OMG help!!

I really am getting worried as this last 10 days or so my hair has started falling out in handfuls. they say the average is 50-100 hairs a day but im easily losing 300+. I just washed it and was left with a big handful when i let the water go. I had really thick hair and always lost a little more than average but this is a LOT and its noticeably thinned although its all over and not in one area.
What in my diet is causing this? I admit until 4 days ago although i eat very healthily and stick to around 1600-1700 calories i was mostly vegetarian and my protein was lucky if it hit 30g per day. Im now up to around 130-150g due to protein shakes but could this be why my hair is falling out or is it something else in my diet causing it. Please help..i darent even touch my hair at the moment :sad:


  • mphillip6
    mphillip6 Posts: 28 Member
    I would go see your doctor
  • Shesaid_destroy
    Maybe it is time to indeed seek professional advice.
    The natural supplement/treatment for hair and nails is nutritional yeast, which you can sprinkle on salads or eat in yogurt.
  • smilesalot1969
    Yeast? i hadnt heard of that..i was told protein and b vitamins/ zinc. I dont think i eat anything at all with yeast in it
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    With all respect of your diet choice I have been told by several nurses the most sick people they get are vegans and vegetarians. I would seriously look into your diet, because it might well be there is your problem! Actually I know for sure it is.

    Here is a top 10 of healthy foods for your heair, note the fats!
  • phoenixgirl81
    phoenixgirl81 Posts: 309 Member
    nutritional yeast is different to regular yeast. It's high in B12 - natural vegetarian source.

    Definitely agree about going to the doctor and getting advice. Get there soon and have them investigate. There are a range of reasons, including an imbalance in hormones.

    Someone recently posted that not eating enough carbs can cause large amounts of hair-loss too. How's your carb intake?

    ETA: I've been veg*n for nearly 5 years and my doctor says I'm one of the healthiest people she knows (and my blood-work shows it too, now). My iron stores are greater than they were when I was a meat eater, my B12 is fine, etc Eating veg*n doesn't mean you're going to be sick. Like all ways of eating, you just need to make sure you're getting the right nutrients.
  • Shesaid_destroy
    Nutrional yeast is not active yeast, it wouldn't make a dough rise and i don't think it can be found in 'normal' foods. You could get the fortified version for a nice fix of B12 vitamin.
  • Shesaid_destroy
    nutritional yeast is different to regular yeast. It's high in B12 - natural vegetarian source.

    Definitely agree about going to the doctor and getting advice. Get there soon and have them investigate. There are a range of reasons, including an imbalance in hormones.

    Someone recently posted that not eating enough carbs can cause large amounts of hair-loss too. How's your carb intake?

    ETA: I've been veg*n for nearly 5 years and my doctor says I'm one of the healthiest people she knows (and my blood-work shows it too, now). My iron stores are greater than they were when I was a meat eater, my B12 is fine, etc Eating veg*n doesn't mean you're going to be sick. Like all ways of eating, you just need to make sure you're getting the right nutrients.

    I'd like to know how you get your iron. I always have a slight defiency. (Sorry for side tracking here)
  • wrkout2bfit
    wrkout2bfit Posts: 41 Member
    I'm not sure if I ever told you, I have suffered from severe hair loss. It started about 10 years ago. I had such beautiful thick hair, so much in fact I had a hard time pinning it all up for work. I am a cosmetology graduate, and know everyone sheds hair, but mine was extreme. I went to a dermatologist, who did a biopsy of my scalp. When the results came back, she told me my hair would probably start growing back in about 6 months. 6 months later, it was still coming out! I went to a different dermatologist who tried a blood pressure med on me, since hair growth was a side effect of that med. It didn't work. I was told to make an appointment at Cleveland Clinic here in the states with the world renowned dermatologist there who specializes in hair loss. I was so sure she would be able to figure out the cause. Lots of blood work later, she had determined I was very healthy, but needed a little iron, and I needed to see an endocrinologist because she thought I had Hashimoto's ( problem with thyroid ). I went to the endocrinologist who confirmed I had a thyroid issue, and he put me on a med to help balance things out. He did inform me that usually it would not help my hair loss. I was completely devastated! I have been to countless doctors, have had full bloodwork, and my hair is still falling out 10 years later. I have lost about 80% of my hair. I am no longer on iron supplement, but still on thyroid med. My hair doesn't fall out as bad, but it is so thin now I have to wear makeup on my scalp. I purchased a very expensive laser comb a few months ago that works for some people with hair loss. I am hoping it might work for me as well. I feel like I have tried any suggestion, shampoo, supplement, vitamins, foods that anyone gave me. I had to seek therapy at one point because of how it was affecting my life. I pray you are able to get to the bottom of your hair loss. For me, 10 years later, I am still hoping today will be the day it stops!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    How much fat are you eating? Extremely low fat as well as the low protein intake you described may be responsible. If you open up your diary it might be easier to see if there is anywhere obvious your diet is lacking.
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    I also had extremly thick hair as a kid. It started falling out from about the age of 18. Over the years I've also tried many things and seen many doctors. For me it's hormonal and unless I take the contraceptive pill Diane which gives me major migraines there has been nothing else that can help. For personal reasons I went vegetarian 15 years ago and as I'm now 42 I know the hair loss for me has nothing to do with my diet. I would suggest to go and see your doctor and not leave it just in case it is something else.
  • NomadicFlame
    See a doctor... none of us have a clue what is causing your hair loss. For all we know you live in Chernobyl.
  • smilesalot1969
    my diet wasnt so great it was high in veggies and fruits and carbs and very little else. i've started taking vitamins and supplements and now boosting my diet with chicken fish and protein shakes so im hoping it will stop.
    the odd thing is about 6 months ago i was really ill, had a terrible goitre and aching throat. my doctor suspected thyroid disease and did a blood work and sent me to a cardiologist and also for a throat scan. everything came back fine but still i had all the symptoms of thyroid disease. im a lot better than i was except my weight loss has stalled and now my hair is falling out and nails are peeling badly. again symptoms of throids but tests say no :ohwell:

