Ate Fried Food and Feel Guilty

I never ever ever eat fried food. I would consider myself to be a rather clean eater and a conscious eater and food tracker. Today I went to an all-day concert and allowed myself to have a Mike's Hard Lemonade and a FRIED chicken slider, and now I am home and I realize that I am not only OVER my calories for the day, but I am also over them because of those two "dirty" foods. I almost want to just throw it up. :embarassed: I have NEVER EVER felt like this before. :sad: :ohwell:

Oh and I wasn't able to workout today, so that is just throwing fuel on the fire.


  • tarashley13
    tarashley13 Posts: 114 Member
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    It's going to happen sometimes, can't avoid it forever.

    You won't be over your calories enough to gain weight. Pick yourself up and go back to your normal routine.
  • adamalle
    adamalle Posts: 88 Member
    Honestly... So what? Are you still under for the week?

    So you ate something "bad" and couldn't work out? What's the worst that's going to happen? Do you think that just because you ate something fried and didn't exercise that you'll re-gain the 11lb you've lost?

    Nope, it doesn't work like that.

    Just carry on as normal, you'll be fine - don't beat yourself up over one day when there is a goal to achieve and progress has already been made.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    It's going to happen sometimes, can't avoid it forever.

    You won't be over your calories enough to gain weight. Pick yourself up and go back to your normal routine.

    We all do this every now and then. we are human beings, we mess up. the important thing is not to feel guilty (it just prolongs the agony) and to move on.
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    Eats one bad thing. Gives up on diet.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    So has the world ended because you ate fried food? Has anyone died as a result? If it bothers you, learn from it and don't do it again.
  • jennarue
    jennarue Posts: 11 Member
    It happens. I know you feel blah. But it is good that you at least acknowledge that it was a bad day and will "recover" quickly. You are a gym fiend. :) Don't beat yourself up too much. You are human.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Maybe try not to label foods as "bad", "dirty"' etc. and see how that works for you?
  • karlahere
    karlahere Posts: 79 Member
    Maybe try not to label foods as "bad", "dirty"' etc. and see how that works for you?

    I guess it's just a perspective thing, yeah? Instead of getting bummed, take it as a personal challenge to do better next time. (I do hope the slider was effin awesome and worth the guilt! :D)
  • tarashley13
    tarashley13 Posts: 114 Member
    Thank you all so much!

    Yes, the slider was amazing, but MAN is it killing me today. I body feels like I ate poison.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Poison? Was fried in strychnine?
  • 4homer
    4homer Posts: 457 Member
    Thank you all so much!

    Yes, the slider was amazing, but MAN is it killing me today. I body feels like I ate poison.
    I think that could more mental then anything because you allready labeled it bad before you even ate it, i could be wrong. Anyway it wont kill your diet or anything, smile--move on--and do you.
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    Did you add in the calories burned from being at the concert? I assume you were probably standing/dancing/ walking around at the event burning calories. One "bad" day is not going to ruin your diet. I usually have a cheat day every week and still lose weight consistently! Feeling bad and guilty about it is only going to make your mood bad and ruin your motivation, so just accept that it happened and move on from it! :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Food shouldn't make you feel guilty. That's an issue right there in and of itself. You need to develop a better relationship with food; there is no such thing as good or bad food...just food. Yes, certain foods are more nutrient dense than others but it's all fuel. Nothing inherently wrong with fried chicken...that's some good protein right there and so long as you're not stuffing yourself with deep fried goodies on a daily basis, it's really not a big deal.

    Also, over on your calorie what. My guess is you're on a rather unrealistic 1200 calorie plan to begin with...keep in mind that your calorie goal has a massive deficit from maintenance built 800 to 1000 calories if you're doing 1200 calories. Going over by a couple hundred isn't a biggie.

    Just calm down.
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    This "good food, bad food" and "all or nothing" mentality is what I think derails most people. They splurge one day, or miss a workout, then think "I failed!!!". Or even worse : "might as well give up" or "I'll restart Monday."

    Accept it as a normal part of living and enjoying life. Resume your healthy food & exercise regimen, and be content that, overall, you have a healthy lifestyle.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It was amazing, so it was worth it. Don't sweat it. It's when I go over my calories for something that wasn't even that good that I get upset, lol!
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    Food shouldn't make you feel guilty. That's an issue right there in and of itself. You need to develop a better relationship with food; there is no such thing as good or bad food...just food. Yes, certain foods are more nutrient dense than others but it's all fuel. Nothing inherently wrong with fried chicken...that's some good protein right there and so long as you're not stuffing yourself with deep fried goodies on a daily basis, it's really not a big deal.

    Also, over on your calorie what. My guess is you're on a rather unrealistic 1200 calorie plan to begin with...keep in mind that your calorie goal has a massive deficit from maintenance built 800 to 1000 calories if you're doing 1200 calories. Going over by a couple hundred isn't a biggie.

    Just calm down.

    This, completely this.

    If you keep this up, you're heading for a slippery slope to orthorexia.
  • jasperthecathannah
    Guilt is a useless emotion - don't worry about it just keep working! One slip isn't going to ruin your progress x
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    you should reconsider your unhealthy labeling of foods