Scared of going on vacation

Tomorrow my family is leaving for a week at the beach. I love the beach! However, I've been doing so well with my diet and exercise plan that I'm terrified of all the temptations there. We'll be staying with my mother also, who always has tons of salty, sweet, yummy foods in the house, as well as lots of beer and wine. Then of course there's the beach food of French fries, ice cream, funnel cake, pizza......ugh :(

My goal for the week will be to abstain from alcohol completely. It's only a week after all, and I know when I drink I get the munchies. Activity wise, I hope to continue with C25K (I'm on week 3 day 3 tomorrow), swim, take lots of walks, and even play tennis with my daughter.

Any advice or motivation for staying on track while on vacation? I don't want to undo all the good I've done so far.


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Try to make decent choices, enjoy yourself and get back to it when you get home.
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    If you slip for a week, you will live. You will delay your progress, yes, but so long as you get back up, you'll live. It is part of the journey, it is not a straight line.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,071 Member
    I'm sure you'll be more active at the beach than you have been in your regular life.

    Enjoy yourself, don't talk about it to your family, eat a little less than you did last year, move as much as possible. Start up touch football games, Frisbee, volley ball. Play hide and seek or badminton with the kids

    You'll be fine. Don't tarnish your (and everyone else's) vacation by stressing out about it.
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Change perspective. . .

    for example, beach food is no longer, "French fries, ice cream, funnel cake, pizza". Beach food is broiled or baked seafood (sans butter, scampi), frozen yogurt, and. . ok, pizza with all the veggies, light on the cheese.

    See what I mean?
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Change perspective. . .

    for example, beach food is no longer, "French fries, ice cream, funnel cake, pizza". Beach food is broiled or baked seafood (sans butter, scampi), frozen yogurt, and. . ok, pizza with all the veggies, light on the cheese.

    See what I mean?

    this is some great advice, and you can steal a fry or two from someone when they aren't looking just to satisfy the craving. Enjoy the seafood, and a glass of wine in the evenings will not hurt you one little bit. Enjoy your vacation and your food, both can be done in healthy manner, after all this is your life from now on should you choose to contiue with it so learn to make better choices and be happy with them.
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    Your plan is great and walks/runs on the beach is great exercise. Pack healthy snacks for you and your family on the beach. Most of all, your on vacation, so don't over think this or stress over it. Have fun, eat a couple of hot dogs and some ice cream and hit it hard when you return home. Enjoy!
  • naturallyme36
    naturallyme36 Posts: 155 Member
    see this as your journey and not your diet and you will be ok :) Have fun, enjoy your family and the Beach!!!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I offer up myself to go on vacation for you. What's that? Yes, I guess I am kind of a hero. Thank you for noticing.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    I offer up myself to go on vacation for you. What's that? Yes, I guess I am kind of a hero. Thank you for noticing.

    one day, they will write songs about you...
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I offer up myself to go on vacation for you. What's that? Yes, I guess I am kind of a hero. Thank you for noticing.

    one day, they will write songs about you...

    You mean MORE songs.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    It is vacation and is meant to be enjoyed, we spent a week in a rental up the 4x4 beach in the Outer Banks and I got in my daily exercise (I mean who could pass up morning hikes on the beach as the sun comes up and evening sun set walks as well...) We ate out quite a bit and also did some home cooked seafood meals at the rental. I said going in that it was vacation and a break from the weight loss grind so I enjoyed myself and came back up a few pounds up on the scale but I was ok with it and got right back to the grind and within a couple weeks all was right and I was no worse for wear... Try not to stress to much and enjoy yourself....
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    I offer up myself to go on vacation for you. What's that? Yes, I guess I am kind of a hero. Thank you for noticing.

    one day, they will write songs about you...

    You mean MORE songs.

    yes, more songs... and also poems.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    I offer up myself to go on vacation for you. What's that? Yes, I guess I am kind of a hero. Thank you for noticing.

    one day, they will write songs about you...

    You mean MORE songs.

    We're going to need to dedicate a second minstrel to you soon...
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Snap out of it, and enjoy your vacation.
  • Mrs_Bones
    Mrs_Bones Posts: 195 Member
    Remember to be gentle with yourself! Wake up each morning and remind yourself that you are worthy of being treated kindly and deserve a healthy, balanced life. Try to make the best choices you can, but do NOT beat yourself up when you enjoy little treats. It's only a week of vacation after all! Enjoy it and you can pick-up the slack when you get home!
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Tomorrow my family is leaving for a week at the beach. I love the beach! However, I've been doing so well with my diet and exercise plan that I'm terrified of all the temptations there. We'll be staying with my mother also, who always has tons of salty, sweet, yummy foods in the house, as well as lots of beer and wine. Then of course there's the beach food of French fries, ice cream, funnel cake, pizza......ugh :(

    My goal for the week will be to abstain from alcohol completely. It's only a week after all, and I know when I drink I get the munchies. Activity wise, I hope to continue with C25K (I'm on week 3 day 3 tomorrow), swim, take lots of walks, and even play tennis with my daughter.

    Any advice or motivation for staying on track while on vacation? I don't want to undo all the good I've done so far.

    Plan active things, to help burn calories and keep on track.

    Look for healthy foods you love - beach vacation = delicious fish, grilled or broiled.

    Don't cut out everything - enjoy yourself, make space for some treats and maybe a cheat meal you love.

    Don't talk about it with other people - they don't want to hear about it on their vacation.
  • RoseG1
    RoseG1 Posts: 11
    Start with a good/healthy breakfast...this, at least for me, usually sets the pace for the rest of the day. Take your own fruit/veges to the beach. When I visit relatives I bring some of my own food: protein powder, soy milk, fruit, flax seed, etc. Oh -- and since you'll be at the beach, just look around and take in the sights. You know what you want to look like & what you don't -- that should inspire you (haha). Have a great time...and it's ok to cheat a little !!
  • alexisdc
    alexisdc Posts: 117 Member
    It sounds like you have a plan. Stick to it. But remember you can't gain all the weight you have lost in a week :) you may up the scale with water, but if you honestly keep to you calorie count and keep moving as you have planned out, you will be fine. Even if you have a slice a pizza or a small piece of funnel cake, that shouldn't do much to you if sticking to what your calorie count is for the day. REMEMBER this is a VACATION have fun, enjoy!! :)
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Strap bike to roof of car. Ride trails that so many places have by the beach. Do a few cannonballs off the dock. Eat tasty things :)