    and no i dont live in chernobyl i live in sleepy south west uk. My doctor has plenty of sick people to see im sure she doesnt need some crazy woman bothering her with some hair loss :embarassed:
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Don't feel like you're crazy, because I'm sure you're not. Otherwise go and see a different doctor if its possible, but the longer you leave it the harder it will be, it's obviously worrying you emotionally otherwise you wouldn't have posted.
  • gr8xpectationz
    gr8xpectationz Posts: 161 Member
    For those of you who are losing hair, here's an odd question: do you also have racing thoughts at bedtime? Like, can you sometimes not fall asleep because you can't quiet your brain down? If you have racing thoughts at bedtime, AND your hair is falling out, you are deficient in Vitamin Bs.

    B vitamins help a lot with your stress response (not just emotional stress, but also metabolic and physiological stress, like dieting or not getting enough sleep or whatever).

    I'm a huge fan. Before Vitamin B, I had hair loss and it took forever to fall asleep. Stresses felt like a flock of birds invading my space and pecking at me all at once. After Vitamin B, I still had all the same stresses, but they were at enough distance that I could pick and choose what I wanted to deal with and what I wanted to ignore.

    Try a good B complex, and see if it does the trick for you. Vitamin Bs are hard to absorb, so they pack tons more into a tablet or capsule trusting that you'll get as much as your body needs. The undigested/unabsorbed Vitamin B turns your pee fluorescent yellow. But no need to worry, there's no level of toxicity or anything.

    Hope some of this info helps!
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 338 Member
    My Dr suggested a prenatal vitamin, as I'm 55, I get some funny looks, but my hair and nails do seem better.

    I LOVE my B and D vitamins!
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    not to freak you out or anything, but I had a problem with this as well. After a visit to the doctor, I found out I was T2D. Got my sugar under control & the hair stopped falling.

    Hormone issues are notorious for this sort of thing :ohwell: I wish I went to the doctor sooner. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • ebscrebs
    ebscrebs Posts: 17
    Everybody's suggestions are just about dead on. It's good that you've incorporated more protein into your diet. Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient that can only come from eating meat or from supplements that are produced using bacteria. Generally iron deficiency has a major effect on hair growth/loss, and of course thyroid issues will cause problems with hair growth as well. See your doctor, ensure you're getting enough iron, B vitamins, etc. If your doctor doesn't give you satisfactory answers go see another one.

    Also a friend of mine had a fungus growing in her skin that caused bald spots. She was given topical medication and it got better. Make sure your dermatologist goes over all possible causes.
  • supersewer03
    I so agree with the other posts. Your hormones could be out of whack now. Have you have your thyroid tested recently? Hypothyroidism can cause your hair to fall out as well. Good luck!!
  • AnDiallo
    AnDiallo Posts: 131 Member
    I would say make sure you have enough essential fats and protein and things like biotin in your diet, and see your doctor for a full blood work up.
    Tea rinses can help with shedding hair as well.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    see your doctor. There may be other symptoms you are not aware of (i mean - you may be experiencing other symptoms that you are not aware are all related). it could be your diet, it could be your shampoo, it could be a hormone related issue. it could be many things. your doctor should be able to help

    (for example, i had some hair loss when i had thyroid issues. but i didn't even notice it that much - as you all say, some hair loss is "normal" - but the endo asked me other questions and did the blood work and scans and there you had it).