Less than 10 feet from my desk is...



  • kjerstenkipp
    kjerstenkipp Posts: 139 Member
    Go brush your teeth...sweet stuff tastes AWFUL with freshly brushed teeth...that is what I do.
  • ladyfyre13
    I would definitely ask if it could be moved. Say that the sweets being there are impacting your ability to work effectively.

    We have a guy a work that brings in big boxes of donuts holes every couples of weeks and places them around the office. I found myself grabbing them as I walked by because they were so small. But they add up. 100 calories here, 100 calories there. It drove me nuts! Thank God he just retired.
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    Go brush your teeth...sweet stuff tastes AWFUL with freshly brushed teeth...that is what I do.

    I like...never thought of doing that but its true.
  • hillclimbr
    hillclimbr Posts: 3 Member
    Brushing teeth is a great idea.... I also do the procrastination technique. 90% of the time the treat is gone by the time I come back to it. The advantage of working in a large office.
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member


    every single goddam day in varying quantities and types. It's driving me insane.

    I spy Marks & Sparks Extremely Chocolatey Mini Bites Mmmmmmm I would eat them, eat them all :)
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    Congrats on your willpower and determination!!


    Why not suggest to your employer to bring in fruit and other healthy stuff as well.

    ^ This is exactly what I was going to say. I'm glad they don't keep stuff like that lying around in my office!
  • stakoc94
    stakoc94 Posts: 70 Member
    my office is the same way.... not only does the stock piles of junk food and sweets grow so does everyone who works there...

    I have the option to work from home most days so I dread the days I have to drive in... like today. Today someone is leaving our team so were having a brunch send off party. On the list of things to bring: Juice, danish, doughnuts, cake, treats ugghhhhh

    I have all my meals packed for the day and plan to visit the person at their desk and not partake in the "party" aka binge eating of crap foods.
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    Yea that sounds like my job, except it's like someone goes to Dunkin Donuts everyday and brings in a 36 count sampler of everything they make.... Or it's ALWAYS someones birthday and people will be walking around with plates of CAKE.... UGH!!!

    I just remind myself that a lot of the people I work with don't have the best hygiene and I don't want to ingest their germs. Basically works everytime! Then I remember that most of the time these people are complaining about feeling like garbage or being over weight and "thinking about dieting"... Reality check: I'm making my goals happen and I don't need a bogus fad diet to do it.

    I'm not against periodic indulgence, however prefer to stick with consistency and healthy portions. If a healthy portion of something doesn't match my macros, then no thanks! Not always worth the recovery!
  • tfitzge3infl
    What you can do also is grab one or two things a day and toss it in the trash near you so they don't notice and by the end of the week it's all gone and put a note do not replace these items or move to another location. Luckly they put all that stuff in the break room at my job so it's not near me.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    what would happen if you just threw all of it out?
    Hydra would happen.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I just imagine that the food is not only covered in germs, but that if I eat it I will break out in fat again. and a quick no thank you when offered.

    I don't impose my nutrition plan on others, and they can't impose theirs on me. If it is a gift it is the thought that counts, not what the gift is. If I receive a big ol box of something I shouldn't have, I take it to the work place and leave it in the breakroom or if it is individually wrapped drop it off at the food bank. that means the gift goes to good use.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    I've got a candy jar even closer than that but it's opaque, which helps. I enjoy a couple of things out of it every day but we're talking mini-versions of Tootsie Rolls and candy bars, so it's not fatal.

    I agree with those who say you should try to get the stuff moved to a new place. It's perfectly reasonable to tell them you can't work with all that stuff screaming "Eat Me!" at you all day.

    We have a break room that occasionally includes things like what's in your picture, but most of them are very easy for me to resist. First, I remind myself that a lot of it is engineered to look better than it tastes. It's not worth the chemical or greasy aftertaste to eat it. When it comes to something with a large amount of empty calories, I am VERY picky, I can resist just about everything but bakery frosting (has to be buttercream, I don't like whipped cream) and fortunately that's rare around here. When it shows up and it's not a fast day (I do 5:2 fasting) I thoroughly enjoy a piece and then walk away from the table. (BTW, brushing your teeth AFTER enjoying sweet stuff will also kill the craving for another piece and besides, your dentist will like you.)

    Good luck- if that's your picture you've been doing a good job of resisting tempatation so far.
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    Pretend someone has secretly licked every item and then rewrapped them, that should do it!!!
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    I feel your pain, Good luck....
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I just imagine that the food is not only covered in germs, but that if I eat it I will break out in fat again. and a quick no thank you when offered.

    I don't impose my nutrition plan on others, and they can't impose theirs on me. If it is a gift it is the thought that counts, not what the gift is. If I receive a big ol box of something I shouldn't have, I take it to the work place and leave it in the breakroom or if it is individually wrapped drop it off at the food bank. that means the gift goes to good use.
    We will always be exposed to food, so better work on getting a healthy relationship to it. I agree completely with not imposing my nutrition plan on others, hence my Hydra comment above; cut one head off and two will grow back. Food will always be in-coming so how do we deal with it? The fact that there is still something in the wrappings to photograph tells me you have a desire not to eat it, so what can you do to become "invincible" regardless of how close it is to you?
  • cybersheel
    cybersheel Posts: 145 Member
    That's cruelty!
    It's on a big flat surface - bring in a big box and put it in - out of sight helps!
  • simsburyjet
    simsburyjet Posts: 999 Member
    the fattest person in our office who always takes time off because of her knees sent out
    a pop that we should go to DQ and order blizzards to support a cause.. I said why not
    just give that cause the money and skip the 1000 calories.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    It really is disgusting the amount of crap food that sits around offices. It really blows my mind that people just keep bringing it in, too. I can't understand how they don't see that as contributing to their weight. 90% of my coworkers are over weight and just keep gaining... And then tell me that I'm unhealthy for continuing to lose weight (the HEALTHY way of lifting/running/correct diet...) :noway:
  • tmblastquads
    haha walk away.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    My office is the exact same way. Plus monthly giant potlucks.