209
    jozi209 Posts: 1
    First time posting...I'm 5'8, currently 157 goal is 140 (for now, maybe less once I get there). 4th day of tracking food on this site. Just resolved today to be okay with the fact this its not going to come off quickly. My 1 pound a week weight loss goal is 1570 cals, but I see I am doing a sort of fluctuation each day, anywhere from 1100 to 2600 (that large only if i am having a celebratory or "special" meal), which I've actually read is a better way to do it than eating the same amount each day, as you keep your metabolism guessing and high.
    Because it will be coming off slowly, I'll be weight myself every 7-10 days not to feel discouraged. I work long hours so my only exercise right now is walking to and from work (1 hr each day), plus walking for any errands, and pilates every 3 or so days.
    I'm focused and determined now to make this a permanent loss. So I'd like to take advantage of many resources to guarantee my success. I've heard social support is an important aspect and currently i don't have that (no one in my life is particularly concerned about health).
    Anyway, would really appreciate staying in touch
    Thanks for reading!
  • Jill_with_a_G
    Jill_with_a_G Posts: 58 Member
    Hi All! I'm 5'7" and 160. Started my low carb way of eating 3 weeks ago. Was a lifetime point counter before that since 2000 and maintained at goal until.... My F-I-L died last Oct and 17 pounds "all of a sudden" appeared. 7 are gone, but I too have plateau'd. (sp?) I had been eating around 1300 calories a day, and exercising every other day, cardio for 30 mins and weight machines for another 30 or so. About 250 cardio calories which I don't always eat back. I upped my intake to 1500 calories and broke the plateau. I agree with other posters that giving an increase of calories would be a great way to see if it helps. It did for me!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    When you are down to your last 10-20 pounds it gets really tough. Set your goal to 1/2 pound a week, increase protein to over 30% of calories and see if that doesn't help some.

    I had plateaued at 12 pounds lost since last February. The scale finally started moving again just this week. I've had to push extremely hard these last 3 weeks to get the scale moving down again. My calorie burns are near 1000 kcal a day 3-4 times a week and at 500+ the rest of the week. I've also turned my focus back to eating a lot of greens and lean protein. The last ingredient is to go over my calorie goals a couple of days a week so that my metabolism doesn't slow down too much.

    I am dog tired and hungry an awful lot of the time. But, for the first time in my entire life, I'm starting to see the beginning of a 6-pack. And that is extremely motivating.
  • krazykate483
    krazykate483 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi, I am also in the same boat as you. I'm 5'6'', started around 155 and I only have 15 pounds to lose. It's been 2 months and I am down to around 148. It takes time. I am seeing a change in sizes and how well I fit into my jeans.

    I eat around 1400 calories a day, give or take a few hundred calories on certain days. I eat when I'm hungry, but I do the japanese thing where you only eat until you're 80% full or feel "satisfied" rather than eating until you can't eat anymore. Drink water before every meal and after the meal. Just wait and be patient.

    As for workouts, I only do 1 hour workouts 3 times a week and do a few bodyweight/tabata type workouts at home. Maybe pilates or yogas about 4 mornings in a week. As for workouts, start with strength training, honestly, I don't actually lift weights, I use the machines but they work for me, but I think I want to upgrade to real weights. Then after that I do 20-30 minute interval training on the treadmill and arc trainer and finish off with a nice cooldown.

    Give it about a month to see if you're losing anything.

    Do you eat back your exercise cals?
  • krazykate483
    krazykate483 Posts: 41 Member
    I was at the same weight as you are. My calories started off at 1500 but come to find out that was to low. My goal has been at 1790 and I eat back my calories. I now weight 145. I do strength training and cardio. 4-6 times a week.

    I do HIIT at least 3 days a week. :-)

    That's awesome! I don't think I should jump my calories that much yet, but I'm gonna up them a little at a time and see what works.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    Keep track of progress other than weight loss. Use photos/body measurements to track your progress. The number on the scale doesn't mean anything.
  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    Eat more! I'm 5'6", 167 lbs, but I am a male. I eat 1900 (gross, I don't do net) calories per day and am losing more fat, less muscle, and almost the same amount of weight as I lost when I was eating 1200 calories per day. 1900 is probably on the high end for you, but I would try eating around 1700 and see where that takes you. (Hey! You just got an extra meal!)
  • krazykate483
    krazykate483 Posts: 41 Member
    Keep track of progress other than weight loss. Use photos/body measurements to track your progress. The number on the scale doesn't mean anything.

    Yeah, I planned on taking pics and measurements this weekend because I was going to start strength training next week!
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    Hello all,

    So I am in need of some advice. I have 20lbs to lose, which I have been trying to lose for a while, but I get frustrated when I don't see the number on that evil scale move and then get discouraged.

    CAn I ask why the # on the scale matters? How do you feel about setting goals that are based on performance or measurements? i.e. to have a 30" waistline or to run a sub 8 min mile?

    I normally work out around 5hrs a week, burning approx. 600 cals. per workout.

    What type of workouts do you do? Running, strength/resistance, stretching. You may be doing a type of workout designed for a unique set of goals??

    Should I be eating more calories?

    What are you eating? Do you track macros? If not, here is a great place to start:

    Or will this weight just never budge?!?

    Body Composition can be an overwhelming challenge. I sometimes forget to give myself created for the progress I've have already made. When I feel like I'm not getting anywhere I do a set of before & after pics so I can see the progress.

    You'll get there...just keep making small changes to your lifestyle that you enjoy & the rest will fall into place.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    Definitely eat at least most of the exercise calories back. My weight loss goals have been almost identical (5'8", start at 160, goal 145) and eating exactly how many calories I'm told to has worked perfectly for me with no exercise at all and a sedentary lifestyle. We're fairly tall people, it takes energy to make our bodies work and our bodies aren't necessarily efficient in figuring out where to pull that energy from.