Newbie - really wanting motivation (daily?) and support!!!



  • jlc041979
    jlc041979 Posts: 385 Member
    Feel free to add me too. I'm online everyday.
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    I sent you a friend request and you still haven't added me. Was it the cheeseburger? Son, I am disappoint.
  • kazlee66
    kazlee66 Posts: 25
    Hi. I'm 30 years old and live in Melbourne VIC feel free to add me also. I've got a journey ahead of me but have recently lost 11kg and am going to the gym 3 times per week at the moment. and loving it!

    best of luck on your journey.
  • martaducak1
    martaducak1 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello All. My name Is Marta, I'm a 28 year old ex cheerleader who has always been a bit "fluffy" although, now at this point, I look back at my pics of when I was in high school and college (when I thought i was soooo big) and i would DIE to look like that again. THAT was not fat, THIS is! I am now almost 30 kilos overweight (I say kilos bc I live in Europe :) Anyway, I am trying desperately to get under 55 kilos so I can finally be happy by my 30th birthday. I have tried and tried and failed and failed (Im sure everyone has been there) I have also been diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease recently which is a bummer, but what sucks, is that my TSH level is still in the top of the "ok" range and is not above it to where I need hormone replacement. So basically my thyroid is under-active and I cant do anything about it! Which REALLY sucks. BUT i want to work through that. I want to ignore that and not make anymore excuses because I KNOW i can. I know what to do and how to do it (I was a personal trainer back in my prime) but I just need to motivation to do it! So all those out there who can relate.. please friend me as I need the motivation and I am always there to offer motivation and my professional advise as far as training goes!
  • Also fairly new here, if anyone wants to add a 23yo guy from the perpetually near-collapse country of Belgium, feel free to add me!
    I'm a student and only missed about 2 days since my two weeks of fitnesspalling.

    Let's keep each other motivated ^^
  • inflames95
    inflames95 Posts: 15 Member
    hey im 21 and on here daily :) anyone feel free to add me..... lets motivate!!
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    I feel your pain - my friends in real life aren't really interested in going to the gym and such - I am friends with the fitness instructor at my gym - but almost all the people I work with or hang out with just aren"t interested... I am so glad that I found the MFP community so I can share my triumph and struggles here with people who understand.
    I am on here every single day and I love it.
    anyhow FR sent...