I've got a goal...

Glammy Posts: 115 Member
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hello New Friends (or at least I hope to make some new friends from this). My sister, and sister-in-law, and I each need to lose 40 (or more) pounds, so we made a "contract". We are to encourage each other, and support each other all along the way. It is not a competition for who can lose the most. If we all meet our goal, then we all go to an all day spa and get the royal treatment. This is a real splurge because none of us can really afford that, but we figure $5/pound is fair to ourselves for a reward. The catch is, if I don't make my goal, I'll have to get my hair buzzed (1 inch or less all over). I can't believe I agreed to that, but hey, I'm going to make my goal, so it really doesn't matter what the negative consequence is, right? Well, I'm the type that thrives on positive affirmations (praise, compliments, oh-ah's, etc.) so I figured with so many people viewing this forum, it would be a great start and keep me going through the end of the year.
Just to let you all know where I'm starting from and my circumstances: I'm 41 years old, 5'6", and hit 200 pounds this month. I know the weight comes off more slowly now that I'm older, but I'm not THAT old, and I've very determined. I don't care to cook, so special recipes required special foods (besides basic low-fat versions of the usual stuff) doesn't really interest me. I'm committed to working out 30 minutes or more per day, but my options are walking or riding a bike. I do have an eliptical cross trainer, but I'm saving that for rainy &/or winter days. I cannot afford a gym.
If anyone has suggestions or encouragement, let me know!


  • Glammy
    Glammy Posts: 115 Member
    Hello New Friends (or at least I hope to make some new friends from this). My sister, and sister-in-law, and I each need to lose 40 (or more) pounds, so we made a "contract". We are to encourage each other, and support each other all along the way. It is not a competition for who can lose the most. If we all meet our goal, then we all go to an all day spa and get the royal treatment. This is a real splurge because none of us can really afford that, but we figure $5/pound is fair to ourselves for a reward. The catch is, if I don't make my goal, I'll have to get my hair buzzed (1 inch or less all over). I can't believe I agreed to that, but hey, I'm going to make my goal, so it really doesn't matter what the negative consequence is, right? Well, I'm the type that thrives on positive affirmations (praise, compliments, oh-ah's, etc.) so I figured with so many people viewing this forum, it would be a great start and keep me going through the end of the year.
    Just to let you all know where I'm starting from and my circumstances: I'm 41 years old, 5'6", and hit 200 pounds this month. I know the weight comes off more slowly now that I'm older, but I'm not THAT old, and I've very determined. I don't care to cook, so special recipes required special foods (besides basic low-fat versions of the usual stuff) doesn't really interest me. I'm committed to working out 30 minutes or more per day, but my options are walking or riding a bike. I do have an eliptical cross trainer, but I'm saving that for rainy &/or winter days. I cannot afford a gym.
    If anyone has suggestions or encouragement, let me know!
  • EBaxter
    EBaxter Posts: 3
    I think it is great that you have support from your sister and sister in law! I'm just starting as well and so far the easiest and most cost effective workout I'v found is to walk, walk, walk! Sometimes with my kids, sometimes with my dog, sometimes with my mom but I feel great after I walk at least 30 minutes (aim for more like 45). I also dislike cooking to I just try to portion control and use as much fresh produce as possible.

    Good Luck!
  • rhonda79
    rhonda79 Posts: 95 Member
    welcome, I just joined last night. I hope you reach you goals and if you need any support I would love to help. :D
  • Glammy
    Glammy Posts: 115 Member
    I created my ticker just now. I'm just testing to see if I can get it to show up.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • blondeheat
    blondeheat Posts: 254 Member
    Glad to have you aboard. There is certainly a lot of support for all types of healthy eaters.
  • Glammy
    Glammy Posts: 115 Member
    guess not... Where do I put that address?
  • rhonda79
    rhonda79 Posts: 95 Member
    go to my home then setting and then click Change forum signature, put it in there
  • Glammy
    Glammy Posts: 115 Member
    This is so cool. Hope I did it right!
  • stschulz
    stschulz Posts: 340
    Hi Glammy and :flowerforyou: welcome to MFP:flowerforyou:

    If you ride a bike join the biker's challenge. You can set your own goals.
  • rhonda79
    rhonda79 Posts: 95 Member
    use the BBcode: so it will show up.
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    This sounds more like fun to do it as a group with a fun reward =o)
    Good luck!!
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hi Glammy, and welcome!
    This site is sooo fantastic, you shouldn't worry about getting your hair buzzed, cuz you WILL lose whatever weight that you want to!
    As far as exercising cheaply goes, walking is a great one, and the other thing I do is dance in my living room to a fast oldies CD that my husband made for me. It's not boring at all, cuz I love the songs, plus, I have the tv on too, so I can watch shows like Judge Judy, or a taped movie or a comedy show.
    As far as foods go, once you start putting in whatever you want to eat, and start seeing your totals from the counter, you'll start making good food choices, and the weight will "practically" fall off of you!
    In case no one else has mentioned it yet, it's a great idea to put whatever you plan to eat in BEFORE you eat it. That way, you'll see your totals, and might want to change a few things.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hi Glammy, and welcome!
    This site is sooo fantastic, you shouldn't worry about getting your hair buzzed, cuz you WILL lose whatever weight that you want to!
    As far as exercising cheaply goes, walking is a great one, and the other thing I do is dance in my living room to a fast oldies CD that my husband made for me. It's not boring at all, cuz I love the songs, plus, I have the tv on too, so I can watch shows like Judge Judy, or a taped movie or a comedy show.
    As far as foods go, once you start putting in whatever you want to eat, and start seeing your totals from the counter, you'll start making good food choices, and the weight will "practically" fall off of you!
    In case no one else has mentioned it yet, it's a great idea to put whatever you plan to eat in BEFORE you eat it. That way, you'll see your totals, and might want to change a few things.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Darn, lol, that's the second time today I've double posted! Sorry! :embarassed:
  • lsalazarii
    lsalazarii Posts: 144 Member
    I've only been on here a short while. I am 56 and the same height as you, started at 197 and want to be at 140. So far I've lost 36 lbs. I cannot afford a gym either. I started walking 2 miles. I now do the Leslie Sansone walking exercise video and it keeps me moving and I am stil losing. Not as fast as at first, but at a healthy rate. I know alot of folks on here don't care for her method of exercise, but it is working for me.

    Good luck to you. Sounds like with your determination and with the support from this wonderful site, you will reach your goal!!!!:wink:
  • Glammy
    Glammy Posts: 115 Member
    Not a problem! I'm very encourage by the support received already and it's not even been an hour yet! Of course I should get back to work now... I'll be sure to check back often! This is great!
  • Glammy
    Glammy Posts: 115 Member
    I'm very encourage by the support received already and it's not even been an hour yet! Of course I should get back to work nNot a problem! ow... I'll be sure to check back often! This is great!
    I'm just showing a friend how to use this...
  • gbryans
    gbryans Posts: 8
    :smile: Hi glammy! I'm new as of last Thursday and only weighing in on Thursdays. I too am between 5'5 and 5'6, 40 years old and at 199. Good luck - we CAN do this!!!
  • Glammy
    Glammy Posts: 115 Member
    Yea - another supporter of similar circumstances! I just got my twin sister to join and she's also in the same ball park for size and (surprise!) age! :laugh:
    I'm confident that I'll prove the skeptics wrong this time! I've got the support I need now. :happy:

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