Valentine's Day Fitness Challenge Anyone?

lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
edited September 18 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi ladies and gentlemen,

After the Christmas Cookie Catastrophe (for me, anyway) of the past few days, and how much better I feel after working out this a.m. . . .

Is anyone up for Valentine's as our next milestone?

my goals are to continue what I'm doing.
which is 20 minutes weight training 3x a week
3 days heavy cardio (45-60 minutes spinning)
3 days light cardio (30 minutes moderate walking)
3 days yoga.

Onward and upward! (or maybe downward!)


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hi ladies and gentlemen,

    After the Christmas Cookie Catastrophe (for me, anyway) of the past few days, and how much better I feel after working out this a.m. . . .

    Is anyone up for Valentine's as our next milestone?

    my goals are to continue what I'm doing.
    which is 20 minutes weight training 3x a week
    3 days heavy cardio (45-60 minutes spinning)
    3 days light cardio (30 minutes moderate walking)
    3 days yoga.

    Onward and upward! (or maybe downward!)
  • jenken99
    jenken99 Posts: 564 Member
    :smile: sounds great i would like to lose 15 pounds, by valentines lets have at it and keep it real!!!!!!!!!good luck everyone
  • debuckl
    debuckl Posts: 360 Member
    I'll join ya! I'm not sure what to we have a check in every week or something?
    I'm joining a gym in January and will be doing:

    Weights (approx 45 min) 2x a week
    Heavy Cardio (90 min) 2x a week
    Light Cardio (45 min) 2x a week

    I also will, starting tomorrow :blushing: , stay WITHIN my calorie allotment!

    I'd love to lose 15 lbs by Valentines' Day
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Ok I'm comitting to:

    3x week strength training with video
    4x week cardio (not sure if light or heavy, snowshoeing)
    if weather doesn't permit:
    4x week cardio by video

    I'm not setting a weight loss goal. What I lose is what I lose, I think I will do better without the stress of trying to make a number happen. It's more about feeling healthier for me. So I'll just weigh in when I normally do.
  • vicky1
    vicky1 Posts: 236
    Sounds like a good idea I am going to from mon start a vigorous routine of

    3x week core exercise with dvd
    5x week 30 - 40 mins moderate to heavy cardio (elliptical trainer)
    6x week 1hr brisk walk (pushing my kids in the pushchair combined weight of 50lbs)

    I would really like to have past my halfway point so thats about 18 1/2 lbs but anything is better than nothing.

    Also I am not going to touch chocolate and chips till I reach halfway.

    I will be eating healthy food (with the exception of our new years eve chinese takaway) from now on.

    Good luck everyone 2008 is going to be a good year.
    We can do it!!!!!!

    Vicky :heart:
  • JulieB21
    JulieB21 Posts: 492
    I'd love to join! I want to commit to continuing with my videos-Hip Hop Abs & Turbo Jam six days a week along with my stationary bike & alternating Pilates & our Bowflex. I would like to see a ten pound loss....Happy New Year & Best of Luck to everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • Hi,
    Great! I think 15 lbs by Valentine's day would be absolutely wonderful. I would like to lose at least 8 aby Jan 25 when I am going away for a week. Wonder if I can do that? It really shouldn't be too hard I hope. Thanks for the challenge..
  • I accept the challenge and would like to lose 10 pounds by Valentine's Day!! With the holidays out of the way I won't have the "special occasion" excuse anymore.:drinker: :drinker:
  • bla115
    bla115 Posts: 206
    Challenge accepted! I want to lose 10 pounds by Valentines Day. I have a special date planned for that weekend and would love to be able to by a great new outfit in a smaller size as my reward!!!! Good Luck Everyone! P.S. Are we going to check in to see eachother's progress??
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    I am in. My goal it to lose 15 pounds.
    I will increase my workouts
    Mon, Wed, Fri-30 minutes weights and 45 cardio
    Tues and Thurs-45 cardio plus take a class and swim for 1 hour
    Sat-the kids and dogs
    Sun-My day
  • jenken99
    jenken99 Posts: 564 Member
    what should we do about checking in with progress?????
    this is starting now so do we check in a week from today ??????
  • my goal will be 12lbs by valentines day...that would put me at will love that...
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I'm in! I need the accountability.
    We are suppose to be going on a trip the first week in February so I'd like to lose ten pounds by then and my last three pounds by the 14th! I hope I can do it!
    I am going to mix up strength training and cardio 5X a week for 60-90 min. a day.
  • bla115
    bla115 Posts: 206
    Hi ladies and gentlemen,

    After the Christmas Cookie Catastrophe (for me, anyway) of the past few days, and how much better I feel after working out this a.m. . . .

    Is anyone up for Valentine's as our next milestone?

    my goals are to continue what I'm doing.
    which is 20 minutes weight training 3x a week
    3 days heavy cardio (45-60 minutes spinning)
    3 days light cardio (30 minutes moderate walking)
    3 days yoga.

    Onward and upward! (or maybe downward!)

    Hi there! I just wanted to say thanks for your idea about the Valentine's Day challenge. After reading it and committing to it I actually got up and did 30 minutes of intervals on the treadmill. I had slacked off a bit over the holidays but this Valentine's Day Challenge has ramped up my motivation again! :flowerforyou:
  • athomemommy
    athomemommy Posts: 136 Member
    I am totally in. I have lost 56lbs and I have another 29 to go. SO I would like to lose another 10-15lbs by then. 15 would be awesome, that would been only another 15 more to go. :happy: :bigsmile:
    I also had to share that today I went shopping for new jeans b/c the ones I have are getting baggy. I bought 10s!!!!! I went from a size 18/20 to a size 10, and one pair of jeans I bought said 9/10s
    Can you believe it, single numbers!!! I can see the size 6's I will get there.
  • I'm up to it...
    I want to lose 10 lbs and i want to start going to the gym on Jan 1st
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Awesome everybody! . .

    What we did for Thanksgiving and Christmas was check in with a new thread everyday.

    Any morning people want to volunteer to start it up every a.m.? I'd be glad to start it, but I am not an early riser.

    (musician/student=late to bed, late to rise.)
  • jenken99
    jenken99 Posts: 564 Member
    :laugh: i can start it if 8:00 a.m isnt to late and what do we say every day just if we lost or what ?? let me know
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    what we've done is check in after our workout, summing up the day. I've really enjoyed seeing what others are up to. I imagine we could include any weight lost as well.

    I've found it's really helpful to promise others that I'll workout. Especially when I don't want to.:wink:
  • I am totally in. I have lost 56lbs and I have another 29 to go. SO I would like to lose another 10-15lbs by then. 15 would be awesome, that would been only another 15 more to go. :happy: :bigsmile:
    I also had to share that today I went shopping for new jeans b/c the ones I have are getting baggy. I bought 10s!!!!! I went from a size 18/20 to a size 10, and one pair of jeans I bought said 9/10s
    Can you believe it, single numbers!!! I can see the size 6's I will get there.

    hie... how long did it take u to lose 56lbs?? i need to lose 55lbs and at the moment im finding it abit hard to keep up. i am joining in on this valentine's day challenge!!
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