Jillian Michaels DVDs.

Does anyone have any input as to which videos you should do first and others you should work your way up to? Working full time and being in college full time leaves me little time go work out.. I like how Jillian Michaels gives a tough workout in a short amount of time.


  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    I love her kickboxing and like the good, old 30 day shred. Ripped in 30 was a bit much for me as a beginner.
  • NicoleSchimmel
    NicoleSchimmel Posts: 162 Member
    I like starting with 30DS followed by Ripped in 30. After those two, you should feel comfortable to do any of them.

    Have fun! I have a love/hate relationship with Jiilian!
  • sarabeth120
    sarabeth120 Posts: 172 Member
    I love Jillian Michaels! I've been doing her workout DVDs since January and I have gone from a size 10 to a size 4/6 (depending the brand). She is amazing!

    I actually started with her 30 day shred because I had very little experience with working out like that. Before, I had just been walking on a treadmill and using an elliptical. So, if that's like you, I suggest you start there since it's definitely her easiest work out. I also like it because she shows beginner and advanced modifications; plus the workouts are all less than thirty minutes. Some of her other stuff is longer.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I love Jillian Michaels' DVDs. My favorite at the moment is one workout from Kickbox Fast Fix followed by one from Ripped in 30. I also like doing two Kickbox Fast Fix workouts, when I'm shorter on time (they're 20 minutes each).

    My other favorites are Extreme Shed and Shred, Killer Buns and Thighs, and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism.

    30 Day Shred is probably a good place to start. Body Revolution is another that I found fairly easy as a beginner. Killer Buns and Thighs (especially level 2, dear god) and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism are the ones I find a bit tougher. The others are somewhere in between.

    But she offers modifiers with her workouts, so if you're finding something too easy, or too challenging, you can change it a bit. It also makes it easy to stick with a workout you like as your ability progresses.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I'd say 30 Day Shred. It's pretty low impact and easy, but the results are consistently awesome. I'm doing Body Revolution right now and it's so awesome. I've already lost almost 10 lbs and 10 inches and I'm just starting week 4. It's not easy, but it's very well rounded and maybe something to consider after trying out one of the 30 day programs to get you started.
  • CaptainMilda
    CaptainMilda Posts: 127 Member
    30DS is amazing, you can see the difference really fast, and followed by ripped in 30 is perfect, you'll see big changes.

    six week six-pack is also great.
  • sag494
    sag494 Posts: 23
    the no trouble zones always does me in. I can usually only do 20 minutes and the next day im so sore its hard to sit. After a while it gets easier and it targets everywhere women normally have problems.
  • SierraZulu
    30 Day Shred. The first few times will kick your butt and you'll think you can't do it, but, as you keep going it gets easier and you start to see how much stronger you are each time, and how much more you can do and that is motivating! I do 30DS and mix in the kickboxing one for variety, and the yoga meltdown plus normal yoga. I get bored too easily! LOL I love 30DS because it's only 20 min and I figured if it's going to be horrible, it's only 20 min - I can do that much. And now, I love it!
  • lionellesanders
    lionellesanders Posts: 19 Member
    Totally agree with everyone, also started with 30DS and after couple days of level 2 added Killer buns and thighs (hopefully will do that twice a week while doing 30DS 6 times.
    30DS seems pretty easy after Buns and thighs =))) And seen comments on other videos that they are pretty tough.
  • teinabarlow
    teinabarlow Posts: 6 Member
    Well THANK YOU. I really appreciate your post because I was looking for where to start. I have a few of Jillian's videos, but which one will give me a body-shape change so I'm motivated to keep going? I am REAL BEGINNER - like I can jog 90 seconds at a time when doing a walk-run program on the treadmill. My cardio sucks. Also I have Rheumatoid Arthritis that has really been hurting my elbows lately so I've been lazy for a couple of weeks.

    SO - when I start, if I can't keep going what do I do? Just break while she keeps going, or do I pause the video until I catch my breath?

    And the next day, do I do Day 2 or do you take a break between the days....?

    I am pear-shaped and have about 20 lbs to get back to where I was 12 years ago. Thanks for any advice you can offer!
  • fortally
    I think these might have been her first (?) - Frontside & Backside are geared towards beginners. They are both just straight up circuit training. Some people don't like them because it is a plain white background & no music, but when I was first starting I loved them because it was almost like being with a trainer (and focusing on form rather than trying to keep up). Once I learned the routines I put her on mute & played my own music.

    When I first started I tried 30 Day Shred and lasted maybe 3 minutes. It was way too advanced for me. Frontside/Backside let me go at my own pace - might be a good place to start? After a while I worked up to her other dvds.

    Amazon's got it for pretty cheap:


    All the best!
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I started with 30 Day Shred years ago. Then I went to Ripped in 30. The only problem I have with those two DVDs is that you are expected to do the same workout for at least one week. It gets kinda old. They are both very affordable DVDs though and both good workouts.

    I am on my second round of Body Revolution, which I love. There program is 12-13 weeks, 3 Phases, and the workouts change every 2 weeks with the exception of a Cardio DVD that you use through the entire Phase (4 weeks). So you have three different workout DVDs you use during those two weeks. One focuses on front of body, one on back of body (you do each of those twice), and the Cardio DVD that is done twice a week. Some of the moves are from her other DVDs and she does have modifiers. I think I would have just started with Body Revolution if it was available.
  • HawaiianGoddess
    Im doing 30ds with 3x week of my elliptical.... im going to incorporate killer buns in 3x a weeks as well... on top of I do old school sit ups 100 3x a week:) After 30ds ill be doing ripped in 30 along with what im doing currently:)