Binged, but not the end of the world.

I was arguing with my mom over something silly. It stressed me out. On top of all the packing for college and things I need to do today, I kept circling the fridge looking for a way to feel better. I made a big bowl of spaghetti and just ate it. I didn't even make time to sit down. I shoved it down my throat standing by the stove then went to my room to feel sorry for myself. The weird thing is, I didn't want to stop there. I wanted to have a bowl of cereal, a cupcake and who knows what else I might find in the kitchen. But I didn't. I stopped at the bowl of spaghetti and went to my room. I got onto myfitnesspal and now I am motivated to make up for the spaghetti by going for a jog. I can control what I eat and what I do with my body. I just have to fight for it.


  • Good job at stopping at the spaghetti. You'll get through this, enjoy your jog! =)
  • zytah
    zytah Posts: 153
    in the words of the great edna mode... go! fight! win!
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    You will be ok I am sure of it. Good job at not eating more. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress, sometimes when I am really mad at someone I have the BEST workouts!
  • Thankyou <3:)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Don't feel bad. Yesterday I ate at Cheesecake Factory (Factory burrito, Thai lettuce wraps and bread) then for dinner I ate at Dave and Buster's (bacon wrapped medallions and shrimp along with spinach dip appetizer) and was WAY OVER my calorie goal by about 1000. It happens.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • BathtubBadger
    BathtubBadger Posts: 217 Member
    Eating a bowl of spaghetti is hardly "binging" :P

    I went over by 1500 yesterday -- willingly -- between wine and pizza. I have a cheat meal every week that goes over by 1500 at least. I'm still dropping 1 kg (around 2 pounds) a week. :) No fretting. As long as you make the rest of your days great, one meal to eat like a queen always makes me feel ready for the coming week.

    Good job on controlling the emotional eating, though!
  • stephaniecaine82
    stephaniecaine82 Posts: 117 Member
    You will be just fine! Take it one day at a time, meal at a time! I just ate a sausage Mcmuffin and then read your, do I feel bad!! So, I will make a better decision at lunch time and have a salad with a light dressing.
    Thank you!
    Now, try and go for a jog or walk and make a better choice on your next dish!! I will!
  • tlou5
    tlou5 Posts: 497 Member
    Great attitude. You can do this!
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    I ate chicken tenders, fries, BBQ sauce, and had a small bowl of blueberry ice cream yesterday night. I went on the scale. I gained nothing! I'm not endorsing to do this daily, but sometimes, it is good for the soul haha.
  • stephaniecaine82
    stephaniecaine82 Posts: 117 Member
    I ate chicken tenders, fries, BBQ sauce, and had a small bowl of blueberry ice cream yesterday night. I went on the scale. I gained nothing! I'm not endorsing to do this daily, but sometimes, it is good for the soul haha.

    Soooooo True!!!
  • Thank you :) It feels good I'm not alone on this.
  • Thankyou! :)