Why is my weight fluctuating SOOO much?

I don't get it?! One day Ill be down 5 lbs and a week later be up 7lbs then be back down 2lbs and back to where I started from *sigh* I understand it's water weight but why can't I keep it off? I drink plenty of water and exercise. Ive been at this stinking weight loss thing for over a month now and haven't lost anything for "real" its all just water weight when I do lose it (I weigh everyday and in one day I can be up up to 9 lbs...........its that bad!) im eating at a deficit exercising and its not working for me *sigh* I did give birth 13 weeks ago and I know my hormones might still be wonky but seriously ive never had a problem losing weight this way before (even after having my other 3 kids) why is this being so difficult? I do overeat here and there but not enough to maintain my weight so I don't get it

EDITED to add my measurements go up and down too each week and Im wondering if I should be watching my fat, sodium and sugars more? and also my diary is missing a few days of logging bc ive pretty much given up


  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    Just a quick glance at your sodium intake tells me you're consuming quite a bit of sodium on a daily basis....so you might want to look at that more closely. Less processed foods would help. Also, you didn't say whether you were breastfeeding or not, which also could make some vast differences in what you are looking at, as far as the scale. Make sure you're logging everything you eat, honestly, so you can see the complete picture. Overall, though, if you are following your allotted macros, and exercising regularly, you will lose weight...as long as you're consistent. You can do this! Try not to get discouraged. We're all here for each other on here!
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    p.s. Try to stay away from the scale--it'll drive you batty. Just look for changes in your body (inch loss, etc.) :)
  • Mom2ATM
    Mom2ATM Posts: 147 Member
    thanks a bunch ive been thinking its my sodium intake, im way over every day :/ i have 3 kiddos ages 8, 2, and the baby (i nurse but not very often he just comfort nurses here and there every few days) and its just so much easier with my hubby working 50 + hours a week to do a box meal ya know? Ive been trying my best to get fruits and veggies in but i guess i do need to be lessoned in what kind of foods are lower in sodium that would be easy to prepare
  • Mom2ATM
    Mom2ATM Posts: 147 Member
    you know, i just googled and found a chart on low vs high sodium foods and i cant believe some of the foods i prepare that i thought were "healthy" are so high in sodium like eggs.......ham i knew was high but not as high as it really is!!! So when I make a ham dinner with just ham and veggies im getting almost a days worth of sodium in one serving! Not cool!! And eggs..........if i have 2 eggs overeasy that's over 300mg of sodium right there! :/ guess i need to do my grocery list for tomorrow off of this chart i found :)
  • qaaro
    qaaro Posts: 5
    Another note...weigh yourself at the same time (preferably in the morning before you eat, after you go to the bathroom). It'll give you the most consistent results!

    I prefer to weigh once per week rather than daily...weight will definitely fluctuate through-out the week, so this kind of helps me to avoid seeing the highs :]

    Good luck on your weight loss goals!! :D
  • Mom2ATM
    Mom2ATM Posts: 147 Member
    i try to weigh in the a.m, its not at t he same times though, and im sad..............i forgot cheese is higher in sodium and i love me some cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!!!!!!!! >:( LOL
  • heidicalif
    heidicalif Posts: 114 Member
    I am a mother of 3, too, ages 10, 5, and 2. With my two youngest I found it extremely hard to diet when breastfeeding, and it's definitely getting a lot worse (along with my hormones problems) as I get older. I'm 35. My youngest weaned in April and it took two months/3 cycles before I felt back to my normal self enough to really get on the right path. My hormones are still really off and causing other problems, but I've had more success since June 19th with dieting than I've had the last two years because at least my head isn't hungrier than my stomach. I'm not suggesting you give up, just make sure you don't beat yourself up. This is a really hard time to get a shower, let alone diet! I also battle with getting enough sleep, something I'm sure you are in short supply of right now, and I think that can make it really hard to be on your best behavior food wise. I am very much the type to binge snack when I'm sleep deprived even though I know it's not going to give me the energy I'm craving.

    I would also try watching your sodium (my downfall, too) as another suggested.

    Good luck!
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    Give it time. I lost 1 pound after 6 weeks and then 8 pounds fell off out of nowhere.