Binge Binge Binge Binge

It starts every morning the same way. I look at myself in the mirror and say, "It's going to be a great day." Then I walk to my kitchen and eat whatever I can find. As I eat, I think about the calories that might be in what I am eating. I feel bad then return to the kitchen looking for something else now having the mind set that if I messed up breakfast, why not the rest of a day? I eat something else, then another thing then another and continuously throughout the day until my stomach is sick and I feel bad about it as I go to bed. If I eat one thing, I feel so bad as if I need to eat everything :( I'm lost and I don't know how to find self control.


  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Have you tried walking into another room? :huh:
  • nomorebamboozles
    nomorebamboozles Posts: 73 Member
    Before you even go into the kitchen try to add all the things you plan on eating into MFP. Then ONlY get what you calculated for that meal. Hopefully this will keep you on track?
  • MrsKrystalBautista
    If you mess up once.... Grab a big glass cup of water then walk to another room, clean something... Start your routine early... Start over... The rest of the day can get better....
  • PunkinSpice79
    PunkinSpice79 Posts: 309 Member
    Is something else going on in your life? Are you bored? Emotional? Depressed?
  • pippin44
    pippin44 Posts: 34 Member
    Totally get what you're saying...... if you make one bad choice, might as well eat whatever you want for the rest of the day and start over tomorrow. And then tomorrow the same thing happens.
    Eating an extra 200-300 calories in the morning is WAAAY better than eating an extra 900 calories of junk/bad choices over the course of the day, right?
    Try chewing on gum to keep you out of the junk food cabinet -- mint is best b/c studies say that it decreases the urge for sweets. Or a mini-York peppermint patty.
    But don't stay with your same pattern......try something different.
    You've got a goal -- reach it!
  • toscarthearmada
    toscarthearmada Posts: 382 Member
    What really helped me with my Binge eating was planning my meals! It held me accountable to what I was eating and gave me a clear picture of what wiggle room, if any, that I had with my calories.
  • atakins
    atakins Posts: 32 Member
    Honestly, maybe you need to see a counselor. You have a guilt eating thing going on, and you have have to find another coping mechanism that isn't a self-reinforcing, self-defeating cycle. This is nothing to be ashamed of - millions of Americans have the same problem. It IS something you might need help stopping, though. Get the help you need - you will thank yourself for being brave enough to do it.

    If that's not an option for you, then you need to forcibly prevent the cycle from being possible - like Size10Againx said, but even more powerful. Leave the *house* when you get that feeling, or make it nearly impossible to get that feeling by keeping little-to-no snackable food in the house (keep only food that requires preparation). Go walking, go outside and sit on a chair on the lawn, anything to break the cycle.
  • jazzrose007
    jazzrose007 Posts: 51 Member
    Throw out the foods the bad foods that you are binge eating in the mornings. If you only have oatmeal, fruits, eggs, whole grain toast, and other "good" foods, it will be difficult for you to rack up the calories. You may even be able to stop eating after a while. Don't buy the trigger foods, keep them away from you until you can control your eating!
  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
    Have you looked into Overeaters Anonymous? They have local meetings all over the country. If nothing else, read the book.
  • shannonmarie752487
    You have a bad relationship with food. First, change what's in your kitchen. You can probably eat all the cucumber slices and sugar snap peas you want and not feel guilty at all. Drink lots of water. If you don't really like water, add a little lemon juice or orange juice. Next, change your mindset. You have to change how you feel about food. It's there to give you fuel, not entertainment. I still have this struggle. In fact, I'm in the middle of a "crisis" right now with my food choices. I came here for motivation, and I got it. You are doing the right thing by seeking information.
  • chriscolh
    chriscolh Posts: 127 Member
    We may be the same person. You just described my last 2 days. It gets so hard sometimes!!! I am just starting again. I got down to my goal weight after the birth of my 4th son, but after I delivered my 5th (and last) boy, I just continued gaining weight. Ugh. Anyway, when I was successful, the one thing that helped me the most was to plan my meals. If I know what I am going to eat BEFORE I go into the kitchen, I tend to eat it, instead of grazing all day long. When I sit down once a week with my dry-erase calendar and plan a week's worth of menus, then go grocery shopping so that I have the food to follow through, then my choices tend to be better and I stick to the plan. I usually have 2-3 choices for breakfast that I rotate through, then a few for lunch (quite often I eat left-overs from dinner the night before), and I try to balance my dinners out with lots of yummy vegetables. If I plan it, I fix it, and I eat it instead of eating all day long trying to satisfy some unknown craving. I also like to have some low calorie snacks available that I can eat. I have to be honest, there are days when I count down the hours to 10 am or 3 pm for that snack... :-). Bad habits die hard...
    Hope that helps, and Good Luck!
  • lindustum
    lindustum Posts: 212 Member
    Have you tried walking into another room? :huh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Thank you, I needed that today.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    plan and log your breakfast the night before. in the morning, go to the kitchen, prepare that meal. leave the kitchen. it's simple. decide to do it and do it. (notice i said "simple", not "easy")

    also, as someone else said, if you eat a couple hundred extra calories in the morning, that's no biggie. A nice brisk walk in the evening can balance that out. Plus, most people trying to lose weight are eating at a larger deficit than that. An additional 200-300 calories is probably not going to even put you up past your maintenance calories, so don't let one small infraction ruin the entire day.
  • Chickychick18
    Thank you everyone <3 The information you gave me was really helpful. I'm going to start planing my meals and going different places when I feel the cycle repeating itself. It's not easy but I'm glad I opened up about this.
  • Chickychick18
    Thankyou :) That is really encouraging. Feels good I'm not the only one. I thought maybe I'm going crazy xD haha