Hi. My name is Danielle. I REALLY need your help!! :(



  • SweetIDRider
    SweetIDRider Posts: 9 Member
    People call me "Elle" for short.

    I've dieted the wrong way for as long as I can remember. I have "recovered" from disordered eating (ended up underweight) three times, and each time I was told to diet properly afterward. Unfortunately, I always fall back into not eating to control my weight. I'm currently 147lbs- VERY fat. I need to lose it all again... preferably a lot of it by December. My boyfriend is in the military and is coming home from a visit, and last time he saw me I was close to underweight. I can't face him like this.

    I'm tempted to just stop eating again. I have the willpower to do it... but I don't have the willpower to stop once I've started!

    I know I need to do this the right way but don't know how to do it. For me it's always been eat as little as possible, then exercise as much as I can with the energy I have. Even if I start the right way, I'm afraid I'm going to get discouraged and fall back into not eating. My mom's anorexic, and she told me today I need to eat less...

    Any tips you guys have would be greatly appreciated! By the way, I'm 18 and a college freshman.

    (If you need to know, I used to go three days without eating then eat about 300-400cals, then do it again. That's strongly discouraged though.)

    I really recommend consulting the fighter diet principal! She has experience working with people with eating disorders and turned them around to eating a healthy way and look great too! I would definitely ignore the anorexic mom, but check out www.fighterdiet.com check out the info she needs on her contact form so she can recommend the right program for you. she has a fb page too
  • SweetIDRider
    SweetIDRider Posts: 9 Member
    awww i like that about you're boyfriend loving you no matter what!
  • mmorrow52
    :smile: Hi! I am new on the website.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Have you sought professional help? Seriously they can help. You sound like you have an ED, and that is not good. A message board will never help, but the professionals will be able to teach you healthy ways to deal with your disordered thinking, as well as teach you how to eat properly.

    Also ~points to what the picture in my ticker says~ read that message and remember it...
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    145 pounds is NOT very fat.
  • kravmark2
    kravmark2 Posts: 158 Member
    If you need a friend on the journey feel free to add me :)


    All are welcome
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    Hi, Danielle,

    You have about 17 weeks until December. If you set your MFP goals to lose 1.5 lbs per week, and stuck with a consistent, healthy diet and exercise plan, you could lose 25 lbs by then. I agree about the toning exercises. Have you tried Slim In 6 videos? They're great for that.

    Good luck!

    Nobody answered my question. What is a toning exercise?

    It's basically doing any strength training workout with more reps, less weights...like 12-15 reps at a lower weight vs. 8-10 reps at a really challenging weight. OR, it's doing most HIIT workouts...like cardio classes, BeachBody routines, etc.
  • adriennedaly
    adriennedaly Posts: 2 Member
    eat 1200-1500 calories a day. try eating vegan, or vegetarian. i lose the most weight eating vegetarian and gluten free. once I start back on the bad foods, i gain my weight back. so try not to think about it like a diet, more of a lifestyle change.
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    Have you sought professional help? Seriously they can help. You sound like you have an ED, and that is not good. A message board will never help, but the professionals will be able to teach you healthy ways to deal with your disordered thinking, as well as teach you how to eat properly.

    Also ~points to what the picture in my ticker says~ read that message and remember it...

    Maybe some people just want to look really good...it's called being vein, not a disorder. That's like saying a 6 year old who has tons of energy has ADD. Going on the message boards and trying to say someone has a problem is ridiculous. Maybe they do, maybe they don't. Anyway....

    But back to Elle now...I recommend you follow KISS...Keep It Simple Silly. Go into MFP, setup to lose 1lb per week after you input your stats. Make sure you log all of the food you eat, and make sure you are meeting 100% or greater of the recommended protein and fiber, and that you are at or a little below 100% for fat, and try and be under the recommended carbs. Add some strength training or high intensity workouts at least 3 times per week for 30-45 minutes each session. You'll be looking how you want in no time. Good luck!