Helpful mantras when it gets tough.

Can anyone suggest helpful mantras when the going gets tough and you want to stop running?


  • ghostrider1970
    ghostrider1970 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm chased by a ferocious dog, I'm chased by a ferocious dog, I'm chased by a ferocious dog :laugh:
  • summerfly413
    summerfly413 Posts: 12 Member
    I've never been much of a person who likes to repeat phrases to myself, but there are a few things I've found that work for me(and I HATE running)

    If I'm running and start to get all those negative thoughts like "I should just walk" "I hate this" "What's the point?" "There's no way I'll be able to run the remaining X miles" I try to stop them right away. I'll tell myself positive things, even if I might not particularly believe them. I'll tell myself "You're doing great!" "Look how far you've gone already!" "The faster you run the quicker you'll be done!" and things like that. Just canceling out the negative thoughts with positive ones helps a lot.

    If I'm running by myself I also sometimes pretend I have someone running *just* behind me, so I have to keep running and keep my pace so they won't catch me.
  • Superchikanthem
    Superchikanthem Posts: 362 Member
    I am strong!

    Quick feet, light feet.

    How big of a pice of cake did I want again? <that one is mostly kidding as I don't ever want sweets after I run.

    I know I can.

    Or I just make myself go to the end of (insert spot ahead) then I can walk for the rest of the song playing.

    And thanks to good ol' Nike.

  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    Harden the **** up
  • sportmir
    sportmir Posts: 10 Member
    When it gets though I tell my self I'am light as a feather and can float. Or I try to picture myself running a race with lots of chearing people yelling to me that I'am doing great.
  • Kingacat
    Kingacat Posts: 33
    Great ideas thanks!