Body Media Armbands

I was thinking of purchasing one of these. They are a little pricey and you have to have the monthly membership to even use it though. This being said, if it really is as great as the website makes it out to be, I think it would be worth it as an investment in my fitness goals. Has anyone ever used one of these? Pros and Cons people. Thanks.


  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I wore one for two years and don't have many pros to pass along. I really thought it was great at first, but after never being able to use the data to actually lose any weight, I seriously doubt it's overall accuracy claims.

    I wore it in the same spot on my arm, only slight movements up or down occasionally if there was irritation happening (usually after having been really sweaty). Followed all the guidelines it gave me, and spent those two years eating as cleanly as possible and staying within a 500-1000 calorie deficit (according to the readouts from the band). I weigh all of my food and log every bite, so I was being as accurate as possible on that end of logging as well.

    But despite having an average of an 800 calorie deficit, based on its data, over the two years I wore it Igained consistently the entire time.

    I found the only exercise it logged calories anywhere close to my HRM info was running. ARC Trainer, elliptical, speed skating, and stair mill all skewed wildly on the calories burned compared to my HRM which was always consistent.

    When I finally stopped wearing it (I only kept it as long as I did because I'm stubborn and was convinced I could make it work for me), I went back to just following MFP and got back on track to lose all the weight I'd gained.

    The worst part was that I had a severe indent on my left arm where I'd been wearing it. It took almost four months to get the indent to go mostly away. But it's still mildly there and it drives me bonkers.

    So for me, I'd stick with MFP and an HRM. But that's my personal experience. Others have had success with it. So I've offered my experience, but don't take it as the only outcome, just maybe something to keep in mind if you find a similar thing happening so you don't get stuck with two years of it like I did.
  • edeeramirez
    Thank you for your honest oppinion! I appreciate it.