Can't seem to stay motivated



  • strangeone25
    strangeone25 Posts: 114 Member
    Remember this you will probably get better grades and be able to focus better if you spend some time every day being active.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
  • XgalEvey
    For me, sites like this. And my best friend, who also has this app. Even when I go WAY over what I should or have a bad food day I think of how easily I could have done better and try to pass that on the following days.

    I gained a bunch of weight at the end of college because I wasn't in sports anymore and just walking a lot more often was a huge help. And cutting down on soda almost completely.
  • mboski2
    mboski2 Posts: 13 Member
    A few things have been working great for me. First, I found 2 friends at work that wanted to do MFP. We have been great at movtivating each other. We even had 3 others join us a work and that helps us be accountable when those birthday cupcakes come around.

    Second, I list EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth. A lot of days my diary looks awful but it stayed under calories and I was honest with myself. That helps keep it under control. I also keep it around 1500 net so I dont feel like I am starving.

    Third, my daughter and I went to Direct tv on deman (I am sure other cables or dishes have this too) and recorded all the Extreme Weight Loss shows with Chris Powell. They really gave us some inspiration. If those people at 300+ and 400+ can get it moving then so can we!
  • knucklesammie
    knucklesammie Posts: 196 Member
    i love this site, and fitspo people on tumblr and instagram! and facebook too! best of luck on your college journey :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    When your goals are more intrinsic than extrinsic, staying motivated is much easier. Here's another thread I wrote on it:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    I just do it. Don't think, don't "try", just DO. Everyday, no excuses.

    This. There is no "motivation" for me. I decided I wanted to live a healthy lifestyle, so I just do it. No excuses. I can only imagine how my life would be if I only did things I felt "motivated" to do. What if I only paid bills when it sounded better than sitting on the couch? What if I only went grocery shopping when I was excited about cooking? What if I only went to work when I woke up energized?
  • Karen_bug
    Something that really helps me stay motivated it watching success stories on youtube or even people's weight loss journeys
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Well, if you're in college you can always do intramurels and in the summer there are always bar leagues of everything from bean bags to softball.
  • godsgrl33
    godsgrl33 Posts: 307 Member
    So, you're going off to college, and I'm sure you don't want to gain the freshman 15. It's simple, really. Burn off more than you eat. Join the college gym, or walk to classes if you can. Record every "BLT" (bite, lick, or taste) into MFP. You can do this.
  • Cynnie20012
    Cynnie20012 Posts: 33 Member
    To me nothing works as much as staying/becoming motivated to be attractive to oneself and to person we love.
    And also, once I saw a fitness motivator on web: "To be able to wear whatever the f**k I want" :)
  • louisegibbs85
    louisegibbs85 Posts: 304 Member
    My reflection keeps me motivated lol ... I don't want to look like that anymore, I also daydream a lot, think about Christmas and fitting into a nice fitted red dress ...... how I'll look and feel, or being able to shop for nice pair of jeans which will sit nicely on my hips rather than having everything hanging over them haha. Reading success stories shows that what I want is achievable ... it isn't a 'if..but or maybe' CAN be done! (Also Beyonce videos ;p)
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    My initial motivation was my health. Never really cared about how I looked, felt fitness wise, or what the number on the scale said. I was almost 500 lbs for most of my 20's. In my late 20's I discovered I had type II diabetes and that was finally triggered it for me to change. I had to take 6 different medications to control it along with high blood pressure and cholesterol. 3 years later and 200 lbs less, I don't need to take take medications anymore since I no longer have the diabetes or the other stuff. I look and feel better. My current motivation is to stay diabetes and meds free. I also am noticing I can wear nicer clothes that I couldn't wear before. Also attention from the opposite sex is a nice bonus. In the past it was non-exsistent.
  • karlahere
    karlahere Posts: 79 Member
    ^ Fantastic job, mate! You're a living success story.

    I always try to beat my personal best. If you're a numbers freak (like me), logging all minutes, reps, distances and other relevant numbers helps a lot. I always get psyched to see images and graphs of progress.

    Stay on course devhutch, because we're rooting for each other here!
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    I honestly cannot stay motivated either.

    Many people will think this is hokey but...I have gone to a psychic and MORE THAN ONCE she has told me during different random reads that I need to get control of my weight. With her as my biggest support and the support of friends and family I am attempting this journey again… There are two people right now in my life that are my biggest motivators when it comes to this diet I am on, one is doing it too, and so far that has helped me from cracking. I nearly gave up today because I was suffering from cravings and I was nearly in tears. But with their help they aided me through this process.

    I will be honest with you, I still lack the motivation. I have been on MFP for years. Sometimes it works for me and sometimes I fall off the horse. I always seem to come back though. I know it is hard to find motivation to keep on the drive, I hope that, if you want, add me to your friends list and we can go through this journey together. Through the hard times and the good times. I am always there to listen.
  • anabellarella
    Everyone loses motivation.
    You've just got to keep looking forward and think of the rewards ahead :)
  • devhutch10
    devhutch10 Posts: 13 Member
    i love this site, and fitspo people on tumblr and instagram! and facebook too! best of luck on your college journey :)

    Much thanks (:
  • devhutch10
    devhutch10 Posts: 13 Member
    My initial motivation was my health. Never really cared about how I looked, felt fitness wise, or what the number on the scale said. I was almost 500 lbs for most of my 20's. In my late 20's I discovered I had type II diabetes and that was finally triggered it for me to change. I had to take 6 different medications to control it along with high blood pressure and cholesterol. 3 years later and 200 lbs less, I don't need to take take medications anymore since I no longer have the diabetes or the other stuff. I look and feel better. My current motivation is to stay diabetes and meds free. I also am noticing I can wear nicer clothes that I couldn't wear before. Also attention from the opposite sex is a nice bonus. In the past it was non-exsistent.
    Daaaaang that's amazing! If you can do all that then I can certainly make a few adjustments to live healthier (:
  • devhutch10
    devhutch10 Posts: 13 Member
    ^ Fantastic job, mate! You're a living success story.

    I always try to beat my personal best. If you're a numbers freak (like me), logging all minutes, reps, distances and other relevant numbers helps a lot. I always get psyched to see images and graphs of progress.

    Stay on course devhutch, because we're rooting for each other here!

    Thanks, girl!! :D
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