How do you log a Supreme 90 Day workout?

I'm starting the supreme 90 day workout, my question is how do I log the workouts in my exercise log?
It may be an easy fix.
But I am thinking I have to break it down by type of workout, minutes, and calories burned which seems a little tedious.
I'm new to this, so if there is an eay way please let me know :)
Very much appreciated.


  • presleys89
    presleys89 Posts: 3 Member
    I just started this system as well. For this week I found that I just have to estimate calories burned etc. For example, I keep track of how long the work out was (including warm up, not cool down). For day 1 (chest/back) I entered it as 30 minutes of Calisthenics, and then for Ultimate Ball, I created my own workout so I can use it again next week and calculated a 35 minute work out of the abdominals. You can always google calorie calculators online, some work some don't but after this week I am buying a calorie counter to wear for work outs. That is going to be the most efficient for me! GOOD LUCK!
  • Frankii_x
    Frankii_x Posts: 238
    Id' recommend getting a HRM :)
    Thank you!