New Motivational friends needed



  • Glynneybug
    Glynneybug Posts: 196 Member
    Hi, I'm not that new here, but my current friends NEVER log in. I just recently got serious about the whole weight loss thing, so if you are on track, met your goal, or just starting out, let's be friends and help each other out!! :-) Thanks in advance.
    Feel free to add me lady. I'm addicted to this site!!!
    ~Glynis :D
  • bri0628
    bri0628 Posts: 86 Member
    Anyone can add me. At day 215 and counting
  • ravensfitnessjourney
    ravensfitnessjourney Posts: 247 Member
  • hevans1207
    hevans1207 Posts: 58 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • lely31
    lely31 Posts: 1
    Same! I need motivational friends as well!! Add me I don't know how to add!
  • Ravenous4Captain
    Ravenous4Captain Posts: 144 Member
    Hiya. Anyone can feel free to add me. I'm on everyday, mostly all day long. YAY MOTIVATION!!!

    me too lol could be because we work at the same place and need an escape :laugh:

    No?!?! Really?!?!?! I hadn't noticed. LOL. j/k Christy. :laugh:
  • KitaT92
    KitaT92 Posts: 50 Member
    Feel free to add me. I log in regularly.
  • lipsticknlattes
    lipsticknlattes Posts: 49 Member
    I would like some more motivational friends as well. Add me! :)
  • Hoponopono
    Hoponopono Posts: 31 Member
    Add me if you'd like. I have been here several days, but don't have any friends yet. I've just been taking my time getting set up and oriented with the site. I am always logged in and check in several times a day.

    Anyone can add me if they'd like to.

    *Warning...I LOVE to laugh and to share the laughter (NOT at anyone's personal expense though) and I can get a bit sappy with being supportive and motivational....I like seeing people succeed and enjoy their journey in life.

    Either way...hope you enjoy the ride and just keep finding the humor in life <3
  • dcpatri
    dcpatri Posts: 3
    I need new motivational friends too!! I've logged 10 consecutive days, and let me just say that some of them have not been pretty, ranging from 500 to 3000 calories over my goals...yes that's correct, 3000. So, I'm trying to focus and get serious and I don't know how to do it, but I'm happy to connect with others in the same boat.
  • dcpatri
    dcpatri Posts: 3
    add me!
  • lilrenthefox
    lilrenthefox Posts: 2 Member
    Just started, feel free to add on here as well as Facebook. I am a fitness instructor and extremely dedicated to a healthy lifestyle and helping people reach their fitness goals no matter what level they're at!
  • theseus82
    theseus82 Posts: 255 Member
    Anyone here can add me as a friend. I log every day. I've lost 40 pounds since January, and 110 since I started in 2006.
  • Hi! You can add me as well -I downloaded the iphone app so I'm pretty much always either logging or aware that I should be :)
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    Logging everyday (over 340 days now) and motivation's the key!

    Feel free to add me
  • Wow that's incredible! I'm in need of some new friends on here too, I tend to be very sporadic with my tracking and I need to be more accountable! Add me friends!
  • CFam5
    CFam5 Posts: 24
    I'm new as well (again) :) I'm looking to add friends. My short term goal is to log in everyday for at least thirty days! Feel free to add me!
  • CFam5
    CFam5 Posts: 24
    I just started shakeology! How long have you been drinking it? Do you have any recipes you'd like to share? Have you lost anything as a result of drinking it?
  • TygerDawn
    TygerDawn Posts: 173 Member
    Feel free to add me :-) Just starting out and got serious myself. Can always use motivational friends!
  • brooklyngirl19
    brooklyngirl19 Posts: 26 Member
    Always looking for good friends! Anyone can add me too!